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Topic: Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked...  (Read 14410 times)


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked...
with Boots Raingear, Isfahan, Portaxx, Jimmyfranks, Squiddy McEnnui, and Lemon.

Content for this episode was compiled by Dacey Mormont and Sinestro

Edited by Isfahan.

Finally, a place on the internet where people can talk about themselves! ExperienceProject.com caters to people with all sorts of problems, diagnoses, and opinions. The only thing that matters is that nobody has to care. This week on the F Plus, we admire our Hunger Games standee.

junior associate faguar

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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #1
You recorded just in the nick of time. As of the last time I looked, they purged most of the F Plus-worthy things.


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #2
You recorded just in the nick of time. As of the last time I looked, they purged most of the F Plus-worthy things.
Sinestro, January 19, 2014, 07:29:39 pm

They deleted the whole website?


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #3
Hearing your stuff read is exciting. This must be how Montrith feels 85% of the time!

The flat tires one was kind of amazing. I guess it's kind of an amplification of that maxim from a previous ep about how the strangest fetishes are the ones that preclude any sexual activity. This one doesn't involve anyone's body. Yet it's still sexual?

btw, an F Plus Pinterest would totally work, just nobody would ever repin anything because it would be horrific.


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #4
It's pure internet weirdness.  Here's a textarea and a submit button.  It's glorious.


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #5
Mr. Flatire McFooty was adorable and representative of what I consider the reach-out-fapfic.
People with incredibly specific and rare fetishes who believe they can find more people like themselves if they post stories that vainglory how hot their specific kink is. They believe in the possibility that if they put their fapfiction out there maybe some of the readers will find themselves awakened to the glories of the author's specific fetish and join the author in repeatedly reminding each other how hot feet and flat tires are.

Silly. What you do is find a popular thing that has a big fanfiction community and then write your fetish into the story. You got to Fanfiction.net, find a popular topic like The Last Airbender cartoon and go to town writing a fanfic about Asami driving with a flat tire while licking Korra's feet. That way you have a wider audience and you are not only subtly insinuating your fetish into more popular sources of boners but you are also reaching out to young impressionable minds.

By the way my fetish is morally bankrupting people and giving them strange and impossible fetishes.

Also, please reconsider making an episode about Fat Activists. Their struggle for Fat Rights and against Fat Stereotypes works wonders in removing all the joy out of fatness and there's plenty of crazy fat theories out there.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 03:59:35 pm by Odd »


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #6
Also, please reconsider making an episode about Fat Activists. Their struggle for Fat Rights and against Fat Stereotypes works wonders in removing all the joy out of fatness and there's plenty of crazy fat theories out there.
Odd, January 20, 2014, 03:03:29 pm

  They've already done an episode on fat activists, it's one of the best ones.


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #7
Well there must be something slightly wrong with me today if I couldn't remember that great episode. I just checked the Submitted Content document and saw that Fat Activism was rejected.


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Episode 124: Well, Since You Asked... #8
The PKK (the mysterious group the Oscar speech guy hates) is a Kurdish terrorist organization.