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Topic: What's up with your username?  (Read 165172 times)

cashmir sweaters

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What's up with your username? #225
I like cashmere and misspellings and also I didn't want to have an easily traceable web identity anymore. I think this is the only site I'm cashmir sweaters (of any spelling).

Silent Liver Disease

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What's up with your username? #226
It's the nickname for Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis. The common abbreviation is my last name. It's basically cirrhosis without the fun part where you drink heavily for several years first. I have a bad habit of changing my username often, but $10 is forever, dudes. I figured this wouldn't identify or embarrass me down the line.

I'm also pretty soft-spoken, so it's fitting.

I Liked That Joke

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What's up with your username? #227
I like jokes!
Runic chai tea latte Moose Shell Game Lemon

Frank West

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What's up with your username? #228
It's the nickname for Non-Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis. The common abbreviation is my last name. It's basically cirrhosis without the fun part where you drink heavily for several years first. I have a bad habit of changing my username often, but $10 is forever, dudes. I figured this wouldn't identify or embarrass me down the line.

I'm also pretty soft-spoken, so it's fitting.
Silent Liver Disease, December 21, 2016, 11:10:07 pm

yah it's too bad you can't change your username here
positive stress Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop I Liked That Joke chai tea latte Lemon nuffkins, of all people, Caroline Malten

Silent Liver Disease

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What's up with your username? #229
I know I can, but aside from Sherman Tankesque edits I feel like it would confuse people to do so.


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What's up with your username? #230
And the last thing you'd want to do on here is confuse people.


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What's up with your username? #231
I know, right? What if you confused Guest? They're super gullible and known to get aggressive when confused.
Patterns cube abuser Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Bodark Fanzay Corn Syrup Moose I Liked That Joke Malten subculture


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What's up with your username? #232
I like jokes!
I Liked That Joke, December 21, 2016, 11:58:12 pm
I'm gonna be honest, when I saw your name for the first time I was really hoping you'd only make a single post.

I mean I love new people here anyway, but that would've been such a great thing.

I Liked That Joke

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What's up with your username? #233
I like jokes!
I Liked That Joke, December 21, 2016, 11:58:12 pm
I'm gonna be honest, when I saw your name for the first time I was really hoping you'd only make a single post.

I mean I love new people here anyway, but that would've been such a great thing.
Cleretic, December 22, 2016, 05:54:23 pm
Send me ten bucks and I'll erase every post I've ever done except that one.
Bodark Runic Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte


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What's up with your username? #234
It's from this run the jewels song.

What it's actually from is the movie boogie nights but I still haven't seen that movie.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Moose

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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What's up with your username? #235
It's from this run the jewels song.

What it's actually from is the movie boogie nights but I still haven't seen that movie.
Chestrockwell, December 24, 2016, 03:33:51 pm
I commend this post


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What's up with your username? #236
I wanted a username related to Zelda, and I always remember that phrase "This'd be the bomb shop!" from Wind Waker, soooo I went with Bombshops. It's pretty much my handle on almost every site I'm on at this point.

Thank you for letting me tell this exciting tale.

Standplaats Kraków

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What's up with your username? #237
I used to be Tyfus, back in PoE days. I was a squatter and a punk in those days, and my first name is Titus.

Then I grew a little bit older, and then a lot older, and I found that I wanted a more acceptable, less 3dgy username for situations where that's more fitting.

Now I'm Standplaats (arch: a place a journalist is stationed in Dutch,) Kraków (where I live these days.) Only my really old accounts are still Tyfus or DeTyfus.


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What's up with your username? #238
"Slarty" is short for the Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy character Slartibartfast. I liked his character because he designed fjords and I thought that was hilarious. "Sir" because I was 14, a nerd and uncreative with names (I'm still two of those things).

Thanks thread for reminding me that my username is over two decades old! [freakout]


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What's up with your username? #239
I wrote a poem.
