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Topic: Worst art you've made per request of a friend  (Read 5162 times)


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Worst art you've made per request of a friend
I'm the best at art (which isn't saying much) of my friends. Sometimes you're playing a game and someone says "you should draw one of the worms as his lover" and that's how this image got created:

What's the worst art you've made for friends?


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A friend once challenged me to write Zoboomafoo erotica (NSFW)


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The variations on positive stress' avatar that I did a while back are probably it, but they sure weren't per request and I don't know if stress has ever considered me his friend afterwards, either.
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex

Shell Game

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The variations on positive stress' avatar that I did a while back are probably it, but they sure weren't per request and I don't know if stress has ever considered me his friend afterwards, either.
Spooks, August 29, 2021, 02:09:52 pm
you left out the best one