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February 13, 2025, 10:46:09 am

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Feb 12 10:26pm
I wonder if there's a porno out there with a guy in it named Mao ZeDONG. There MUST be, right?? I can just imagine "bear mao zeDONG fucks twink chiang BI-shek in his Kuomintussy"
Feb 12 04:07pm
People will sure spend a lot of time complaining about entertainment industry awards without ever bothering to learn how they work.
vaMpiresoftWare, February 03, 2025, 12:58:12 pm

Was watching a David Attenborough documentary at lunch and questioning why they bother giving tv awards to anyone except the person who picked the comedic soundtrack for the montage of penguins falling over, and then thought of this post.
Feb 12 01:04pm
I hope there's a Sichuanese restaurant in Szczecin that has their own Szczechuan sauce
Feb 12 07:04am

Easy Archive (post #3)

There are also podcast programs on computers that let you download in bulk if that helps you any
Feb 12 02:52am
I forgot I made these.

Feb 12 12:38am

Vinny Possum, February 10, 2025, 11:23:13 pm

There's not a lot of stuff on the internet that makes me actually, audibly groan anymore but boy howdy this sure does
Feb 12 12:38am

Easy Archive (post #3)

Yeah, no such zip file exists. However, echoing  daiquiri above, this is also a thing with Pocket Casts. You can download individual episodes in the UI, which is what I do when I'm getting ready to board a flight.
Feb 11 11:33pm

Easy Archive (post #3)

Maybe not the solution you're looking for, but I use podcast addict to listen to things.

You can add the podcast, click into it, and download unplayed episodes. You can set it so it won't delete played podcasts if you'd like to keep them around.
Feb 11 04:20pm
I realize this entire thread is exactly the kind of stuff my business thrives on

161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
Adam Bozarth: "Guess what nerd? It was Football Congress!"
Feb 11 03:01pm
Gir from Invader Zim loves to make waffles because that's literally his character. He's a waffler. He waffles on about bullshit all the time. That's it. That's the joke. It's a wordplay joke, but it is one, it's not a random, monkey cheese non-sequitur. It has basically been a quarter of a century since the show aired and I finally got it, and I only got it now because you lot kept telling me it didn't make sense. It does make sense. You dullards. It is good to make a waffle.
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