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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 158864 times)

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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TV we've been watching lately #330
old episodes of The Ultimate Fighter


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TV we've been watching lately #331
Happy! is a really good show. Movie? It's a miniseries by the guy who did the Crank movies.

lazzer grardaion?

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TV we've been watching lately #332
I recently finished watching Kamen Rider W (pronounced 'Double'). I've been a fan of Ultraman for a very long time, and was looking for a place to get started with this almost-as-old series, and a bunch of different people said that this was the perfect place to get started with the modern incarnation of the franchise.

They weren't wrong! It's a show that borrows a lot of story beats and characters from detective fiction (one of the protagonists is named Philip, after Philip Marlowe), which I already love. Every episode is a two-parter (in keeping with the 'Double' theme), which allows them to tell more complicated stories. There are a lot of weird and creative powers (a robot t-rex going all end-of-Akira is a highlight). Every time the two protagonists transform into Kamen Rider ('Double'), one of them passes the fuck out wherever he's standing, and it's adorable.

Give these good boys a shot.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Vinny Possum

Vinny Possum

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TV we've been watching lately #333
Double is super good. I wasn't super fond of the ending though.

lazzer grardaion?

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TV we've been watching lately #334
Double is super good. I wasn't super fond of the ending though.
Vinny Possum, December 19, 2018, 02:39:35 am

So, since you seem to be in-the-know, would you have any recommendations for where to go from here? I figure the most natural thing is to go to the next series, OOO, but the first of the Heisei series, Kuuga, also looks interesting.

Vinny Possum

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TV we've been watching lately #335
Double is super good. I wasn't super fond of the ending though.
Vinny Possum, December 19, 2018, 02:39:35 am

So, since you seem to be in-the-know, would you have any recommendations for where to go from here? I figure the most natural thing is to go to the next series, OOO, but the first of the Heisei series, Kuuga, also looks interesting.
LancashireMcGee, December 20, 2018, 07:27:41 pm

It depends! Kabuto is also a good intro series. Gaim is super good but very modern (read: toy sales centered) and a bit dark. Faiz is in my opinion the best series I've seen so far, but I might not have liked it as much if I didn't get a feel for the genre. I'm watching Den-O right now and it has a similar vibe to Double, at least tone wise.

lazzer grardaion?

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TV we've been watching lately #336
Double is super good. I wasn't super fond of the ending though.
Vinny Possum, December 19, 2018, 02:39:35 am

So, since you seem to be in-the-know, would you have any recommendations for where to go from here? I figure the most natural thing is to go to the next series, OOO, but the first of the Heisei series, Kuuga, also looks interesting.
LancashireMcGee, December 20, 2018, 07:27:41 pm

It depends! Kabuto is also a good intro series. Gaim is super good but very modern (read: toy sales centered) and a bit dark. Faiz is in my opinion the best series I've seen so far, but I might not have liked it as much if I didn't get a feel for the genre. I'm watching Den-O right now and it has a similar vibe to Double, at least tone wise.
Vinny Possum, December 21, 2018, 01:37:08 am

Let me reframe the question: which one has the most cute boys?

Vinny Possum

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TV we've been watching lately #337
Depends. Pure quantity? Gaim by far.

However the main guy in Den O is pretty hot and plays like five different characters all with over the top style that change depending on which spirit is currently possessing him.


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TV we've been watching lately #338
Just now hitting season 2 of Supergirl, and the thing I've really started noticing is that that cast needs interesting guest stars to work.

The central cast of that show is fine. They're perfectly serviceable, but without something else to work with, they're in service to nothing. The highlight of the first season is when Barry Allen turns up, but it's not because Barry Allen is more interesting (even if he is); it's because they've got something fun to bounce off of.

The start of season 2 seems to suggest they knew that, because they go from two episodes with Superman (who might be the best Superman of the 21st century, but that's not a hard field to win in) straight to an episode with President Lynda Carter, and the show's so much more fun with that sort of catalyst instead of a mediocre monster of the week.

Jack Burden

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TV we've been watching lately #339
Happy! is a really good show. Movie? It's a miniseries by the guy who did the Crank movies.
SATAN MILKSHAKE, December 15, 2018, 12:51:16 am

Co-sign! I was worried it was going to be edgy for edgy’s sake, but I don’t think it ever crossed the line into that. Just gleefully crazy.

And the cast is great.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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TV we've been watching lately #340
I'm about halfway through the first season of 30 Rock and I've laughed it at far more than I've laughed at any other TV I've ever seen. Why did the world hide it from me for this long?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #341
Getting drunk and watching Letterkenny, which really is the best way to watch Letterkenny.

Brewin' and tubin'
Watchin' and washin' it down
Jokes and jack
Boozin' while borrowin' the Hulu
Drinkin' sours during TV hours

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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TV we've been watching lately #342
So, Netflix remade the Haunting of Hill House as a series.  It's good, as these things go, but it's not great.  Basically I have two problems with it.

Point one, one of the characters is basically presented as being evil because he's a skeptic.  I am a fedora athiest, and I really, really hate that shit.  He's also depicted as evil for making money by writing a book about his familiy's horrible experience in Hill House--I'm closer to getting that, I get how that's sleezy, but I still think everyone's reaction is waaaaay outsized for it.  The rest of his family basically hates him and constantly rides him for it.  I think the show hates on him so much for it because we're already supposed to resent him for writing ghost stories even though he doesn't believe in ghosts, which seems like stupid heaped on top of stupid to me.

Point two: in the original Haunting of Hill House, it's ambiguous how much of what we see is actually caused by ghosts, versus how much of it is Nell having a breakdown versus how much of it is Nell having psychic powers that she cannot fully control (it's one line, but it's revealed that her house was pelted by rocks when she was little and it's suggested that it might be because of some kind of psychic power that Nell has).  In the remake, it's pretty much all ghosts, unambiguously.

Edit: Point three is that it's a story told out of order, which can be fine, but doesn't really work here.  The events of the story happen in two sort of eras, one when the characters where at Hill House as children and one in the present and recent past.  Events are told out of order so that each character can get an episode that's mostly their story.  This also allows them practical advantages like allowing them to interleave time a that the family was at a given location with time b that the family was at a location so that we can easily see the parallels between the two.  The problem is that sometimes they jump back and forth between, say, moments in the present and recent past, and it can be really hard to figure out just when exactly a given scene is set, and when a given scene is set relative to everyone else's stories (which can make it super hard to assemble the whole story or to put things in context).  Sometimes a scene will be mixed with a scene from a year or two ago without enough establishing context and it's impossible to figure out just when Scene B is actually supposed to be happening w.r.t. to the character's own timeline and the events of the episode.

Frank West has been showing a small group of us American Horror Story season one and MY GOD THERE'S SO MANY FUCKING GHOSTS AND THEY'RE ALL FORGETTABLE.
Shell Game, December 03, 2018, 08:51:21 pm

"Fucking ghosts" works as both a expletive AND a noun!
Supermarket Christmas Novel, December 03, 2018, 09:01:16 pm
It is extra fitting in this show's case i guess. Wow it's so bad.
Shell Game, December 04, 2018, 12:22:28 am

So very, very bad - a tryhard ghost sexcapade that proves neither scary nor titillating. You are made of much stronger stuff shell
Supermarket Christmas Novel, December 04, 2018, 12:25:59 am
I think we're gonna be going through as many seasons as we can tolerate.
Shell Game, December 04, 2018, 12:46:55 am

I have previously hated on American Horror Story in this thread, I completely agree.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 12:31:08 am by A Whirring Bone-White Gleech »


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TV we've been watching lately #343
The Dragon Prince season 2 is really good.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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TV we've been watching lately #344
It's been almost 2 years and I still haven't processed the fact that we got  18 hours of new Twin Peaks content. Every scene felt so dense, like a puzzle you had to solve in real time while at the same time recalling the bizarre lore of the previous seasons. And before you could begin to understand what is going on your on to a completely different scene. No other show has come even close to whatever David Lynch was doing with The Return.

Re-watched the first episode and jesus this has to be the most unnerving piece of television ever broadcasted .
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop