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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 174485 times)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Anyone seen the KLK OVA?

Here's a dropbox link to the whole thing.

Just download it and run it in VLC. A few subtitles have typos, but that's because it was a "day-one release" sort of thing, I assume.

A Meat

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The first episode of Parasyte (or Kiseijuu in Japanese) aired and it was really good. I really didn't like the opening theme but that could just be me.

I think it's supposedly a horror thing, but I don't know to what extent, but there's a bunch of blood and gore.


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I keep mentioning Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but is anybody except me here even watching/reading it?

Jojo is the best and I'd make a thread just for Jojo, but I need to know if other people are actually up to date on it or if it would be just me desperately trying to convince people to read or watch Jojo.
A Meat, July 15, 2014, 10:40:13 am
JoJo is great. I watch it with a group of friends as an excuse for everyone to get together. I would like to be up to date, but hdr is dragging his ass.

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun was fantastic.

Girls und Panzer was relatively enjoyable and certainly fun to watch with others and talk shit about, but by no means should anyone consider it "Good". (Katyusha is still great)


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Girls und Panzer was relatively enjoyable and certainly fun to watch with others and talk shit about, but by no means should anyone consider it "Good". (Katyusha is still great)
Turtle, October 10, 2014, 06:38:29 pm

Please do not troll the fine posters of ballp.it.


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chai tea latte

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A Meat

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Smoking Crow, November 15, 2014, 03:33:10 pm

help, i expected this to be the nichismoke thing. i do like that there is a selection of songs.

VV i'm aware of the site, and i know one of the other things there is the nichismoke thing, i just didn't expect this one since i hadn't seen it before.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 09:59:40 am by A Meat »


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Smoking Crow, November 15, 2014, 03:33:10 pm

http://420.moe  is the better link
RedMinjo, November 16, 2014, 12:44:19 pm

yeah but i don't know the guy that owns that link

A Meat

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I just realized that it might have been a completely different site that just had the nichismoke thing I've seen, since there seem to be multiple pages that are just that video on a loop.

I feel like watching a really terrible anime, anybody got a good recommendation for a "so bad it's good" anime? Preferably not too long.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Smoking Crow, November 15, 2014, 03:33:10 pm
I recently watched about five episodes of puella magi madoka magica while blazed off my ass. If only I had known this existed back then.


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I just realized that it might have been a completely different site that just had the nichismoke thing I've seen, since there seem to be multiple pages that are just that video on a loop.

I feel like watching a really terrible anime, anybody got a good recommendation for a "so bad it's good" anime? Preferably not too long.
A Meat, November 16, 2014, 03:49:02 pm

Standard bearer for this is Garzey's Wing, but make sure you watch the dub.

Tiny Prancer

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harmageddon is a movie so bad it would take me an hour to explain how bad it is. It's STUNNINGLY bad, and shockingly it was apparently a HUGE deal in Japan when it came out. Literally the best thing I can say about it is that it helped lay groundwork for Akira to be produced. there's not much difference in terrible between the dub and sub but the dub adds in one single line that's so amazing that I'd recommend watching it just for that.

Angel cop is a pretty infamously bad one as well, and similar to Garzey's wing, you ABSOLUTELY need to watch the dub. It's one of those dubs from the magical time where people decided that to show that it was for ADULTS that everyone needed to CONSTANTLY swear. It also features the amazing line "If that's justice, then I'm a banana!"