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Topic: Okay, so let's figure out the school that the Belchers attend.  (Read 5758 times)


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Tina's in 8th grade, Gene is in 6th, and Louise is in  4th. They all go to the same school, Wagstaff, which is in walking distance.

It's got lockers, but it's also got Elementary School style setup, because there doesn't seem to be a situation where the kids go to different teachers for different subjects. Also, they're together quite a lot, given the difference in grades. There doesn't seem to be that many kids at the school, despite the fact that it's a public school in a Coastal town that can support an amusement park, a minor league baseball team, and gimmick boutique shops (if only temporarily).

Andy & Olly are in Louise's class, Jimmy Jr and Zeke are in Tina's class. I'm not sure where anyone else fits in.  I don't think Gene has ever attended class, but he does do extra-curriculars.

Are there facts I'm missing? Let's solve this thing!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2018, 08:28:41 pm by Lemon »


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Zeke, Tammy and Jocelyn are in Tina's class and Rudy is for sure in Louise's class. Gene has been seen in class at least once in my memory (When he kept breaking the bags of flour they were supposed to take home for a parenting assignment) and is in the same class as Courtney. Given the way the characters are laid out I'd hazard a guess that there's only one class per grade since we never hear mention of kids in the same grade but a different class as the Belchers.


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I went to a school that'd be able to check a lot of those boxes, but was single-sex, so it is all real-world plausible to a degree. It was also a private school, though, and to my knowledge the Belchers are quite lower-class, so that kinda throws a wrench into things; it all squares as making sense for a suburban, 'not prestigious but wants to be' all-in-one private school, but you still need to have some money down for that.

Boots Raingear

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Some helpful images:

This supports Lemon's theory that there's only 1 class per grade as there is, at most, only 5 regular classrooms on the main floor. It also looks to be a pretty fancy for a public school. I'd guess it was built in the early 20th century in a neighborhood that used to be  wealthier than it is now.
Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Your screenshot brings up an interesting point: Wagstaff has its own television station, with its own own investigative news program. The studio where they broadcast the morning announcements from isn't fancy, but it is soundproofed, so structurally someone decided a room for recording sound would be worth investing in.

Moreover, their theatre productions are elaborate. Work Hard Or Die Trying Girl was a quickly thrown together production and yet they had costumes, backdrops and dollies available, not to mention like three full racks of spotlights. The audience for Quirky Turkey is more than all the kids at recess.

Wagstaff has gotta be a subsidized performing arts school. The main curriculum Gene receives is an awareness is pop culture trivia he's far too young to get.
Boots Raingear Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Nikaer Drekin chai tea latte Shell Game KingKalamari bubbleuj
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 09:32:31 am by Lemon »


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I might actually go so far as to suggest that the school was originally founded as a decent school with a focus on the arts whose funding took a serious nose dive over the past few decades. It would explain why the school has so many resources for art-related stuff kicking around (It's all leftovers from when they were actually properly funded) while explaining why a lower-middle class family like the Belchers are able to send their kids to it. It would also explain why a school that small originally had a dedicated ceramics room.

I think it also fits with what we know of the unnamed town in which the Belchers reside: It seems to be a pretty small seaside town that gets most of its income from tourism (Explaining the variety of festivals and fairs that go on throughout the year) with a relatively small local population. Wagstaff was probably built with high hopes that the local population was going to explode as a result of all the people coming and going, only to fizzle out when it became apparent no one was moving in.
Boots Raingear


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We also know there's another school in this apparently tiny town with the character of Josh. So that supports the art school theory since maybe there's a normal school in the town as well.