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June 02, 2024, 04:54:13 am

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Topic: Get Bozarth to F Plus Live [OFFICIAL SHILLING THREAD]  (Read 5098 times)

Adam Bozarth

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Hey all,

As I've mentioned in other threads and Twitter, I put up a GoFundMe to put together the money to get to F Plus Live this year.

Why am I asking for money? Well, I just don't have it. I have some, but not all of it. I'm working full time and covering bills, but missing work for travel requires some help.

Why are you asking for your money? Well, I want to give you something for your generosity outside of hearing my relaxing voice on a podcast.

Through GoFundMe, I am also selling prints and some old LHR merch through this as well.

The prints will be two-color block prints featuring cartoons of Lemon, Boots, or Kumquatxop. There will also be a speech bubble that I'll fill in with a quote of your choice.
I put up these photos of my work on the Lemon prints up on the GoFundMe.

(If you can't think of your favorite quote, I suggest "****!")

One thing I want to mention here in the Ball Pit is that I will do commissioned artwork for you. You can commission me through the GoFundMe. If you want a special piece of art, just describe it when you make a donation, and I'll make it for you and mail it to you!

I'm going to be using this thread to show off progress of the prints, fish for commissions, bump with previous commissions I've done, or just plain beg. If you have any questions, like "Why don't you get a real job?" and "Are you really this craven, you pathetic worm?," I'll be happy to answer them.

Anyway, I am not asking for free money. I'll make you something in exchange. Last time I went to F Plus Live, I also sold artwork and commissions and it was a lot of fun to do. I even ended up illustrating the cover of a book!

Many thanks to the people who've already donated! I can't wait to find the worst postcards on Hollywood Boulevard to send your way! You are great internet people and I am glad you like me.
Achilles' Heelies Please And Thanks Hoopy Yavuz Amelia Blank marxcarl

Adam Bozarth

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So, I'm very humbled to have already raised $200! That is certainly more than I am worth, and I think everyone who has contributed.

Remember: If you donate to get a poem or sentence read, please send them along when you make your donation. If you are owed one, then please get in touch!

With this progress, I will soon be able to arrange my travel, but I am not there yet.

I've dug out the junk that you get with a $25 or more donation.

These are the 3 original live posters from Left Handed Radio's live shows and the 3 buttons we made up to give away at these shows. I think they are fantastic designs in their own right, but I am biased.


If you've donated $25 or more, I will send you at least 1 copy of each. If you want multiples of something, let me know!

Also, 2 premium donation prize have just been added!
Achilles' Heelies xX_sp00ks_Xx

Adam Bozarth

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I'm happy to announce that I've met my goal today and will definitely be attending F PLUS LIVE!!!!

Thank you to all who donated, and be sure to get in touch if you are owed a premium. I will be putting up some reward videos today!

I will also keep working on the prints and sell them through there in case there is still interest for F Plus art.

But, again, thank you for your generosity and help. If you say hi in person at F Plus Live and I am shy and weird, it's because I'm humbled you've all been so nice to me.
Shell Game chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Corn Syrup Silent Liver Disease

Shell Game

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I'm happy to announce that I've met my goal today and will definitely be attending F PLUS LIVE!!!!

Thank you to all who donated, and be sure to get in touch if you are owed a premium. I will be putting up some reward videos today!

I will also keep working on the prints and sell them through there in case there is still interest for F Plus art.

But, again, thank you for your generosity and help. If you say hi in person at F Plus Live and I am shy and weird, it's because I'm humbled you've all been so nice to me.
Adam Bozarth, July 16, 2017, 11:32:02 am

What is the best way to get in touch with you? Because I know who I want a picture of and what I want said. Also, excited to see you at F Plus Live!

Adam Bozarth

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Shell Game, you should be able to respond to me with the e-mail from GoFundMe, but also fee free to DM me here.

Also, be on the look out for posters and buttons if you earned those. I just sent those out today!

Thank you again to all who donated. Its really made a big difference to me, and I hope that whatever I read entertains you for the rest of your days.

dijon du jour

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I replied to the email you sent from gofundme. Lemme know if it didn't actually go through.

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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I replied to the email you sent from gofundme. Lemme know if it didn't actually go through.
dijon du jour, July 18, 2017, 02:28:36 am

Adam Bozarth

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I have both the requests! Will keep you posted on progress
Shell Game

Adam Bozarth

  • Your friend on the internet
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  • 464
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I've done some readings!

Corn Syrup Lemon Boots Raingear RoeCocoa Emperor Jack Chick dijon du jour