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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 165169 times)


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What's up with your username? #45
My username comes from the novels I'm trying to write. In them, Locclo is the king of the Reokeians (basically angels, they go by different names but refer to themselves as Reokeians) and since nobody but me has ever read my work outside of a few chapters, I figured I'd go with it.

The series is called Chronicles of Light (CoL), and for a long time, I used the acronym to break up chapter segments - CoLLoC. Eventually, I decided that it was a decent name for a character, and so Colloc was born, the ruler of the Peiakeians (the sort of demonic counterparts to the Reokeians). Back at the time, I had the stunningly good idea (/sarcasm) of naming counterparts using reversed or rearranged names, so Locclo became the leader of the Reokeians.
Locclo, May 01, 2013, 08:37:09 pm

Lemon, I thought you said that you blocked Amy Lee from coming here!
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What's up with your username? #46
You guys make me feel so good about my writing. :P


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What's up with your username? #47
it's cool i had a character named fe'lll'sk at one point
granted it was in a  fanfic i wrote when i was 14 but hey you are not alone in silly name land

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What's up with your username? #48
You guys make me feel so good about my writing. :P
Locclo, May 02, 2013, 05:14:56 pm
What, would you prefer a hugbox? They're not very good for artistic development. A lot of people are bad writers, or get way into needless adjectives. Even Tolkien stuck with 'dwarves' or 'elves' generally, and you're probably not Tolkien.

Like icarus says, a lot of people do this! It's just that that doesn't make it not mockable.


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What's up with your username? #49
You guys make me feel so good about my writing. :P
Locclo, May 02, 2013, 05:14:56 pm

A really important Internet rule is you don't want to talk about The Novel I'm Writing.  You...you don't, okay?

Jegus the last time this happened I ended up reading a Raggedy Ann and Andy rape scene while the author went ISN'T IT DEEP and I tried to find the eject button and there wasn't one


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What's up with your username? #50
delcat no my childhood


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What's up with your username? #51
To be fair they're a good person and a lot of their "novel" concept is actually pretty intriguing, but uh yeah there's just some things you don't expect to find out within the first thirty minutes of meeting someone on AIM.  I don't know that people always know just how clearly their writing can portray their inner workings/issues.


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What's up with your username? #52
I was a PoE lurker, and needed a screen name to post after I started playing L4D on the PoE servers. So I stared at the stuff on my desk, and I had a copy of Maurice Sendak's Nutshell Library on my desk. Nutshell Library did not sound butch enough for killing zombies, so I went with Nutshell Gulag instead. The end.


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What's up with your username? #53
There are a ton of various interpretations of my username “Down10,” so I like to hear what other people imagine it means. I have several that I made up myself, and have heard at least a dozen other guesses.

The short answer: I was searching for a domain name in 1999 to host my graphic design portfolio. While I wanted down.com or 10.com, they were already taken. Down10.com was not. And so it stuck. I've also been incredibly lucky in securing the name across Twitter and Facebook and most of those sites, so I'm a bit married to it by now.

I think the crowning achievement for my user name was having it acknowledged by none other than Brüno (Sasha Baron Cohen):
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 09:39:57 pm by Down10 »


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What's up with your username? #54
I think it is a play on Downton Abbey.


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What's up with your username? #55
I think it is a play on Downton Abbey.
Isfahan, May 04, 2013, 09:38:20 pm
Yeah, you seem like a honky who lives in a church.


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What's up with your username? #56
All my user names come from combining a random prefix with a random suffix. The idea is to create a name so polysyllabic and nonindicative that no one else would think of it, forget it, or have any associations with it. The name I use on this site does not adhere to this pattern, however, since it's derived from the Greek word meaning "alien" with the word "mantid" (i.e., a praying mantis). In other words, an insect-person from outer space. I love science fiction and have an abiding (and, fortunately, non-sexual) interest in insects, and I felt that I'd generated one non sequitur too many.


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What's up with your username? #57
Mine is a dumbass Homestar Runner reference. All my usernames are dumbass Homestar Runner references. It's part of a quote from the gelatin form of Mashie the Marshmallow: "I'M AN ABOMINATION! And I'm comin' to YOUR house after school!"
Hell, even my avatar is Tenerence Love, the finest R&B singer in Free Country, USA. If you can guess what website/cartoon played a major role in my formative internet years, you win no points.

Emperor Jack Chick

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What's up with your username? #58
Have you read my webcomic? You should read my webcomic.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech


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What's up with your username? #59
Jack Chick, do you think someone could take the text in a Chick tract and turn it into metal lyrics?