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Topic: Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True  (Read 7846 times)


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Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True
Over the course of our Internet careers, we've heard some crazy theories about stuff.  Some are so crazy and cool that we wish they existed, but don't.  Here's mine: I wish the Hollow Earth existed.  The idea of a parallel society existing in the center of the Earth is really cool to me for some reason, and I wish it was true.  What's your theory that you wish was true?

A Meat

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Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True #1
I like when interesting pieces of fiction explore the idea of "wanting something to exist hard enough can make it a reality". It's just pretty much my favorite fantasy premise, I'd probably read a story about kids believing in Digimon so hard that Digimon start becoming real if it was good enough as a story beyond that premise. It's basically both Shin Megami Tensei's and American Gods' premise among others, and I think this basis can make for interesting storytelling. As a result I kind of wish this was the case  for the real world because I'm a huge nerd and I don't care about the fact that it's 100% impractical.

On the other hand, a world where thinking about an idea for a thing causes it to happen would be terrifying if it was the people from sites like AHHHHA or the Idea wiki who did the thinking. Wouldn't want a world where microwaves don't have buttons.


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Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True #2
I wish there were a Large Hadron Collider underneath Paris that actually would destroy the world with a man-made black hole.


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Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True #3
I wish those crazy intricate conspiracy theory organizations to actually exist. The ones that would require thousands of people working in unison in complete secrecy and orchestrating plans that are essentially flawless, like the whole Illuminati or lizard men thing.

Tiny Prancer

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Crazy Internet Beliefs That You Wish Were True #4
I like when interesting pieces of fiction explore the idea of "wanting something to exist hard enough can make it a reality". It's just pretty much my favorite fantasy premise, I'd probably read a story about kids believing in Digimon so hard that Digimon start becoming real if it was good enough as a story beyond that premise. It's basically both Shin Megami Tensei's and American Gods' premise among others, and I think this basis can make for interesting storytelling. As a result I kind of wish this was the case  for the real world because I'm a huge nerd and I don't care about the fact that it's 100% impractical.

On the other hand, a world where thinking about an idea for a thing causes it to happen would be terrifying if it was the people from sites like AHHHHA or the Idea wiki who did the thinking. Wouldn't want a world where microwaves don't have buttons.
A Meat, September 30, 2014, 04:04:12 pm

wishing I could do that was a huge part of my preteen/teen years.

The idea that buying the exact perfect equiptment will make you a master of drawing/writing/etc is a nice fantasy sometimes. I sure wish having access to a cintiq actually made me a drawing master.


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Definitely the Vigilant Citizen, Illuminati crossed with pop culture shit. My god do I want to believe Lady Gaga is the bride of Satan and Obama impregnated Beyonce with the antichrist.
chai tea latte


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I wish those crazy intricate conspiracy theory organizations to actually exist. The ones that would require thousands of people working in unison in complete secrecy and orchestrating plans that are essentially flawless, like the whole Illuminati or lizard men thing.
TacoChillocko, September 30, 2014, 08:25:28 pm
Yes, this, so yes. I want the moon landing to be faked, the Nazca Lines be the work of intelligent alien-cats, and Jesus to have been a time-traveling wizard. Is that too much to ask?


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One word: gangstalkers.


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Especially gangstalking as a lucrative industry I could be a part of to pay the bills.


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simple, weird, old, easy tricks

"Hey! Only Grandpa gets to call her that!"