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Topic: 354: This One Is For My Gull Girls  (Read 55948 times)


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #45
I'm gonna say generally if you're asking, you are not ready for a top hat. You need to have the confidence of either the effortlessly cool, or the terminally dorky, so either you can pull it off because you're just that good, or you can't pull it off but you don't give a shit because you're having a good time.

The secret to weird fashion is just not taking anyone else's opinions into account and letting the stupid hats fall where they may.
Puppy Time, May 15, 2021, 10:55:43 pm
the coolest accessory is CONFIDENCE!!
Puppy Time jim and the mammograms Zemyla

Puppy Time

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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #46
Nah the coolest accessory is the Reebok Pump
Dr. Buttplug


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #47
I'm not saying top hats are impossible to look good in in 2021 (I am lowkey obsessed with how well Debbie Ngarewa-Packer pulls it off) but I need to add a really important caveat:

Top hats are fine except on white dudes.

I'm sorry but I see a white dude in a top hat and I know that I can either run like hell or spend an hour hearing his opinions about the local kink community and the local TTRPG community and it's gonna do to my soul what the arc of the covenant does to nazi faces.
Puppy Time chai tea latte jim and the mammograms


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #48
did you know he's a shitty dom winky face emoji devil emoji

ham burger

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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #49
I'm sorry but I see a white dude in a top hat and I know that I can either run like hell or spend an hour hearing his opinions about the local kink community and the local TTRPG community and it's gonna do to my soul what the arc of the covenant does to nazi faces.
Muffinator, May 19, 2021, 01:01:45 am

every single time i've been accosted by a dude with a violet wand at a kink-leaning show asking if he can make me tingle, it's been a white guy in a tophat

and i understand that seems like something that shouldn't happen more than once but around philly burners/kink folks it seems to be a well understood greeting
jim and the mammograms


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #50
Confession: my ex and I got married wearing tophats, because that was her kind of trademark at the time, and I wanted to match... although, I say "match," her tophat was a fancy expensive one from London, and mine was bought from like, a Claire's at the mall, so there was a bit of a contrast there, hahahaha!

I don't think she wears it quite as much nowadays because she often wears noise-canceling headphones to help with her sensory issues, and that's hard to incorporate with a tophat :P
Puppy Time jim and the mammograms

Puppy Time

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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #51
Glue tophat on top of headphones. There, I have saved your ex's wardrobe from looking good


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #52
Glue tophat on top of headphones. There, I have saved your ex's wardrobe from looking good
Puppy Time, May 19, 2021, 06:11:42 pm

Then glue a gear, seagull feather, and/or plastic unicorn on the hat. For aesthetic!
Puppy Time jim and the mammograms Great Joe

jim and the mammograms

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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #53
Only if the top hat is bright or pastel colours, though.


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #54
Glue tophat on top of headphones. There, I have saved your ex's wardrobe from looking good
Puppy Time, May 19, 2021, 06:11:42 pm
"hey, you got me that nice birthday present a couple weeks ago and I'm enjoying reading over it, so to celebrate our continuing friendship, I bought a cheap tophat, cut holes out of it, and jammed headphones through it... NOW YOU CAN BE STYLISH *AND* SENSORILY COMFORTABLE"

she also owned a bowler hat and I used to wear it to our LARP meetings with a Count Chocula Tshirt and jeans

how did internet hat people miss the bowler hat, we've seen plenty of tophats, fedoras, and trilbies, but I swear I've never seen anybody taking up a bowler hat as their thing

Puppy Time

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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #55
Tricorn's where it's really at


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #56
I'm partial to boater.
Puppy Time


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #57
I'm not saying top hats are impossible to look good in in 2021 (I am lowkey obsessed with how well Debbie Ngarewa-Packer pulls it off) but I need to add a really important caveat:

Top hats are fine except on white dudes.

I'm sorry but I see a white dude in a top hat and I know that I can either run like hell or spend an hour hearing his opinions about the local kink community and the local TTRPG community and it's gonna do to my soul what the arc of the covenant does to nazi faces.
Muffinator, May 19, 2021, 01:01:45 am

A guessing game to play in LA: is the man in the top hat rolling over here to tell me about 1. Violet wands 2. Thelema or 3. Steampunk n mushrooms night in the Canyon?

My guess is you could swap out some of those site-specific words and this game could be played with white men in tall hats in any locale.
Puppy Time chai tea latte Diploskull


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #58
Was listening to this and I have a confession to make. High school me in like 2015-2016 used to listen to crywank. They're a real band they aren't that good. I may still have some of their songs in my Spotify likes.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2021, 11:06:15 pm by thelizzerd »


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354: This One Is For My Gull Girls #59
Was listening to this and I have a confession to make. High school me in like 2015-2016 used to listen to crywank. They're a real band they aren't that good. I may still have some of their songs in my Spotify likes.
thelizzerd, May 27, 2021, 11:03:46 pm

Sounds like a real tearjerker.
Dr. Buttplug jim and the mammograms Boots Raingear Puppy Time thelizzerd Great Joe Lemon cube abuser xdaringdamselx adrenochrome dome Sauce