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Topic: Recommend some people for me to follow on Twitter  (Read 7262 times)

Victor Laszlo

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Recommend some people for me to follow on Twitter
I need something that updates frequently to satisfy my ADD, but I need a mental health break from the news.  Twitter helps but I only follow like 30 people, half of that is medical stuff and I need more updates.

People/entities who post often but not too much (nobody has 20 interesting thoughts a day)
Posts are not a majority self-promotion.  Some is expected, but no accounts that exist to steer people to a podcast.
Funny is very nice, but also people who are thoughtful/insightful about creative stuff.
Minimal references to current events.  I ad-blocked the "trending" tab on Twitter.

Emo Philips
BestOfNextdoor/AITA - sure some are fake, but it's entertaining reading
@tvaziri - Todd Vaziri is a movie CGI guy who posts a lot about cool SFX in movies and how they were done.  I would like this about music, writing, movies, etc

Thanks ballpit!

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Twitter is the best ADHD trap ever built.

https://twitter.com/illufinch?s=20 - pixel artist that does some amazing work and posts regularly

https://twitter.com/GurdeepPandher?s=20 - Canadian who posts videos of him doing the Bhangra all across Canada. Just a relentless force for positivity.

https://twitter.com/CrabDay?s=20 - posts a very good crab every day, and almost always credits the photographer

https://twitter.com/DwarfFortBugs?s=20 - post Dwarf Fortress bugs, all of them pretty great. "4870: Cats adopt dwarves even while game is paused."

https://twitter.com/safifesse?s=20 - artist Safiya Zerrougui who does gorgeous work pulling from her Kabyle heritage.

https://twitter.com/bonusroundbun?s=20 - photo account for bunnies Bonus and Rhubarb, both incredibly cute

https://twitter.com/foxfeather?s=20 - artist, conservation educator, & wildlife rehabber in Minnesota, on a mission to help save the world's vultures!

https://twitter.com/ThurstonWaffles?s=20 - Thurston Waffles, the most screaming cat.

https://twitter.com/OOCporn?s=20 - Out of context porn clips, sometimes safe for work, all of them bad and confusing.

https://twitter.com/obviousplant_?s=20 - artist that makes bootleg fake toys.

https://twitter.com/bombsfall?s=20 - game designer Scott Benson, guy who made Night in the Woods. Sometimes political, but mostly cat tweets and art stuff. Real stand up guy.

https://twitter.com/so_engery?s=20 - artist Marie Enger, has a great grungy punk style

https://twitter.com/shingworks?s=20 - artist Der-Shing Helmer. Not only good art, but is raising a flock of quails and has an impressive succulent collection.

https://twitter.com/Kekeflipnote?s=20 - artist Keké, does little bouncing animations on a Nintendo DS. Almost positive you've run into his work somewhere in the wild.

https://twitter.com/itslittletunny?s=20 - one of my favorite artists, Grace Gogarty/Little Tunny. Currently raising a rescue momma cat and her kitten.

https://twitter.com/spacecoyotl?s=20 - artist Nina Matsumoto, an absolutely amazing illustrator and product designer, and seems like a cool person.

That's all I can think of at the moment, filtering out all of the super political people I follow.
Victor Laszlo Salubrious Rex thelizzerd
« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 06:54:58 pm by Guy Ferrari »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Macho Masc Sangy Savage A Meat Victor Laszlo Salubrious Rex


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Pulp Librarian posts old clip covers and such. It’s more interesting than it sounds.

Victor Laszlo Salubrious Rex


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Byzantium Live is a twitter account going through the history of Constantinople via the imagined tweets and thoughts of its emperors. Very amusing to break up your twitter feed with "20 august 723. I know everyone said I shouldnt but lets sort out this Iconoclasm thing for real this time". It's also good to see them dictate their own death, which they would absolutely do


Every day this person posts a drawing from a world of cute young nuns and the many ducks they live with. Really draws you in
Victor Laszlo

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Adoptable Buns -  https://twitter.com/AdoptableBuns?s=20

Mostly to find images to send my friend, but it's also fun to speculate which of the buns has committed crimes (it's all of them).



This one has totally raised a barn or two
Semantic Weeb


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every star wars character, posting a character from wookiepedia every hour, if you want to learn about some obscure guys.

Achilles' Heelies

Semantic Weeb

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which of the buns has committed crimes (it's all of them).
As someone who lives with buns, can confirm that 100% of buns are criminals.
Great Joe Macho Masc Sangy Savage Ashto


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People on twitter who I follow and like what they post:

https://twitter.com/CubeApril- She posts a lot of nerdy stuff especially related to magic the gathering. Posts polls a lot which are interesting.

https://twitter.com/davidrazi - Animator and artist. Posts interesting things sometimes

https://twitter.com/engineers_feed - engineering content

I'm a bad judge at telling how interested others would be in things I'm interested in, so my apologies if these aren't really the vibe.

and idk if you're that despite to follow random people, here's my twitter:  https://twitter.com/calmfulspider - posts whatever I'm thinking occasionally

Victor Laszlo

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I'm a bad judge at telling how interested others would be in things I'm interested in, so my apologies if these aren't really the vibe.thelizzerd, November 10, 2021, 09:52:07 pm
It's cool dude, the whole idea is discovering new things.  So [yay] yay lizzerd! [yay]

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Shout out to Portaxx for suggesting the Good Faces Twitter account. Every day when I doom scroll it gives me a nice little laugh. It has an incredible variety of sources too.

Immoral Filth Salubrious Rex

Shell Game

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Scott Benson, the guy who made hit game night in the woods, aka @bombsfall, is a very funny guy with two cute cats, a house he's remodeling, watches and comments on dumb tv, shares union activity, and is largely just chill about all these things. He just took up night sky photography.
Antivehicular Turtle


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Scott Benson, the guy who made hit game night in the woods, aka @bombsfall, is a very funny guy with two cute cats, a house he's remodeling, watches and comments on dumb tv, shares union activity, and is largely just chill about all these things. He just took up night sky photography.
Shell Game, December 11, 2021, 02:04:37 pm
Seconding this one, and strongly recommending you read through the saga of his cats, which is the feel-good story of the year IMHO. (Spoiler for cat medical issues: one of his kittens, Sid, had serious respiratory issues and general failure to thrive. Things were looking grim until the vets found and removed a huge nasal polyp. Sid bounced back really quickly and now, a year later, is huge and fluffy and delightful.)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Not every tweet is a hit, but when it's good:

Salubrious Rex Semantic Weeb