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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 170804 times)

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #105
How come nobody told me 30 Rock was this funny?
Fanzay, May 08, 2015, 12:43:52 am

The scene in the pilot where tracy and liz are talking about white men putting AIDS in the chicken nuggets was the first time I ever really 'got' intersectional feminism


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TV we've been watching lately #106
How come nobody told me 30 Rock was this funny?
Fanzay, May 08, 2015, 12:43:52 am

The scene in the pilot where tracy and liz are talking about white men putting AIDS in the chicken nuggets was the first time I ever really 'got' intersectional feminism
chai tea latte, May 08, 2015, 01:03:09 am

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #107
100% serious


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TV we've been watching lately #108
How come nobody told me 30 Rock was this funny?
Fanzay, May 08, 2015, 12:43:52 am

It isn't 2008 anymore
chai tea latte


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TV we've been watching lately #109
I'm sorry I'm not up to date on every goddamn show in the world, I'm working to rectify that. Dick.


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TV we've been watching lately #110
30 Rock is consistently pretty funny throughout, and the fact that they knew the last season would be the last means it ends nicely without decaying into irrelevance or nonsense.

It's also one of the places where my comedy tastes overlapped with my parents'.  They like Big Bang Theory and 30 Rock, I like 30 Rock and Always Sunny.


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TV we've been watching lately #111
I'm sorry I'm not up to date on every goddamn show in the world, I'm working to rectify that. Dick.
Fanzay, May 08, 2015, 01:43:13 am

calm down fam


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TV we've been watching lately #112
I'm sorry I'm not up to date on every goddamn show in the world, I'm working to rectify that. Dick.
Fanzay, May 08, 2015, 01:43:13 am

You asked, he answered!

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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TV we've been watching lately #113
Cutthroat kitchen takes the best part of any televised cooking shows, lunatics and douchebaggery, and just totally runs with it

A Meat

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TV we've been watching lately #114
Cutthroat kitchen takes the best part of any televised cooking shows, lunatics and douchebaggery, and just totally runs with it
AgentCoop, June 16, 2015, 10:48:30 am

You forgot over the top acting.

It's amazing. I can only imagine how it is to be the person who goes through all the applications and go "Too nice, too nice, Too boring, Oh, another one for the crazy pile, Too nice..."


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TV we've been watching lately #115
Sense8 starts kinda slow but evolves into something really good, powerful and clutching.


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TV we've been watching lately #116
I tried to watch the Dresden Files TV show since I'm a huge fan of the books...it's not good, to put it mildly. Even putting aside everything that's changed from the books (which could be a whole post in itself; aside from a few names and the general concept, they have nothing in common), it's just not a good show in general. There's almost no world-building, at least not in the first three episodes - it's just Harry fighting whatever monster is terrorizing Chicago that week. I remember a minor plot point in the first episode was that Dresden was having issues with his girlfriend, a plot point that doesn't come up later, nor is the girlfriend ever even mentioned in the following episodes. Oh, and of course, there's almost no magic in the first few episodes, it's mainly just monsters and Harry pulling a MacGuffin out of his ass to save the day (a "doom box" in the first episode, an ancient Egyptian tablet in the second). Maybe it gets better as the show goes on, but right now the best positive I can say about it is that the acting is alright, and I do like Paul Blackthorne as Dresden.

On the more positive side, I did start watching Arrow on a friend's recommendation, and it's much, much better. The first few episodes were a little rocky, but the acting is great, the characters are great, and I love that even though it's been sort of villain-of-the-week, every episode expands on what happened to Oliver on the island. I definitely recommend it if you're into superhero stuff, it's pretty solid.

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #117
Sense8 starts kinda slow but evolves into something really good, powerful and clutching.
Ambious, June 16, 2015, 04:08:51 pm
The dialogue is textbook JMS (tell don't show, chew scenery) but if that means the plot is textbook JMS too I think everybody wins. (I'm really excited for the next few seasons. I was hoping they'd get more into issues of identity but that probably makes more sense later.)

Also, I finished the season. Now, this is a show written by JMS with a name based on a word followed by a random digit and a five year plan baked into it. If anybody remembers the last show with those parameters, Babylon 5, the first season was like the k-mart, Gobots Star Trek that you got for Christmas one year and tried to smile because it was almost what you wanted, then returned to your room to lie in bed for sixteen hours brooding over the realisation that literally nobody knows you or understands what you want, and even when they try to love you it hurts. The second season, meanwhile, was like forgetting all your financial worries for an afternoon to walk to a locally-owned confectionery in a nice summer dress, feeling the apricity of the sun on your shoulders and the cool breeze on your legs, getting a banana split with chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream, it tasting just as good as it's supposed to in the stories, and watching the Narn-Centauri War develop into one of the most stirring large-scale tragedies in any Space Opera.

Meanwhile, this season can best be compared to making out in an elevator with a tall chick you just met, that is to say, exciting, surprising, kind of awesome, somewhat awkward, unexpectedly tingly, ending in extreme anticipation of what might come next, and with a badass machete fight thrown in to the second half.

Can we hope for Sense8 to have the same incremental improvement with each season? It would make sense, since Babylon 5's first season was all about taking like 20 episodes to establish what 'normal operations' on the station looked like while moving the pieces into place and making the stakes clear for the real show about to start, while Sense8's first season basically does in twelve episodes what most shows do in 2 - establish all the characters, establish the basic conceit, then have them learn how to use their powers and demonstrate this in an adventure where they use all their combined talents to succeed. So maybe Season 2 will be when the real fireworks (plus an orchestra and several dilating vaginal cmonster cocks) will start.

If so, I can only assume that Season 2 will be like, MDMA sex, or constructing a detailed socio-political monster cockogy with your friends out of a game of hitting each other with sticks on a beach on Canada Day, or watching your daughter graduate summa cum laude and tell her class that you're her role model, or watching the life drain out of Stephen Harper's eyes and seeing a flicker of fear and remorse in the last fraction of a second. idk, I'm just spit-balling the best things in the world, I don't actually have real life experience with most of these, sub in your own personal Lou Reed Perfect Day. Wait, wasn't that song about heroin? Maybe the second season will be as good as heroin.Quote from

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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TV we've been watching lately #118
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, BBC

some Northern lads get into a tiff about disreputable magic and napoleon, the omission of Lord Byron from the Venice storyline is tragic but redeemed by the promise of a second season


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TV we've been watching lately #119
I've been catching up on the second season of Rectify now that I can get Netflix. My god that show is horrible in the best possible way. I can't count the number of times I have almost been brought to the brink of tears watching Daniel try his best to live his life. Basically everyone should watch that and make sure the Sundance channel puts out more great shows like that and Top of the Lake (which was also amazing)