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Topic: 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets  (Read 28769 times)

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I wish some of these people who get obsessed with proving they're vampires would get into the weirder elements of vampire lore, like the belief that vampires could turn into butterflies, but I guess none of these people think butterflies are hardcore enough

Victor Laszlo

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
As a kid, were you the strongest, smartest, or quickest kid in the class, and at around 16 years of age maybe all 3?
How did this one sneak onto the real vampire checklist?  No person who has ever been on that website was the strongest, smartest and fastest kid in the class, unless I guess they went to a boarding school for weenies.  Even in the fantasy world in your brain surely athletes exist.

If she floats in water, she's a witch!

Also the entire part about how a lot of people who think they are vampires are actually just mentally ill.

The Headache Paradox: It is scientifically impossible to have a headache, seeing that there are no pain receptors in the brain. Yet we continue to search for answers to what causes a headache, because we all know that headaches do exist.


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I would refer that would-be military vampire to perhaps consider joining ISIS? Lots of combat jobs, lots of close-quarters fighting, lots of blood. There's still that problem of the near-constant sunlight, though. Maybe consider opening an ISIS branch on the dark side of the moon?

edit: Here's a rediculously detailed Wikipedia chart about the characteristics of various vampires (e.g. trad. European vampires, the vampires in Varney the Vampire, Count Chocula, the vampires from Adventure Time, etc. etc. etc.)
Psammetichus, January 05, 2015, 02:36:05 pm
At the time I am writing this the last entry on that list links to a My Little Pony fanfiction. The internet, ladies and gentlemen!


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I'm really bummed nobody had to register for a forum to view any of this under the pseudonym count_actuala
chai tea latte Mister Smalls


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
No person who has ever been on that website was the strongest, smartest and fastest kid in the class, unless I guess they went to a boarding school for weenies.

Home school, class of 1.


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I'm still wondering about what happened to get this guy the domain name 'vampirewebsite.net'. Was it really a frustrating process like Lemon said, was it when he started punching in vaguely suitable names until he got one that he didn't actually want? Because vampirewebsite.net is a very specific, very simple address. Maybe it was his first choice, maybe he went 'my website about vampires HAS TO BE at the domain vampirewebsite.net, this is crucial'.

I prefer the third option, though: that some bizarre sequence of events outside of his control led to him owning the domain, and his natural response was 'welp, guess I'm a vampire now'.


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
This is relevant and you should all watch it cause it's a pretty good movie.


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I'm still wondering about what happened to get this guy the domain name 'vampirewebsite.net'. Was it really a frustrating process like Lemon said, was it when he started punching in vaguely suitable names until he got one that he didn't actually want? Because vampirewebsite.net is a very specific, very simple address. Maybe it was his first choice, maybe he went 'my website about vampires HAS TO BE at the domain vampirewebsite.net, this is crucial'.

I prefer the third option, though: that some bizarre sequence of events outside of his control led to him owning the domain, and his natural response was 'welp, guess I'm a vampire now'.
Cleretic, January 05, 2015, 10:18:45 pm

Oh, we're sorry!  The domain vampire.net is already taken!

Try one of these available options:
vampiresite.net  Available!
vampireweb.net  Available!
vampirewebsite.net  Available!
vampire.computer  Available!
vampirefetishcommunity.net  Available!
Lady Frenzy


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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I shouldn't want vampire.computer as much as I do.

chai tea latte

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I shouldn't want vampire.computer as much as I do.
THE TRUE JUICE, January 06, 2015, 02:30:58 pm
but what would you put on it?

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
vampire computers, duh


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
I suggest vampire.careers, vampire.pizza, and my new top favorite tld, vampire.website

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
vampi.re, for vampires from the french speaking island Reunion

Slayer of Yaks

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Episode 161: A Miserable Pile of Secrets
After listening to this episode, I am reminded of this song: