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Topic: 328: You Are Likely To Be Yiffed By A Grue  (Read 18332 times)


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1) There's a certain breed of nerd that just needs to worldbuild, anytime, anywhere.

2) There's a certain breed of fetishist that turns the whole thing into a fandom, like a sports fan painting their house in team colors or a Legend of Zelda fan commissioning the Master Sword, only considerably less acceptable around minors.

This is, presumably, the result of both at once.  And entirely too much free time.
Puppy Time, July 26, 2020, 01:10:03 am
I think a certain kind of person (probably more nerd than fetishist, if I had to guess) really needs justifications for what they're doing, which results in both the worldbuilding and in needing to use a mechanical system and supplements in the first place. They can't just handwave away "why is (some sex nonsense) happening?" with "this is a sex RP and we think it's hot, who cares," they need to have some kind of rigorous lore that explains why their Cumslinger can shoot 20 elemental loads a day, ideally with a source citation like it's goddamn Wikipedia.

I also assume some of this is justification for fetish elements that might seem cruel or horrific otherwise, like all the "don't worry, nobody really ever dies" stuff as a justification for vore; from the outside, it doesn't help at all ("don't worry, nobody dies, they just get eaten and merged into other people's bodies, with their souls used as currency!!"), but for people who are into vore, I guess this makes them feel better about it?


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I feel like this episode contains some of the most complicated boners that we have run into. Like, not as confusing as a lot of the others we have seen. But definitely among the worst for number of steps from start to finish.
Puppy Time adrenochrome dome


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The only way I can hear Bunnybread's "tits and muff and cock and sack" is like

And they burst from the screen and into their eyes
And their tits and their muff and their cock and their sack
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lemon Boots Raingear Penultimatum chai tea latte


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The only way I can hear Bunnybread's "tits and muff and cock and sack" is like
And they burst from the screen and into their eyes

And their tits and their muff and their cock and their sack
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, July 26, 2020, 10:34:22 am

Holy crap.

Boots has a project to do
Boots Raingear


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I'm really trying to imagine someone playing this game. Like, no one's ever played this in person right? I assume some people have had to play it to finance the actual creation of the thing but is it only online? Are people stopping every once in a while to jack off at the mere thought of a two foot cock shooting cum at a shit beast??? Did someone's mom come into the basement with snacks one day and stumble upon their child and friends just getting hot and heavy over this board game??

Just, I can't imagine a dm writing a story for this shit and players going about achieving a goal and not just breaking down immediately since every single player is That Guy who wants to do a funny sex with something horrifying.


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Just, I can't imagine a dm writing a story for this shit and players going about achieving a goal and not just breaking down immediately since every single player is That Guy who wants to do a funny sex with something horrifying.
surreyjack, July 26, 2020, 03:49:01 pm
Well obviously the goal the players are trying to achieve is to do a funny sex with something horrifying

Puppy Time

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If you're in a group of people who want to do a funny sex thing, and your game is entirely made of funny sex things, I feel like that's going to be an excellent game for that group.  It sounds insufferable to me, but then so does golf and apparently a bunch of people like that shit, too.

Hot Cum Jerry

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Is it more or less horrifying to imagine that this isn't anyone's fetish at all, this is just what they think jokes are?


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If you're in a group of people who want to do a funny sex thing, and your game is entirely made of funny sex things, I feel like that's going to be an excellent game for that group.  It sounds insufferable to me, but then so does golf and apparently a bunch of people like that shit, too.
Puppy Time, July 26, 2020, 04:35:20 pm

I think where I struggle to understand this isn't so much that I don't get what these people are trying to achieve, it's that their methods of achieving it make no sense?

Over the course of the F Plus we've seen that a lot of fetishes end up taking on a community-like structure. For the people involved, being part of a group of like-minded people is just as important as getting off to sexy feet. So I can understand the motivation that some people would have to start up an RPG group with other members of the fetish community they belong to, and maybe integrate their common fetish into the game. "I want to play D&D with my friends in this community and, since we're all into eight-dicked macro-equitaurs, I want the game to support that."

In a case like that, that group would probably get the experience they're looking for by just adding their common fetish into an existing game system, and just make it a side-detail to what the overall goal of the game is: "We're playing a D&D game where we're all eight-dicked macro-equitaurs who go into dungeons and fight monsters, often using our many dicks as weapons". That's certainly a weird situation to an outside observer, but if that's what that particular group is into, I can understand why they're doing it.

The tricky part is that FAPP bases the entire game and all its mechanics around fucking in the same way D&D bases all its mechanics around fighting dragons in dungeons. Which leads to the question: "If the goal of the game is 100% about the fucking, why not just do a free-form sex RP?".

See, in game design I feel like one of the most important questions to ask isn't "What can the characters succeed at?", but "What can the characters fail at?". In an action-oriented game like D&D, one of the major focuses is on combat so it's very important that player characters have a chance to fail at fighting so there is a sense of stakes, drama and action. But in a game like this where it's all about the fucking, what does a chance of failure add to the experience? Like, what happens if you fail a sex roll in FAPP? How does not being able to sex good all the time serve the experience of the players?

That's why sex and RPG mechanics don't mix very well: If the goal of the players is to get their fuckon, all that pass/fail mechanics are doing is preventing them from doing so, and I don't feel like that adds to the experience in the same way that losing a fight in D&D does.

There was actually a (3rd party) supplement for 3rd Edition D&D called "The Book of Erotic Fantasy" that tried to add mechanics for sex stuff. Getting past the overt weirdness of the concept, it made a pretty earnest and good-faith attempt towards it goals, but the problem was that it never really provided a solution as to why giving characters mechanical attributes for their sexual ability was better than a player just saying "Hey, I hook up with that buxom tavern wench giving me the bedroom eyes" and letting the players do that since how well they were able to fuck that wench has no bearing on the game as a whole.

The only time adding sex with mechanics to a game really works is if those mechanics are more about defining the narrative consequences of people fucking, rather than trying to set up a "Roll 1d20+[Sex Mod] to sex good". Apocalypse World, for instance, features characters who all have a "sex move" which is a condition or mechanical effect that comes into play when their character has sex with another character in the game, but these moves are ones whose mechanics reinforce the role that particular player plays outside of sex scenes: For instance, the character class "The Brainer" has a sex move that allows them to automatically use the move "Deep Brain Scan" on the other person. That's weird and could easily have uncomfortable implications, but it's at least a mechanic that reinforces the experience of the player.

Basically I'm saying that the people playing this game would be better served either importing their fetishes into another system where the goal of the game is something other than sex (And if they have enough people to play this damned thing, they have enough people to get together their own group to play Fuck D&D without inflicting it on the unwitting) or just doing freeform sex RP.
surrey Puppy Time chai tea latte Penultimatum Deep 13 Yavuz adrenochrome dome


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Apocalypse World, for instance, features characters who all have a "sex move" which is a condition or mechanical effect that comes into play when their character has sex with another character in the game, but these moves are ones whose mechanics reinforce the role that particular player plays outside of sex scenes: For instance, the character class "The Brainer" has a sex move that allows them to automatically use the move "Deep Brain Scan" on the other person. That's weird and could easily have uncomfortable implications, but it's at least a mechanic that reinforces the experience of the player.
KingKalamari, July 26, 2020, 09:02:00 pm
Apocalypse World sex moves are also about the concept that sex is personally meaningful, and the moves reinforce the emotional core of the character archetypes in response to intimacy. (The emotional core of the Brainer, for example, is being an invasive, predatory creep, so it gets a pretty creepy invasive sex move. Other playbooks get moves that revolve around whether or not they feel like sex means anything, whether they want to be connected to other people intimately, and things like that.) I feel like this is an important contrast to the way that FAPP and similar terrible sex TTRPGs treats the emotional and intimate elements of sex, namely that they don't seem to exist, and sex is either mechanical orgasm creation or actively violent and dangerous.

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My personal theory: Tvtropes and CinemaSins et al. taught us that no fiction is good unless it shows its work, and that the highest achievement of narrative is flawless internal consistency. So if you want to play a narrative sex game it needs internally consistent rules, and if you want to include every weird fetish and scenario from FList then you're going to need a LOT of rules.
Wrought surrey Antivehicular Puppy Time Penultimatum chai tea latte adrenochrome dome

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I'm exceedingly hesitant to give this episode a listen.... mainly because I'm not into macro cocks or the super fringe fetishes like vore. From what I'm reading, FAPP feels like the furry equivalent of making a party game about Asa Akira and Piper Perri that only includes a crossbow, a pair of bongos, a spoon, and a gallon tub of vaseline, and all the instructions say are "use your imagination."

And King Kalamari made the main point: You play an RPG to emulate some sort of grand or engaging experience. You have sex to feel good. Foreplay kinda falters when you have to roll a die to see if it happens or not. :B

I'm tangentially familiar with the furry fandom and I don't think many furries would be able to even play this ironically...

Puppy Time

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I have the impression that FAPP's end goal isn't so much "get your rocks off in erotic roleplay" as "have a weirdly sexual romp via tabletop game for some reason."  Also it seems like some people can't deal with freeform RP and need there to be rules and rolls in place. I dunno, furry's a big community, big enough to contain multiples of all kinds of weird nerds, and weird and open enough that I can easily imagine a bunch of 'em going, "Hey, let's play a horrible penis monster sex game for fun, because we're so deep into weird sex stuff that it's basically window dressing in our lives!"

As to why the system was created instead of just kludging stuff into D&D... man, I couldn't even tell you, other than "same reason there's eleventy other unique homemade systems with their own settings and lore."  Some nerds write stories, some nerds make plushies, some nerds make tabletop game systems.


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Also, regarding KingKalamari's point about fail states, I think the fail state in this game is basically "you don't get to be the top" (or the power bottom). It's reminiscent of another weird fetish-bin furry RPG, Corruption of Champions, except that one's a video game instead of a tabletop game: CoC has nominally "horny" combat that mostly just determines whether you get to fuck the gross sex monster at the end, or whether the gross sex monster fucks you. I think FAPP is operating on the same principle: you're trying to use your collection of fetishes to beat the enemies' collections of fetishes, thereby giving you narrative control over how you fuck them, with the risk that if you don't, the GM gets narrative control over how they fuck you.

The answer to the question of "why don't they just jerk off to regular porn" is probably that if your whole sexuality revolves around jerking off, you've got to start coming up with backstory or else you'll get bored.
Puppy Time chai tea latte Penultimatum Antivehicular Yavuz

Puppy Time

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The answer to the question of "why don't they just jerk off to regular porn" is probably that if your whole sexuality revolves around jerking off, you've got to start coming up with backstory or else you'll get bored.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, July 27, 2020, 10:14:54 am

I think it's also just a thing where creative types tend to get creative in response to whatever their milieu is: if you're really into an anime, you'll draw the people from that anime. If you're really into a podcast, you'll draw lettuce cow. If you're really into smut, you'll draw smut.  Just in this case, instead of drawing, the creative outlet is making up tabletop rules and/or goofy worldbuilding.

It's just kind of a thing you do if you're idle in a lot of cases- going to the store, waiting in line at the bank, pooping.  Helps if you're easily bored and therefore constantly in need of some kind of distraction.

It also helps if you've got an appreciative audience, and horny furries tend to make for extremely appreciative audiences.