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Topic: Why Doesn't the F Plus Go As Hardcore As Lou Reads?  (Read 7051 times)


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The F Plus has done some nasty episodes, dick bugs, adult babies, etc., but the readers never go as far as Lou.  None of those go as nasty or disturbing as Bug Chasers, Cum on Food, monster cock Destruction or Dark Fetish.  Why don't you guys go as dark?

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The F Plus has done some nasty episodes, dick bugs, adult babies, etc., but the readers never go as far as Lou.  None of those go as nasty or disturbing as Bug Chasers, Cum on Food, monster cock Destruction or Dark Fetish.  Why don't you guys go as dark?
Smoking Crow, July 03, 2015, 12:41:37 am

Lou reads stuff straight, and personally I feel that format is the best way to present the ultra-dark stuff. Since we're a group of people making stupid jokes in silly voices, the really hardcore things hinder our format more than it'd help. It's just kind of hard to put on a goofy voice and crack jokes about someone trying to get HIV or a guy who's into flashing people. Just my two cents!

Boots Raingear

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It's kind of surprising that people haven't really submitted any Lou-level gross docs, not that I'm really complaining. Portaxx' assessment is pretty accurate.

I put together the sissykiss and adultdvdtalk docs, I don't think I'd want to spend time on anything more unpleasant than those.


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I was just going to say, I don't think there's anything that level of gross in the list of submitted docs or the rejected content, so the short answer would probably be 'because no one is submitting it'.

Be the change you want to see in the world, Smoking Crow (please do not be that change).

Emperor Jack Chick

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The F Plus has done some nasty episodes, dick bugs, adult babies, etc., but the readers never go as far as Lou.  None of those go as nasty or disturbing as Bug Chasers, Cum on Food, monster cock Destruction or Dark Fetish.  Why don't you guys go as dark?
Smoking Crow, July 03, 2015, 12:41:37 am

We tried to do some extremely dark stuff before. It ended up not working for the format and we scrapped it halfway through. When things get really dark it becomes hard to make fun of them.

Also I have no idea what Dark Fetish is, and I am at work so google is not available. Anyone care to SFW summarize?


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Also I have no idea what Dark Fetish is, and I am at work so google is not available. Anyone care to SFW summarize?
jack chick, July 03, 2015, 11:17:45 am

If I'm remembering the episode correctly, it was a forum of people sharing a lot of really messed up sexual fantasies involving bodily mutilation, limb amputation, things on the body that are not punching bags being used as punching bags, a lot of really messed up shit that was still physically possible and being done in private spaces, so it didn't set off the bullshit detector the way some of the weird fetish stuff the F Plus reads does.

But I think it was most notable because it came to Lou's attention as being a place frequented by a New York cop who turned out to be into cannibalism?

Man, someone get Lou in here.


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The way Lou approaches his stuff and the way we approach our stuff are much different.

Lou's show is about reading ghastly shit in the calmest tone of voice manageable, and that's where my enjoyment of the show comes from. You think he would break, but he never does. Plus, sometimes I like to make up car commercials in my head while I'm working, and Lou's tone is perfect for that. "Finally, a modern luxury sedan for the modern you. My girlfriend threw all my commissioned furry art out the window. Nissan Altima."

The F Plus is like nerds gathering in a corner at a bar and showing/telling each other weird shit. There's an energy and mood that's partially set by us and the content we're reading. It's sort of like a balance - we take cues from the content and run them through our heads, we make fun of it, we move onto the next thing with that energy and what we know, build off of that. Bummers have to be managed in moderation. If we're all shocked or just ready to kill entirely, it's not funny.
Mu. Puppy Time Digital Walnut Fanzay AlbieQuirky SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 01:34:27 pm by STOG »


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At this point, we've gotten good at looking at something and knowing immediately that we aren't going to get an episode out of it. The example that comes first to mind is pro-ana, which is just crushingly depressing and humorless. Someone submitted persistently racist posts from Stormfront or a Stormfront-like site, and we didn't touch it. The objective isn't to see how bad it can get (the correct answer is "worse"), but to find stuff with the absurdist jumping-off points needed for actual comedy. Just because something is submitted doesn't mean it'll get read.
Sherman Tank


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Yea I like having both Lou's just kinda somber 'here is just terrible, terrible, human beings' kinda stuff and also the F Plus' more light and joke focused 'here are some stupid, stupid, human beings'. It's a nice balance for internet safaris.


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I think one thing that helps Lou's format is that he's reading it alone, so there's no live discussion of the material as it's being read.  And talking about how people want to intentionally spread AIDS to unknowing partners.

I had that problem when I threw together the penis torture document.  There was one really gross story about a guy who decided he just didn't want his balls anymore, so he took a needle and, in uncomfortable detail, talked about how he pierced his testicles and dragged the needle around to slice it up from the inside.  That would've been more of a Lou thing since there was no bizarre setup like a card game or a Tom and Jerry contraption, just matter-of-fact talking about feeling his nuts die and rot away.

Sun Smasher

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I agree with above posters. You can't present that dark of stuff with a panel of people making fun of it. Lou just dumps information on you and walks away, leaving you to digest it for yourself. It's really the only way to talk about the things he brings up.

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I think one thing that helps Lou's format is that he's reading it alone, so there's no live discussion of the material as it's being read.  And talking about how people want to intentionally spread AIDS to unknowing partners.

I had that problem when I threw together the penis torture document.  There was one really gross story about a guy who decided he just didn't want his balls anymore, so he took a needle and, in uncomfortable detail, talked about how he pierced his testicles and dragged the needle around to slice it up from the inside.  That would've been more of a Lou thing since there was no bizarre setup like a card game or a Tom and Jerry contraption, just matter-of-fact talking about feeling his nuts die and rot away.
Cyberventurer, July 04, 2015, 09:23:00 am

What... the fuck... I am so glad that's not in the episode

That was the second episode I ever listened to and I probably would have stopped it right there and never come back

Boots Raingear

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I had that problem when I threw together the penis torture document.
Cyberventurer, July 04, 2015, 09:23:00 am
Yeah, there's a reason we didn't read the Wesley Crusher story in your doc. That one was just over the line for us.