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October 14, 2024, 01:30:59 pm

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Topic: The Valence Effect  (Read 4469 times)

Sun Smasher

  • The one who consumes too much Whiskey
  • Paid
  • **** the sun
  • 99
  • 10
The Valence Effect
The Valence Effect

I MOVED THIS FROM WHERE IT WAS BEFORE. Sorry if I trick you into looking at this twice, not my intent, I just needed to move it to this new, safer place full of things other people have made. Whew. So. I run a Let's Play channel called the Valence Effect. Maybe you saw it when you heard of our beginner attempt at Wrongest Words? We intend on doing more now that we have more information on the best ways to play, but that's not why I'm posting.

Today I post because I would love it if you fine people took a look at some of the other videos on the channel and gave feedback. I have no intentions on becoming some sort of professional, I am just doing this for fun with my friends and am honestly enjoying it with or without a viewer base.

I know it's just one more "Let's Play" channel in a literal ocean of "Let's Play", and I don't expect to be the best, but perhaps I can garner a few more genuine viewers and real feedback/critiques from anyone here.

So, if you're so inclined, check us out.
