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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 158865 times)

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TV we've been watching lately #60
Season 2 of Hannibal just started. I'm genuinely interested in what Lecter's one mistake is going to be, because we know from the opening scene that at least one of the other major players will realize exactly what he's been doing by the end of the season, and I'm curious as to whether they're going to move into Silence of the Lambs territory.

That said, the Maryland locations continue to be emphatically not Maryland (especially not the Metro and its trains), and the crime scenes continue to be disgusting.

I'm also acquiring, via perfectly legal means, seasons 1 and 2 of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror.

EDIT: Holy jesus fuck, are all the episodes of Black Mirror as fucking bleak as the first one?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 05:54:34 pm by CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP SNOWING »


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TV we've been watching lately #61
I'm also acquiring, via perfectly legal means, seasons 1 and 2 of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror.

EDIT: Holy jesus fuck, are all the episodes of Black Mirror as fucking bleak as the first one?
CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP SNOWING, March 04, 2014, 01:12:09 pm
No, most of them are even bleaker.


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TV we've been watching lately #62
Did... did Lumpy Space Princess just kill her boyfriend? I think that just happened.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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TV we've been watching lately #63
EDIT: Holy jesus fuck, are all the episodes of Black Mirror as fucking bleak as the first one?
CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP SNOWING, March 04, 2014, 01:12:09 pm
No, most of them are even bleaker.
fluffy, March 04, 2014, 08:25:37 pm
The second episode has made me seriously reconsider my plans to get back on the exercise bike tomorrow. Ditto my plans not to drink whiskey tonight.

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TV we've been watching lately #64
EDIT: Holy jesus fuck, are all the episodes of Black Mirror as fucking bleak as the first one?
CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP SNOWING, March 04, 2014, 01:12:09 pm
No, most of them are even bleaker.
fluffy, March 04, 2014, 08:25:37 pm
The second episode has made me seriously reconsider my plans to get back on the exercise bike tomorrow. Ditto my plans not to drink whiskey tonight.
CuddlePLEASE MAKE IT STOP SNOWING, March 04, 2014, 08:59:32 pm

That's my favourite episode! I totally empathize.


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TV we've been watching lately #65
Did... did Lumpy Space Princess just kill her boyfriend? I think that just happened.
Runic, March 04, 2014, 08:28:16 pm
I just want to know what was going on behind the CN logo with the cat.

Boots Raingear

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TV we've been watching lately #66
Did... did Lumpy Space Princess just kill her boyfriend? I think that just happened.
Runic, March 04, 2014, 08:28:16 pm

Watch the last minute again.


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TV we've been watching lately #67
The literal framing device does make it one of the more interesting recent episodes, yes.


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TV we've been watching lately #68
I was finally bullied into True Detective. It took some doing, because "Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey are detectives trying to solve a murder" is a whole bunch of words I do not like in one sentence, but now that I know that it's about the futility of the human condition, I'm in.

Also watching Childrens Hospital and Ink Master, so a general gradient of quality.


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TV we've been watching lately #69
I just got into True Detective myself. I love how there's no flashyness or any stupid techy bullshit, it's all run-down and institutional while being obviously nineties. It's nothing short of amazing.


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TV we've been watching lately #70
I just binged True Detective and I'll have to agree with all of its praises. I adore magical realism and it definitely satisfied me in that regard. I can't wait to see what's in the next season.


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TV we've been watching lately #71
Now that the entire series is on Netflix, I've been rewatching Burn Notice (only ever saw the first couple of seasons), and I'm really enjoying it so far. I love dry humor, and this show is just full of it - the subtitles introducing new characters are always great, and Michael's voiceovers about spy advice is usually pretty funny.

I have to say, though, I'm curious to know how it's going to go about justifying being stretched out for seven full seasons. The setup (a spy being fired, followed by him investigating it and how to reverse it) just doesn't seem like it would lend itself to seven years' worth of plot. Still, the individual episodes have been great so far, so I'm looking forward to finally watching it through to the end.


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TV we've been watching lately #72
There's only been one episode so far, but I'm really liking Resurrection. I hope the other seven episodes will live up to the first one. I like magical-return-from-the-dead plots, but I've been disappointed before (looking at you, Les Revenants)


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TV we've been watching lately #73
You all should see Lilyhammer if you've got Netflix. It's really funny, as it makes equal fun of Sopranos-style gangster themes and naïve countryside Norwegian culture. It received some flack here in mountain monkey land by people who missed the goddamn point, it paints a semi-accurate picture of us. It helps that Steven van Zandt plays Steven van Zandt as only Steven van Zandt could.


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TV we've been watching lately #74
Rick and Morty has been killing it lately.