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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147435 times)


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Hey guys, want to see a crazy burger?

Would you like to guess whose recipe this is? Why none other than our good friend Paula Deen! It's called the Lady's Brunch Burger, which implies that you're supposed to eat it in addition to the three meals normal people eat. God Bless America.
A Meat


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That's just a shitty Luther


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It's called the Lady's Brunch Burger, which implies that you're supposed to eat it in addition to the three meals normal people eat. God Bless America.
Runic, July 29, 2015, 02:52:49 pm

Brunch is usually eaten instead of, rather than in addition to, breakfast and lunch--not that I'd put it past Paula Deen to opt for the latter.


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Pre breakfast
post lunch dessert
pre dinner


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Hey guys, want to see a crazy burger?Runic, July 29, 2015, 02:52:49 pm

It's more fun when you get to watch her make it.

Tiny Prancer

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Hey guys, want to see a crazy burger?Runic, July 29, 2015, 02:52:49 pm

It's more fun when you get to watch her make it.
Healslime, July 30, 2015, 06:57:29 pm

Fun fact about this exact video: I walked in late to one of my final classes of my first quarter of freshman year to my teacher playing this on the projector, and when it finished she said "so anyway, I brought doughnuts for everyone".

it was a good final class.


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I walked in late to one of my final classes of my first quarter of freshman year to my teacher playing this on the projector, and when it finished she said "so anyway, I brought doughnuts for everyone".Tiny Prancer, July 30, 2015, 09:44:41 pm

Need to step up my teaching game.  This doesn't cut it after discovering my rivals are incorporating WolfgoreShow into their work.

Tiny Prancer

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I also went to school in Savannah, Paula Deen's stomping grounds, so I think there was also sort of a regional reason for her showing that.

(for the record, I never went to her restaurant. My only experience with it was going into the gift shop next to it with my parents, noticing that everyone there was about three times my age, and upon walking out of the store saw a young woman come out of the restaurant and tell her family it was a seven hour wait. Also one time I got trapped next to the restaurant with my bike because a tour bus of elderly women unloaded there and I had to wait until they finished shuffling past because I was literally trapped next to the door. That was all the experience I needed.)


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the scene: downtown minneapolis

the time: three in the morning on a friday

the characters: myself, my friend, various drunken men on the sidewalk outside of Barfly

what happened: i stumble out of Barfly on my friend's shoulder and we start our winding way to her car, being heckled pretty much by the block as we go. an incredibly drunken man stops in his tracks and stares at me, boggle-eyed, when my friend and I walk past him. After several seconds of this, he screws up all his courage and bellows, sounding incredibly slurred, at my retreating back:


i whisper to my friend, after a second, "did he just say 'nice ankles?'" after she confirms, we walk faster. the night gets worse as a methhead stops our car at a red light to stare blankly st us, but he was less fplus, so.

Leave downtown minneapolis before three am.


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This was before the FPlus existed but, at one sleepover thing when I was 16, my friend spent the entire time trying to get high off of iDoser. It was a two-hour drive each way. So, he got his parents to drive me two hours to my house, so that he could sit on my floor and try to get high off of iDoser for three days. [freakout]

(Do we have smilies other than [freakout]?)


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Do we need smilies other than [freakout]?


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
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Do we need smilies other than [freakout]?
Runic, August 26, 2015, 12:47:54 pm
Not really.

chai tea latte

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Do we need smilies other than [freakout]?
Runic, August 26, 2015, 12:47:54 pm
[stalin] [twerk] [yayvictor]

Emperor Jack Chick

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only if you want your post to be classy

Fatty Bo Batty

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I met a man who called himself "Vegas" last night. He dressed like a terrible anime character.