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September 10, 2024, 12:54:55 pm

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Aug 29 07:25pm
Thanks for using 6060 842, Lemon.

Also sorry for my readings everyone I think that was the week I had a bunch of teeth removed.
Shell Game, August 22, 2024, 07:53:04 pm

Shell I forget your exact phrasing but "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism except for my stuff" might be the best thing that's been said on this podcast.

And I'm including all of my jokes in that assessment, so you know I mean it!
Aug 28 11:04pm
There's a building in the City of London affectionately called the Walkie Talkie, which melted someone's brand new Jaguar.
Great Joe, August 28, 2024, 04:28:14 am

I see you also watch Plainly Difficult
CozyJosie, August 28, 2024, 05:09:04 pm
No, I listen to TRASHFUTURE
Aug 28 10:09pm
There's a building in the City of London affectionately called the Walkie Talkie, which melted someone's brand new Jaguar.
Great Joe, August 28, 2024, 04:28:14 am

I see you also watch Plainly Difficult
Aug 28 09:28am
There's a building in the City of London affectionately called the Walkie Talkie, which melted someone's brand new Jaguar.
Aug 28 05:20am
These readings are fascinating because they're so divorced from any sort of storytelling logic. At the same time, that's kind of what makes them good. You can't rely on your hack writer instinct like, "Obviously 'ioxygen addiction' is a euphemism and the twist will be that the cure for it is death by strangulation" but it's not a euphemism, and he does cure it by strangulation but that's not a twist.

Also the scariest thing in the world is people aging at weird rates.
Aug 27 08:53pm
how did noah handle ring species?
Aug 27 06:40pm
TIL about jolt
Aug 27 06:29pm
Some of these had the same vibes as game descriptions in the old DS shop
Dr. Buttplug, May 05, 2024, 08:22:39 pm

Not too different from some of the Switch game descriptions.
Aug 27 05:38pm
This person is all creativity with no substance and less patience. If this guy hung out with Stephen King we might actually get some good books out of him. Since he stopped doing cocaine I mean.
Aug 27 01:35pm
"I actually DID go to Semen Retention University, I'll have you know!"
"I'm wearing my SRU letterman jacket right now."
"I graduated Never Cum Laude."

Positive Stress and Boots Raingear, Retaining Composure
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