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Topic: Fuck this week  (Read 7228 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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Fuck this week
This has been a crazy stressful week for me, and I have time to kill, so you get to hear about it!

- Chronic neck pain got a LOT worse, saw dr, got muscle relaxers, started physical therapy
- Muscle relaxers mean no drinking (FROWNY FUCKING FACE)
- Neck is back to normal (generally hurts, not too bad), not getting better. Been super diligent about physical therapy
- Money is tight due to no job, medical shit in the usa is expensive.
- No progress on job front
- Mom had surgery. All went ok. My sister has been giving me constant updates.
- Jon slipped a disk in his back, so I visited him in the hospital (meaning couldn't spend time looking for work)
- Due to the above reasons, I violated Jack Chick rule #1, Skeletonwitch & Ghoul played. I did not attend.
- Back on weight-loss/feel better diet, which means I'm eating less garbage and feel hungry/annoyed all the fucking time

My second session of therapy is in a few hours. I'm gonna go there, then afterwards head over to the east bay metal compound. We're having a birthday party for one of the hobbits, then probably will blast metal and watch Vincent Price movies. My last muscle relaxing pill will be taken. Saturday - we're gonna go hike for 3-9 miles (Depending on which route we choose), we're gonna bottle homebrew batch #2 (the batchening!), try out batch #1, determine it undrinkable and throw it away (high levels of certainty here), and then I'm gonna get so hammered you can see it from space and throw a shitload of cold cuts at the cat.

Boots Raingear

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Fuck this week #1
Agreed. This week can't be over soon enough.


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Fuck this week #2
Dude, I feel you on the neck thing. Don't skimp on the therapy, you will regret it. I'd also recommend seeing a LICENSED acupuncturist. You know, not one of those people who stick needles into you in their mom's garage while New Age music plays in the background, but an actual medical professional who knows what they're doing and has sterilized needles. I'm normally not one for alternative treatments, but the last time I had my old injury act up I couldn't bear massage, so my doctor recommended acupuncture instead and I actually found it helpful. It's pretty much individual though if it brings you any relief, but I'd suggest giving it a go if you have the chance.


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Fuck this week #3
Dude, I feel you on the neck thing. Don't skimp on the therapy, you will regret it. I'd also recommend seeing a LICENSED acupuncturist. You know, not one of those people who stick needles into you in their mom's garage while New Age music plays in the background, but an actual medical professional who knows what they're doing and has sterilized needles. I'm normally not one for alternative treatments, but the last time I had my old injury act up I couldn't bear massage, so my doctor recommended acupuncture instead and I actually found it helpful. It's pretty much individual though if it brings you any relief, but I'd suggest giving it a go if you have the chance.
montrith, September 26, 2014, 05:31:50 pm
Man, I feel for both of you. Neck and back pain is terrifyingly stubborn and easy to aggravate. I spend a lot of time with ice packs and heating pads and wishing opiates weren't so terrible for you.

I'm glad your muscle relaxants are only temporary, jack-chick. Going without drinking while unemployed is far more difficult than it should be.


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Fuck this week #4
And you laughed at the headbanging guide! Also, about your diet - how often do you eat? Personally I have to have a healthy snack/coffee every two hours or so or I get way too hungry and irate.

But yeah, fuck this week and the next few weeks. I'm working crazy stupid hours between a full time job and this fuckin' house I'm renovating to rent out.


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Fuck this week #5
This week was centered around one of my back teeth going off. I finally got it pulled today. I'm kicking myself for not having it done sooner. Blood everywhere. Blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood blood

Codeine provided a nice excuse to get out of work early, though.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Fuck this week #6
Update: beer was drank, puking was done, cat overfeeding incomplete. 9 mile hike was chosen and completed. satan it feels good to be back on the sauce. also we were able to plow through quite a bit of my reading material for F+ live, which I was having trouble doing while sober/alone because it is a crime against humanity.

As it stands, my neck and back are back to normal (minor pain constantly). Therapy session 2 helped, we have isolated that shoulder is a rotator cuff issue, we're not sure exactly what though. If nothing else, I can take my neck from very hurty to less hurty, which is great.

Taco - the diet thing isn't a case of not having snacks, its a case of getting used to eating in smaller quantities again. I am a glutton, and will eat until I am in physical pain from it REGULARLY unless I specifically work to cut down my stomach size. This means 30 days of misery and constant hunger, and then everything is fine afterwards. When it gets unbearable I snack on nuts & dried apricots.

Also I got an in on a part time security job which may be 25/hr to do nothing. WOO :D

STOG - we gon get fucked up next week so prepare to bring the PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY


  • Willy Dang Doodle
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Fuck this week #7
Update: beer was drank, puking was done, cat overfeeding incomplete. 9 mile hike was chosen and completed. satan it feels good to be back on the sauce. also we were able to plow through quite a bit of my reading material for F+ live, which I was having trouble doing while sober/alone because it is a crime against humanity.

As it stands, my neck and back are back to normal (minor pain constantly). Therapy session 2 helped, we have isolated that shoulder is a rotator cuff issue, we're not sure exactly what though. If nothing else, I can take my neck from very hurty to less hurty, which is great.

Taco - the diet thing isn't a case of not having snacks, its a case of getting used to eating in smaller quantities again. I am a glutton, and will eat until I am in physical pain from it REGULARLY unless I specifically work to cut down my stomach size. This means 30 days of misery and constant hunger, and then everything is fine afterwards. When it gets unbearable I snack on nuts & dried apricots.

Also I got an in on a part time security job which may be 25/hr to do nothing. WOO :D

STOG - we gon get fucked up next week so prepare to bring the PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY
jack-chick, September 28, 2014, 03:34:05 pm
WOOOOOOOOOO. Glad to hear you've been in less pain and are able to drink again. What great news to start off F Plus Live Week.

I, EmmaGhost

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Fuck this week #8
Glad to hear you're doing better! Really jealous I can't make it out to the Fplus live, can't get off work for Sunday :C I'd drive all the way out from Green Bay to see it!


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Fuck this week #9
Friday: Stayed at the office until 8 (partially drunk for the second half), got down, put the kid to bed, went back to work.
Saturday: Tried not to think about work, did some work anyway.
Sunday: Checked work email, went into work at 1, office was empty not surprisingly, so I was blaring music to the point where the office furniture was shaking. Left office at 5:45. Checked my email once afterwards to find the super helpful issue...
It's still looking weird on my phone. :(
Okay, I'll get right on that. Yeah, fuck this week.

Victor Laszlo

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Fuck this week #10
Working 70 hours in 9 days. 

Halfway through, had an argument with cardiologist over whether a guy was having a heart attack or an aneurysm.  Huge delays in care, not super professional discussions going on, turns out I was right.  Cardiologist calls later to say he found a small incidental aneurysm elsewhere in the patient so "we were both right." 

Later on a patient I suspected was having a stroke turned out to have hemorrhaged in her brain in two separate places.  In the fuss of getting her appropriately cared for I forgot to tell one of the surgeons that a patient he discharged had come back and been readmitted for rehab.  Totally my fault and an embarrassing mistake that I have never made before.  Got yelled at for ten minutes loud enough for the entire department to hear.  He left and came back to yell some more three times. 

Saw a patient with straight forward pneumonia, treated her according to accepted guidelines and avoided the time and cost of unnecessary testing and treatments.  Her mom arrives to pick up her grown ass daughter and asks for the antibiotic to be changed to an inappropriate one.  I decline and explain why. She asks if I did (unnecessary test and treatment). I say no and explain why.  She tells me that she is going to complain to the CEO that everyone here is rude and that I talked to her like she was a piece of shit.  Lady, I don't even talk to pieces of shit like they're pieces of shit, and believe me, I have plenty of opportunity.

18 people in the waiting room when I finally got to leave this evening.

This week is one long exercise in trying to remember why it is I do this job.

Fuck this week,

p.s. [yayvictor]


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Fuck this week #11
My dad fainted for the fifth time in a month last Monday and mom had a humongous panic attack trying to convince the ER that no, really, this is the FIFTH time, it would be nice if they admitted him and figured out what the problem was instead of just discharging him after an hour AGAIN. Then the surgeon refused to to do the gall bladder surgery that looke dlike it needed done because he wasn't sure it could be done laparoscopically until the cardiologist got into an argument with him. It COULDN'T be done laparoscopically, and dad had one of the worst gall bladders the surgeon had ever seen.

And then dad might have had a stroke last night. Maybe. There's no bleeding in the brain, but because of the incision they can't lay him flat to give him an MRI to look for a clot. But they think it's a stroke. But they don't know.

So, Yom Kippur is going to be GREAT this year.

Edit: It was a small heart attack instead.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 05:07:28 pm by sherlockian »

Zsa Zsa

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Fuck this week #12
holy shit this week is fucked up
chai tea latte Goose Goose Honk At Me Now