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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147315 times)


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I've been spending the last eight months watching my younger sister turn into a Tumblob SJW, slowly but surely. She's a college freshman with a high opinion of herself and very little real-world experience, which will take you most of the way, but since we're mixed race, she falls more easily into the Tumblrite brand of white hate.

During the Grammys, she was actively rooting for Iggy Azalea to lose because "she's Austrailan, but she appropriates the way black people talk when she sings", but she had zero problem with Eminem winning. She also deliberately misinterprets things our parents say in an effort to start ranting about {insert cause here}, and it's getting to the point where I want to tell her to shut up, even if I agree with her.

I honest to god told her if she ever turns into the kind of person who thinks eating sushi is cultural appropriation, I'd stop talking to her. She promised she'd never go that crazy, but it's getting exhausting just to talk to her.

Adam Bozarth

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She's a college freshman. She'll grow out of it, with help and kindness.

It sucks learning the extent of the bullshit we live with and the history of that bullshit. You just want to fight it on every level. Eventually, you get tired of fighting people you like being around.

Geremy Tibbles

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I googled "Waiting to die" in bed because I was miserable and then Experience Project came up and I read a poorly written article some teenager must've written about how they were depressed and the only response was "I know".

I felt infinitely better.

Also I'm pretty sure I dated a borderline cockrub warrior at one point.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Eventually, you get tired of fighting people you like being around.
Adam Bozarth, February 11, 2015, 10:55:04 am

Fucking sellout poser!


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I can't imagine the abject horror I would feel if some random person told me about the fanfics they read. Jeeesus

A Meat

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I can't imagine the abject horror I would feel if some random person told me about the fanfics they read. Jeeesus
goombapolice, February 12, 2015, 06:43:51 am

Me neither, it was pretty weird to hear that from kids in high school and I can't imagine how I'd feel when confronted with real bona fide adults doing that.

But on topic, I don't think I've mentioned, but when I was in highschool a girl I sort of knew kind of accosted me with intent to talk to me all about her Hetalia fanart, just because I was basically the only person she knew that uttered the word anime on purpose.

Let me tell you, somehow getting trapped in a conversation with a person intent on talking to you all about their shitty fanart is unpleasant.

Knitting Machine

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I can't imagine the abject horror I would feel if some random person told me about the fanfics they read. Jeeesus
goombapolice, February 12, 2015, 06:43:51 am

Let me tell you, somehow getting trapped in a conversation with a person intent on talking to you all about their shitty fanart is unpleasant.
A Meat, February 12, 2015, 09:57:46 am

Many years ago I was once trapped in a car for three hours with a guy who wouldn't stop talking about his idea for an ultra-violent sex filled furry webcomic. Not that he wanted to draw or even write it, he just wanted to be the ideas guy for it.

A Meat

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I can't imagine the abject horror I would feel if some random person told me about the fanfics they read. Jeeesus
goombapolice, February 12, 2015, 06:43:51 am

Let me tell you, somehow getting trapped in a conversation with a person intent on talking to you all about their shitty fanart is unpleasant.
A Meat, February 12, 2015, 09:57:46 am

Many years ago I was once trapped in a car for three hours with a guy who wouldn't stop talking about his idea for an ultra-violent sex filled furry webcomic. Not that he wanted to draw or even write it, he just wanted to be the ideas guy for it.
KnitOneKillTwo, February 12, 2015, 10:16:09 am

Oh, so not very different from my experience with the girl I mentioned, since what I mentioned was when I had the misfortune of having to sit out some school field trip or something along those lines due to an injury and she kind of didn't want to participate, so she instead talked at me about all sorts of proto-tumblr type garbage, as well as a bunch of ideas for comics she would totally actually draw and would be a total hit you guys, and they were 100% unoriginal monkey-cheese-random type trash. I wonder what happened with her after that, I kind of avoided her after that and haven't heard of her since.

I also remembered another crazy teenager I met once when some other high schoolers came to our school for a debate, each person participating in a debate had to pair up with a person they were going to be against, so me and my friends took all our debate partners to the school petting zoo, mostly because our school had a petting zoo, and the girl I was partnered with, at some point mumbled "Kawaii" under her breath at the adorable animals, and I made the mistake of acknowledging what she said. That terrible  decision resulted in me being dragged into a conversation about how she's going to study Japanese, because she's a huuuuuuuuge fan of Naruto and how great Japanese culture is. When I managed to get her to stop talking about anime, she started talking about how the fact that she's so good at school is because she's an indigo child and how deja vu is actually precognition, and how Astrology can be really important and helpful and other hippy garbage until we got back to class and we had the debates. I have never been happier winning a debate.

Knitting Machine

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The worst part about my story was that he wasn't a teenager. This was a full grown man.

No wait, the worst part is that a mutual friend was trying to hook us up.

That was the worst part.
McMillan and Waifu

I'm Not On Twitter

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I have a legit gangstalking paranoid person living near me. They have a sign pushing some website "gangstalking.com" and a sign that says "Continuous harassement 2005-NOW".

I want to take pictures, but I'm worried about them thinking I am one of the stalkers and ending up shot.


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I have a legit gangstalking paranoid person living near me. They have a sign pushing some website "gangstalking.com" and a sign that says "Continuous harassement 2005-NOW".

I want to take pictures, but I'm worried about them thinking I am one of the stalkers and ending up shot.
I'm Not On Twitter, February 25, 2015, 03:05:39 pm

I can't wait for gangstalking to be proven real


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This is in far retrospect, but I once went out with a girl and she started to tell me about the "Yaoi" fanfic community she was running and proceeded to then explain what "Yaoi", "Shota" and "Futa" were. She even offered to show me her picture collection, which if I remember correctly consisted mostly of extremely graphic homosexual sex between two characters from whichever FInal Fantasy game.
Now it might not sound that extreme, but it was the first time I was ever exposed to that side of Anime, and then came the scariest part when she told me that her mother was also a fan and that they moderated the community together.


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Now it might not sound that extreme, but it was the first time I was ever exposed to that side of Anime, and then came the scariest part when she told me that her mother was also a fan and that they moderated the community together.
Ambious, February 25, 2015, 03:59:50 pm

If that isn't legal cause to bring in CPS then it really really ought to be


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Now it might not sound that extreme, but it was the first time I was ever exposed to that side of Anime, and then came the scariest part when she told me that her mother was also a fan and that they moderated the community together.
Ambious, February 25, 2015, 03:59:50 pm

If that isn't legal cause to bring in CPS then it really really ought to be
Bobalay, February 25, 2015, 04:13:16 pm

the family that pomfs together romps together

Cat Planet

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I actually have a metal wire frame Orgone (non-Pyradyne) pyramid at my old house. It was given to me in the mid-90s by my grandma who is a schizophrenic, and who thinks that after losing WWII Hitler escaped to his secret base in the Antarctic and now controls the US government's foreign policy. I assume that this is Pyradyne's target demographic.
Sherman Tank