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Topic: Most Likeable Subject?  (Read 71214 times)


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Most Likeable Subject? #30
Two of them were labeled as debating which was better, but the actual body of the argument was "who would win in a fight." The Pokemon/Digimon thing then devolved into a play-by-post role-play fight where they just do the Cowboys & Indians deal with "I shot you!" "Nuh uh it missed!"
Isfahan, February 08, 2013, 10:47:07 pm

To quote George Lucas "It's like poetry, it rhymes"


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Most Likeable Subject? #31
Man, I'd love to turn reading shit aloud into a job, wouldn't you? I mean, vanity-press authors already pay to have their horrible shit published, so surely they'd pay to have their horrible shit audiobooked!

I want to be the Peter Graves of books on tape.
Isfahan, February 07, 2013, 03:06:58 pm
Fun fact: Erotica e-audiobooks are A Thing. I haven't gotten into them myself since it seems to be one of the things where you need a higher output / larger catalogue than I have, but I have occasionally dreamt of hearing y'all read my gay werewolf cowboys. Maybe if I ever extend that into a series so that it would actually be worth it...
Luna, February 07, 2013, 08:06:20 pm

Not gonna lie, I tried writing erotica to pay the bills and when that didn't work out, I considered reading other people's erotica to pay the bills.  Or at least bus fare.  Times're tough.

On that note, I would say I sympathize with (non-child-related) fetishists because they're being harmless and doing what they love, but pretty much all of the fetishists that have been read are also jaw-grindingly stupid people, so...the ones that aren't that, I guess.  Not that I can actually think of any offhand.  There are probably some.

Alpha Starsquatch

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Most Likeable Subject? #32
I'm gonna go with the guy who wants to wrap Roy Orbison in clingfilm. He's weird as fuck but strangely endearing. Also, the more I read about his book and his interviews the more I think he's just a very creative individual who wanted to amuse people by writing strange works of fiction about cling film.


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Most Likeable Subject? #33
Ulli is a likeable character because the guy writing as him nails the way a German would probably write in English if that German were good with English vocabulary but not syntax and usage.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Most Likeable Subject? #34
So, the podcast has covered a lot of rather loathsome individuals (PUAs, Anti-Vacs, people who hate Mexicans to a degree even other racists are uncomfortable with) and a lot has been said about which of them is the absolute worst, but I feel like not enough attention is given to the subjects who are actually kind of endearing. So I'm thinking we need to remedy that: What individual covered by the podcast do you think is the most genuinely likeable?

I'm going to get one of the obvious ones out of the way and nominate Hans Von Hozel, a fellow whose grasp of the english language is unfortunately not as strong as his passion for writing. There's this sort of sincerity in his batshit crazy fanfiction that really makes him seem like a genuinely decent guy who just sort of exists in a world we can only dream of inhabiting.
KingKalamari, February 06, 2013, 10:10:01 pm

Real dolls.


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Most Likeable Subject? #35
Proudly 100% white seems like a swell guy to swap childhood stories with.
objectivelyhorribleperson, February 13, 2013, 04:44:13 pm

Probably not so swell if you're not white yourself, but nevertheless he seems fun.


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Most Likeable Subject? #36
Well, to be fair, his name was Proudly100% and, based upon the conversation where we first discovered him, I figured he meant for his whole name to be Proudly100%White because he was the one who said the Bible was written by white people.

John Toast

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Most Likeable Subject? #37
I'm going to go real classic and say Adonis, if Adonis was indeed the kid who wouldn't stop talking about butt-licking.