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Topic: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!  (Read 55016 times)


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I had no idea that ADHD and immaturity = faerie. I'll keep that in mind.
Dacey Mormont, February 05, 2013, 03:02:42 pm

Also Aspergers just means you're special.


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #16
87% human and 34% machine-kin. I've just decided that my true form is a toaster.

Also, I noticed that Dragon has the highest average percentage. What a surprise.


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #17
Some of these questions are pretty spectacular

Does eating or being in the physical feel very strange to you?

Are...are those two things related?

Do you feel very big, as in much larger than the average human?

Hahaha fat jokes, ahhhhhh...neat.

True or false: Things feel right to you, even if in the end, it turns out they are not you.

Can someone parse this for me because I don't-

How many phantom tails do you have?


I liked that the picture they used for robot people looks like a microwave with feet.

Lady Naga

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
You scored 97% on Human, higher than 100% of your peers.

I don't know that it is possible to get 100% human.
Triggerhappy938, February 05, 2013, 01:09:01 pm

Yes but, is it possible to become...more human than the human?

fruit power

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I had no idea that ADHD and immaturity = faerie. I'll keep that in mind.
Dacey Mormont, February 05, 2013, 03:02:42 pm

Also Aspergers just means you're special.
Triggerhappy938, February 05, 2013, 08:13:06 pm

Wait. I thought Aspergers meant that you were an Indigo or Crystal child sent here from an advanced dimension to save us all.


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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I had no idea that ADHD and immaturity = faerie. I'll keep that in mind.
Dacey Mormont, February 05, 2013, 03:02:42 pm

Also Aspergers just means you're special.
Triggerhappy938, February 05, 2013, 08:13:06 pm

Wait. I thought Aspergers meant that you were an Indigo or Crystal child sent here from an advanced dimension to save us all.
fruit power, February 08, 2013, 02:26:08 pm
I thought it meant never being entirely certain what other people think of you and always being something of an outsider in most social situations, even those that are otherwise enjoyable.

Lady Naga

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
I had no idea that ADHD and immaturity = faerie. I'll keep that in mind.
Dacey Mormont, February 05, 2013, 03:02:42 pm

Also Aspergers just means you're special.
Triggerhappy938, February 05, 2013, 08:13:06 pm

Wait. I thought Aspergers meant that you were an Indigo or Crystal child sent here from an advanced dimension to save us all.
fruit power, February 08, 2013, 02:26:08 pm
I thought it meant never being entirely certain what other people think of you and always being something of an outsider in most social situations, even those that are otherwise enjoyable.
Runic, February 08, 2013, 05:15:32 pm

No, that's being Woody Allen.


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #22
You scored 87% on Human, higher than 98% of your peers.

This is not in any way indicative of the kind of person taking this test.  At all.  Really.  Honest!

I ranked highest after that in Machine-kin, which you know is not something a lot of people get because one of the questions is "Are you good with technology" and you take it on a computer, but it totally made me realize something.  One of the questions is "Do you shuffle your feet or are you clumsy?" and I answered yes because I have a tendon condition that impedes my walking, but OH MY GOD, it isn't a tendon condition at ALL, is it?  I shuffle because my so-called human fleshy "tendons" are actually WIRING.  I have been a machine from the knees down since I was born and I never would have known that if it weren't for this quiz!  I think I'm eligible to receive 1/6 Lamp-Kin benefits now.  Where would any of us maligned kin be without highly gamed personality tests?  Not getting a free bottle of WD-40 every month, certainly!

Alpha Starsquatch

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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #23
Apparently I'm a demon. I could get used to this.


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #24
I'm not taking this test because I'm Proudly 100% White Human.

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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #25

Yossarian chai tea latte Gyro Shell Game Liatai


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #26
Hahaha, it's like your commentary was continued in your personal text.

Gyro Shell Game Liatai

Shell Game

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Re: Fuck you, I'm a Dragon!
Wow, some of these questions... they're just willing to read into -any- human behavioral quirks, aren't they?

Turns out I'm 87% human, 32% dragon, and 34% machine-kin. Yeah, I'm a robot dragon.

You know what? I'm okay with that.
Adept, February 05, 2013, 05:43:43 pm
pointing this one out because cytran


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #28
This thread was last posted in like five years ago

Five years ago

Why are you doing this, Shell Game? Why are you going around digging up corpses everywhere? Why?


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Fuck you, I'm a Dragon! #29
its not exactly going to displace all the new threads popping up
Shell Game Cirr