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October 14, 2024, 12:44:32 pm

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Topic: [SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack  (Read 29996 times)


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[SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack
We were actually recording a completely unrelated episode when we stumbled across this content by accident. So, we just did what comes naturally to a young man.


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Re: [SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack
While Braking Bad is certainly a deliberately poorly-written fanfic, once again I'd like to remind everyone that we find entertainment value more important than authenticity.


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Re: [SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack
Absolutely agreed there. Even a deliberately badly-written fic can be entertaining when read in the right voices. :D


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Re: [SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack
Honestly, almost all horrible fanfic is deliberately bad.  They write it for whatever entertainment reasons they wrote it for, so it's only fitting to enjoy such things.  I will steadfastly and aggressively defend this position to the death.

As for the genuinely awful authors, they usually do improve in some manner or another, or at least stop writing.  A person with a large body of bad writing is a fake, though Amanda McKittrick Ros is certainly an exception to this rule.


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[SHORT] Braking Bad: Allens Attack #4
Where are the ZOMBIE GOASTS?