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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018074 times)

positive stress

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I've noticed that at some point I started unconsciously thinking of "looks like shit" as a positive thing to say. Like, I saw my coworker's car in the parking lot and they had just washed it and my immediate thought was "wow her car looks like shit" but meant like entirely in a positive way. I don't know when my brain decided to make this switch but I've noticed myself thinking it about a lot of things and I'm getting worried that someone is going to show me something and I'm going to blurt out "that looks like shit" before remembering that's not how most people use that phrase
chai tea latte cube abuser Nifty Nif

Sherman Tank

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I just had to explain a reference to NewsRadio to some kid on the internet. Goddamnit stop making me feel old.


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The line between singing like Bruce Springsteen and singing like Tom Waits is perilously thin sometimes.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro Nifty Nif


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Australia's public holidays are horribly unbalanced. There's a shitload in the first third or so of the year, to the point where there's sometimes a three-day work week around easter. But since then we've had one public holiday in June and the calendar's otherwise bare of them until the Christmas season.

There's the Melbourne Cup in there somewhere around September-October-ish, but that's only for one state.

Argyle Funk

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Potatos O'Brien sounds like an epithet against Irish people

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Today I had a real confidence boost when I discovered I'm as tall as notable successful person Daniel Radcliffe.


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Today I had a real confidence boost when I discovered I'm as tall as notable successful person Daniel Radcliffe.
moooo566, August 02, 2016, 10:42:27 am
How tall is that guy?
Edit: he's 5' 5". Now my confidence is boosted too!

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Wow, glad to know I could dunk on harry potter if need be
Nifty Nif

Frank West

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Wow, glad to know I could dunk on harry potter if need be
AgentCoop, August 02, 2016, 01:09:24 pm

Nah he'd be on his broom though.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Nifty Nif Ashto

A Meat

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Hearthstone, by virtue of being a virtual card game, could totally avoid the issue of power creep that's so prevalent in CCGs, by adjusting older cards to prevent them from falling behind. Yet, they still release cards that are almost identical to older cards, only slightly better by one point of something, obsoleting the older card, and introducing a boring new card that serves the exact same purpose as the older card you could have just buffed to fit that niche


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26 is the only integer directly between a square (52) and a cube (33)
Gyro chai tea latte Maxine Headroom Nifty Nif

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Hearthstone, by virtue of being a virtual card game, could totally avoid the issue of power creep that's so prevalent in CCGs, by adjusting older cards to prevent them from falling behind. Yet, they still release cards that are almost identical to older cards, only slightly better by one point of something, obsoleting the older card, and introducing a boring new card that serves the exact same purpose as the older card you could have just buffed to fit that niche
A Meat, August 02, 2016, 03:53:24 pm

Booster packs are still the hearthstone monetisation model, right? They can't have you using old cards rather than paying for new ones.

positive stress

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My little brother started using ballpit a couple weeks ago and I'm not sure if he knows this is me on here. I assume he must since my username is a reference to something we both like, and my icon is the same one I use on steam, and I've posted things in the pictures thread moments after showing them to him. I feel like there's no way he doesn't know this is me, but neither of us has addressed it so I'm just going to carry on saying things like "fuck" and "cummies" and "1.21 jizzawatts?!" and hope he doesn't tell our mom what I'm really like [freakout]

Argyle Funk Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Nifty Nif Ashto nuffkins, of all people, Bodark Lemon montrith Really_Quite_Nice

Frank West

  • Have you ever astraled and kicked it with satan
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My little brother started using ballpit a couple weeks ago and I'm not sure if he knows this is me on here. I assume he must since my username is a reference to something we both like, and my icon is the same one I use on steam, and I've posted things in the pictures thread moments after showing them to him. I feel like there's no way he doesn't know this is me, but neither of us has addressed it so I'm just going to carry on saying things like "fuck" and "cummies" and "1.21 jizzawatts?!" and hope he doesn't tell our mom what I'm really like [freakout]

fruithag, August 03, 2016, 02:17:13 pm

okay sorry I won't swear again please don't tell mom I said a fuckword
chai tea latte Gyro Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Quark-Antiquark Argyle Funk positive stress Bodark Dr. Buttplug nuffkins, of all people, Nifty Nif montrith Really_Quite_Nice Lost Season

Dr. Buttplug

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Suicide Squad is the favorite movie of people on tumblr who tell you you're a bad person if you don't eat ass.