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Topic: I do a goofy webcomic sometimes (Share webcomics here!)  (Read 36078 times)


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This is a thread where webcomic authors can share their works and users in general can discuss their favourites! I'll start us out.

I do a webcomic called Intergalactic Truckstop. I do my best to update it every Tuesday and Thursday, and on the odd occasion that I can't draw a comic for a given update day, I at least throw something in, whether it be a silly doodle or a fanart feature or what have you. You can access it by clicking that little globe icon under my avatar, or by clicking here! There's fuzzy aliens and inept space captains and occasionally weird stuff in there too, and there's an occasional little F Plus joke in among it all.

To sum it up, it's about the adventures of a failed super-soldier GELF (Genetically Engineered Life Form) who has escaped the facility that created him, and is attempting to adjust to normal everyday life by working as a bartender in a refueling station at the edge of civilized space. He encounters all kinds of weirdos, from people who want to kill him (Protip: He can't die) to persistent space 'heroes' who can't fly worth a damn.

Also, if you're curious, Portaxx did draw the avatar I'm using right now, that was a commission I got from her a while back! It's the protagonist of the webcomic having a little problem with 80s neon digital clingfilm:

(Click the picture to see the fullsize version!)

I also got commissions of the three major alien species in the webcomic, but I'll save those for later posts, so as not to cram too much content into one post!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 12:06:55 am by Chaz GELF »


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I do a goofy webcomic sometimes
Can this be a thread where everyone with a goofy webcomic chimes in? Because I have a goofy webcomic too.

I've been meaning to read your webcomic, and also the other ones that people here make.


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Can this be a thread where everyone with a goofy webcomic chimes in? Because I have a goofy webcomic too.fluffy, March 03, 2013, 11:21:11 pm

I see no reason not to! Go on ahead and share your webcomic :D Everyone is free to share their webcomics here, I'll update the OP to reflect that.


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I do a goofy webcomic sometimes
I just read your entire comic in one sitting. The art is pretty crude but it grew on me, and the plot seems like it's coming together.  Fun stuff!  I also like the occasional F Plus references in it.  The art reminds me of the early years of Our Home Planet.

Anyway my comic is also findable on the link from my globe icon thing but I could just link to it directly too. Someday I'll probably go back to having the main page on my site be the comic since that's pretty much all I post there anymore (the site structure is kind of Historical Reasons-y).  Mine's also a long-form multi-arc science fiction thing. Most arcs are set in an interstellar generation ship that is populated by the evolved, sapient descendants of the animals in a zoo that was left behind by the humans when they left.  Most arcs are set in completely different time periods from each other.

Just to make things even more confusing, I also have a few other series that I post in the same place, although I hardly ever touch most of them (except the occasional journal comic, which I mostly do when I'm thinking of ideas for the next fiction arc).

Also Portaxx's drawings are hella cute, yo.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 12:22:39 am by fluffy »


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Yeah, my art style is pretty simplistic, and for the first few arcs it's really clearly rough around the edges, but I've started to get a bit more consistent with my style as I keep drawing the comic. It's a slow progression but looking at the differences between the first page I ever drew and the redux of said page gives a better comparison. :D

And I just caught up on your comic, I like it so far!


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The whole thing, or just the latest arc? If you read the whole thing in one night that's pretty impressive!


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Just the latest arc (Assuming Invasion is the latest arc, of course!)


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hook dat comic shit up son
fluffy why have i never seen your comic before? how does this happen

i draw this one but it's long and nonlinear and really just what happens when an amatuer wants to finish a story dangit


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Just the latest arc (Assuming Invasion is the latest arc, of course!)
Chaz GELF, March 04, 2013, 01:27:16 pm
That is correct.

I usually suggest people start with "Planetfall" (the second arc) before reading the original "Unity," since my ideas were much better-fleshed-out for Planetfall.  Invasion's probably a pretty good place to start too, though, although it might rely a bit too much on understanding the Kayohash-Oracle dynamic.  There's also a quick primer that you can read to get up to speed with the setting.

hook dat comic shit up son
fluffy why have i never seen your comic before? how does this happen

i draw this one but it's long and nonlinear and really just what happens when an amatuer wants to finish a story dangit
icarus, March 04, 2013, 03:06:32 pm
I attend a couple of local cartooning meetups, and people there are really impressed that I managed to self-publish an actual book full of comics. They ask me how I did it. So I reply with my two-step process to completing a creative work:

1. Get an idea

You haven't seen my comic before because it's not good enough to blow people away but not bad enough for people to point and laugh (at least not beyond "ha ha inept furry bullshit"). It just kind of exists, and I suck at marketing.

Inhuman's art looks like you put a lot of work into it.  I'll definitely have to check it out. I love the crazy panel designs in the last few updates.  That's something I'd like to do more of, although for Unity I like to stick to a pretty strict three-panel setup (since I find that rhythm works well for me).  My experimental "Womble" series had a bunch more panel layout stuff going on. Also I'm supposed to be working on a multi-page story for a zine and in that I'm trying to be more experimental with panel layouts, but I also feel like I'm overthinking it and need to refer to my own step 2 because, jeeze, the deadline's coming up soon.


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yeah i gotta say the one thing that bugs me most about doing a comic

is that you just wind up with a few artists who want to sit on your coat tails and talk talk talk talk talk talk about a comic that they never. do. i guess it's the comic version of the "author" who does nothing but talk about the novel they're going to write.

it ranks up there with the people who get stuck in the infinate loop of redoing their first chapter over and over and never advancing the story beyond that because ITS NEVER JUST THE WAY I WANT. dude it's art and you learn as you go, that in and of itself means that none of it will ever be up to your standards for perfection. just GO. PROCEED. PRODUCE. when you have a finished product the sum of the parts will be greater than the individual pieces


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Totally. I can't stand looking at my older art. But I also can't stand looking at my current art.  So I just keep arting and trying to get better, even if I never feel like I'm doing good enough.


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Pretty much how I do it too. I wince when I look at the very very first page of Intergalactic Truckstop, but it motivates me to keep drawing and keep improving!


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I already shared my silly webcomic, I ain't doing it twice!


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i draw this one but it's long and nonlinear and really just what happens when an amatuer wants to finish a story dangit
icarus, March 04, 2013, 03:06:32 pm

Icarus you goober your comic is awesome I dunno how often I have to noogie that fact into you

I used to draw really dumb MS Paint stick figure comics, but not only are they stupid enough to be embarrassing as an adult, but computers not having 600x800 as a standard resolution anymore has made them more or less unreadable anyway.

Fuck it, though, I still think this one is funny.


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I know you made that a while ago and you don't anymore, but it's a good opportunity for me to bring up a comic pet peeve, and that is comic writers using verbs as sound effects for things they can't figure out how to onomatopoeia.

I mean, Gonterman does that. Do you really want to be like Gonterman, comic makers?