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Topic: Some more changes nobody asked for  (Read 6945 times)


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Some more changes nobody asked for
I dunno if any of you noticed this, but I was always bothered by how, if you went to the page with all the episodes, you'd get a grid of images, but if your browser didn't have the images loaded in yet, you'd just get this white emptiness while it loaded.

So, I just changed that. When you come to the page, there's a loading skeleton that gives you a bit of episode information, and then the image will lazyload over that.

This will affect any page with the grid structure - the other notable one being the "other projects" page.

Also, while I was at it, the grid structure could get kind of clumsy at 3, so now - there's no breakpoint that will display an odd number of images in a row.

That's all! Github Issue is here if you care, but otherwise bye!
thelizzerd Great Joe Salubrious Rex
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 02:12:01 pm by Lemon »


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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Some more changes nobody asked for #1
This happens on the /meet page as well.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Some more changes nobody asked for #2
Lemon tinkering on the FPlus website is just the web designer version of dads tinkering out in garages
thelizzerd jim and the mammograms


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Some more changes nobody asked for #3
Lemon tinkering on the FPlus website is just the web designer version of dads tinkering out in garages
Macho Masc Sangy Savage, December 11, 2021, 06:24:20 pm

He is a dad, we don't know he could keep his computer in the garage. This could be a literal thing and not just a metaphor.
Puppy Time