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February 13, 2025, 10:58:04 am

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Topic: Episode 143 - Area Snow Leopard Loses Job, Marbles  (Read 6748 times)

Shell Game

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« Last Edit: December 17, 2021, 01:05:57 pm by Shell Game »


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Y'all said to head on down to ball pit and share your 3rd shift stories. When I worked at Kroger, a man comes up and angrily asks why the deli isn't open. I told him the deli closes at 6pm on Sundays. He says to me "BUT IT'S 4pm?" I'm say "sir it's dark outside, it's 11pm". He says "NO IT'S 4PM IM GOING TO ASK ANOTHER EMPLOYEE" and walked away. I don't think Felkes would've been able to handle that LMAO.
Shell Game chai tea latte Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth Secret Gaygent 69