This via some stupid, faux-inspirational Tumblr post with too many notes that footnotes the above two images with the text "t
here are parts of your future self in you waiting emerge but you have to become unrecognizable slime first" [sic] and I parenthetically add that there is a connection here far more weird and unnerving to be made about a process of complete dissolution and reconstruction of an object's, a living being's, metaphysical identity, something so alien to the usual human experience, a real life biological process that must produce a sense of vertigo, of dread, if one bothers to think through and recreate it in one's mind, but such an observation is glossed over in lieu of some dumb self-actualization one-liner
bullshit that appeals to the sickeningly teenage (mentally if not biologically) demographic of that website, so that, in fact, I am left with two additional things that I have learned: number one, I fucking love run-on sentences, and number two, I'll never stop being an arrogant hater that looks down on others in order to make himself feel better and it feels awesome to know I'm totally right in maintaining that mindset basically forever until I die.