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Topic: Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children  (Read 42498 times)


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children
Yes, I know this episode is a year and a half old.  I'm going to talk about it anyway, because listening to it again something has occurred to me.  I think I can articulate one of the reasons these people piss me off so much.  They aren't actually pro-choice.

The people featured in this episode made a lot of noise about how pro-choice they are, and how pro-lifers should be harvested for their organs and thrown into the sun or whatever.  But they also fantasized about mandatory sterilization for people who don't pass some arbitrary IQ test.  The think is, that means that they aren't actually pro-choice.  They're pro-abortion, but not pro-choice.  Pro-choice means that you believe everyone should be able to choose whether to have children or not.  It's not just about abortion, it's also about letting people have children if they want to.  Forced sterilization is just as anti-choice as banning abortion.  They are two sides of the same coin.

Also, we used to forcefully sterilize people deemed mentally unfit, and it was a horrible racist mess.  As recently as the 1970's some states were sterilizing the mentally ill, and it is still technically considered constitutionally permissible to do so (Buck v Bell).  So fuck these ignorant eugenicists, is what I'm saying.  They are the very thing they claim to hate the most.
chai tea latte

Keetah Spacecat

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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #1
The Child-free movement is full of shit. I actually joined the Childfree Livejournal community a couple years ago. Because at that time, nobody seemed to quite understand that I don't want to give birth to my own child because it could kill me. So I thought oh, there must be other people out there that are sensible in that they'd understand that while children are great, sometimes you'd just rather adopt/not have kids.

I was very wrong. Instead I found the most hateful community that legit hated children from the depths of their hearts. Of course they'd be pro-abortion, because then you can get rid of the icky children before they are born! But if you choose to keep the baby and raise it, then you are just a MOO or a DUH. So I agree that in no ways are they Pro-choice, because then they'd have to understand that it's okay that people would want to have and raise children.

I know there was one incident in that community that pissed me off. Someone started a thread that they should remove 'Watch for Children' and 'Deaf Child Area' because then 'Darwin could take it's course'. And they didn't know that I MYSELF had Deaf Child Area signs around my house cause I'm PARTIALLY DEAF MYSELF. SO in their logic I should have died and never have grown up.

Because Obviously they were never children themselves!


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #2
Well, duh, in Sparta they threw out the defective babies (I totally learned that from, like, the 300 movie) and look how awesome their society was!

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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #3
That's actually quite astute of you, and I agree wholeheartedly. As one of the people who put together the cf_hardcore episode, I can safely say there are several incredibly broken things about the community.

1.) They don't have any compassion, and their lack of sympathy is even more atrocious than that of most anti-abortion politicians. Oh sure, those rich white guys in charge also believe the cf_hardcore idea of "fuck poor people; they can sort out their babyin' themselves," but even the biggest pro-life Rape-Pregnancy-Is-Just-God-Sneezing-On-You-With-His-Holy-Boogers douchebag understands that sometimes parents need to use strollers to get their kid around. Kumquatxop helped make the episode and he was digging up stupid posts by the minute. cf_hardcore dickheads get bent out of shape because children sometimes ride their bikes past their windows, parents sometimes bring their kids on plane flights, parents use strollers, and parents sometimes have to change their babies when away from home. Hell, they even hate grandparents TALKING about their grandchildren in public. Seriously, those are all real examples. It's the perfect example of one person outside of a given situation telling a person who IS in that situation "oh hurr hurr, it can't be THAT hard! ;)" Yet if someone were to tell Crisco Twister that she could drop all that weight within a week because HURR IT'S NOT THAT HARD GOD WOMAN, I'm sure they'd have condemned that smug condescending bullshit on the spot. And even when it IS a rich white family walking around with kids, they will STILL post about how pitiful and stupid those lousy breeders are. I even mention in the episode that their logic is "only smart people should have kids, but if you were truly smart like me, you wouldn't have them at all ;) ;) ;)". It's flat-out sociopathic to have not one shred of sympathy for someone who made a slightly different life choice than you.

2.) They're very deluded about their own childhood, and don't understand that their parents likely took any advantage they had. Or you know, they know and just don't fucking care. Seriously dipshits, your parents probably took YOU to the movies at a certain time of day, or they took you on a trip at a certain time, or took you to the zoo or a restaurant or fucking ANYWHERE that adults were also visiting. And you know what? It wasn't the end of the world for everyone else. But of course since THEY got to experience those things, their brains have locked into "fuck y'all, got mine" mode and now no children should be allowed outside ever. They swear that "oh it was okay for meeee because I was a perfect angel and I was VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE and blblblblblbl" No, no you weren't. I can tell because your whole community is built around throwing tantrums just because you didn't completely get your way. Either you're maturing backwards, or you thank God every day that there was no internet when you were a kid, since nobody could record all the shitfits you undoubtedly had.

3.) They think everyone who disagrees with them is really saying "you need to love all kids and have a lot of babies!!!" That's not me being goofy. They literally think that. Something that was linked to in the episode page was a piece cut from the final episode. In it, Victor read a post by someone who is childfree, but asks the community to re-think its behavior. The OP articulates her points very nicely; she says that while she chooses to not have kids, she knows that someone has to, and that there is no point in immature namecalling and whining. The response? "OMG BREEDER LOVER BREEDER LOVER!!!! LOOK I KNOW YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A MILLION KIDS AND LOVE ALL CHILDREN UNCONDITIONALLY BUT I WON'T DO WHAT YOU SAY!!!" This is their response to any criticism ever. "You know you were kids once, right?" "OMGGG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST BINGO'D ME AND TOLD ME I HAD TO LOVE ALL KIDS AIHD)_(s9jsfihf" That was even their response to the episode itself. Oh, we read their lunatic posts about how TV is constantly showing childbirth or what the fuck ever? OH GOD BREEDERS WANTING US TO MAKE BABIES UURRRGGGHHHXXLLLLLEEEEE!!! At no point did we make fun of them for simply not having kids. Fucking hell, I put the episode together and I don't have any kids. But yes of course, clearly the episode's message was "you either have babies or you should be shot."

All in all they're a lovely group of people and I'm sure none of them will die early of 50 aneurysms.

Also seriously cf_hardcore, J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter for KIDS. Not for you. Dumbasses.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #4

3.) They think everyone who disagrees with them is really saying "you need to love all kids and have a lot of babies!!!" That's not me being goofy. They literally think that.
portaxx, February 06, 2013, 06:38:23 pm
Yeah, as I recall they actually briefly flooded the comments for that episode with bullshit along those lines.  There is a difference between not wanting to have kids and hating all children and thinking they should die in a fire.  One of those things is a perfectly reasonable life choice, the other is pretty horrible.

Keetah Spacecat

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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #5
The sheer ENTITLEMENT of the community is enough to make me froth at the mouth with rage. When I was in the Childfree comm people were complaining about stupid shit, like oh no the children got more presents than MEEEEE for Christmas! Guys I'm sooooo mad they had an episode about child birth on a MEDICAL CHANNEL. God how dare that baby cry in my presence it's not like it's a BABY or anything?

I think that they are all just spoiled children that never grew up and I'm so happy I left and didn't look back. And it's a shame because if they were an informative and mature community, they could have honestly helped people by providing information on birth control and offered a safe place to let people choose for themselves what they want to do in terms of children.

But it's just a community of people throwing tantrums and blaming their problems on innocent babies and children.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #6
The Child-free movement is full of shit. I actually joined the Childfree Livejournal community a couple years ago. Because at that time, nobody seemed to quite understand that I don't want to give birth to my own child because it could kill me. So I thought oh, there must be other people out there that are sensible in that they'd understand that while children are great, sometimes you'd just rather adopt/not have kids.

I was very wrong. Instead I found the most hateful community that legit hated children from the depths of their hearts. Of course they'd be pro-abortion, because then you can get rid of the icky children before they are born! But if you choose to keep the baby and raise it, then you are just a MOO or a DUH. So I agree that in no ways are they Pro-choice, because then they'd have to understand that it's okay that people would want to have and raise children.

I know there was one incident in that community that pissed me off. Someone started a thread that they should remove 'Watch for Children' and 'Deaf Child Area' because then 'Darwin could take it's course'. And they didn't know that I MYSELF had Deaf Child Area signs around my house cause I'm PARTIALLY DEAF MYSELF. SO in their logic I should have died and never have grown up.

Because Obviously they were never children themselves!
Keetah Spacecat, February 06, 2013, 03:51:09 pm

The major theme I find that runs through the entire community is that all these childfree hardcore people, ironically, are sort of stuck in that adolescent phase where they believe themselves to be far smarter and more level-headed than everyone around them. It doesn't help that a lot of the people involved (Or at least a lot of the people whose posts were read in that episode) were teenagers themselves and very obviously still in that phase where they didn't have the ability to understand that people's circumstances differ from their own.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #7
Also, we used to forcefully sterilize people deemed mentally unfit, and it was a horrible racist mess.
Runic, February 06, 2013, 01:06:28 pm
Speaking of racism, got to love their obsession with "you should have to pass THIS kind of test to be able to do anything in society". We used to have those, guys, it was called a poll tax. You'd think a bunch of super intelligent and exalted internet smartasses would recognize FUCKING JIM CROW LAWS.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #8
Recently here in Finland there was an incident where someone had secretly cut some trees standing next to a playground in half. This was done in such a way that the trees would eventually fall down where the children played. I can only imagine the person setting up a trap like that is a member of the c-f hardcore community.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #9
I used to lurk around a community for laughing at the idiots of Livejournal called sf_drama (which a few of y'all are undoubtedly familiar with), and I distinctly remember a few posts calling out members from childfree and cf_hardcore (but mostly the latter) for being horribly bigoted, for equating mothers with cattle (stupid fuckin' MOO), and devising a name for fathers that recalls many harmful playground stereotypes around people with mental disabilities (DUH). They were also called out for much of the same examples posted above and more, including: claiming that parents-to-be must take a licensing test (designed by the vat-grown mental giants from cf_hardcore, no doubt), advocating for mandatory sterilization (especially for those "too poor to pay for their crotch-droppings!" with a sickening racist and classist streak), repeatedly complaining about welfare queen BREEEEDERS!!!!!!, and other things I don't care to remember.

Then why is it that this group, on the whole, tries to present itself as socially progressive? It is also worth mentioning that a few of the cretins featured in the podcast were (in their rather twisted way) pro-choice and pro-GLBT-rights (I assume). Of course, that tended to bend right around to the petulant "I should have the right to choose for the entire human race and if you disagree you're a DISGUSTING MOO BREEDER FUCK AAAAAAARRHRHKGJGKLHA."

So what is it then? Are they well-meaning people who were trapped in this regressive echo-chamber at a crucial developmental stage? Are they convinced that what they're advocating for is very liberal and progressive and all that good stuff and will cure the world of all its problems? (Yes.) Are they spoiled brats obsessed with image? Are they fucking morons who just hate children? All of the above?

Personally, I think they (or at the very least those featured in the podcast) are a bunch of over-privileged, worthless sacks of hot air who not only have never had to lift a finger for themselves but never even bothered to learn about the experiences of people who do before they spout their mouths off about shit they don't know. They've invented this mold for themselves to fill that looks very much like the ubermensch, super smart and genealogically perfect in every way and if they were to pass on their genetic material (which they won't heh, ain't no fuckin moo) they would be the perfect people to raise their perfect Aryan children, unlike those FAT POOR WALKING UTERI SIPPING ON PURPLE DRANK AND DRIVING THEIR ESCALADES TO PICK UP THEIR WELFARE CHEwait hold up where have I heard that before

The thing is though, I bet fucking dollars-to-little-baby-doughnuts that these people would be terrible parents, and that they've only projected themselves onto this perfect mold to escape their own crushing ineptitude. They are so dissatisfied with how their lives have ended up, fresh out of an expensive college with a worthless degree and with no marketable skills to speak of, frantically typing up their angry screeds on a computer at the public library with an 8-year old waiting behind them to check on his Neopets, that they have decided to shove their frustration on the only person less able to defend themselves than they are: the 8-year-old.

These people are especially stupid fascists and they suck >:(
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 02:26:35 am by nilvoid »


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #10
I can not get mad at these guys.  Not real, genuine anger.  I'll ham it up for a podcast but those guys are just adult-children.

Oh, certainly, nearly everybody fancies themselves the arbiters of all that is just and right in society, myself no exception.  We have, however, the means in any decent democracy for a person who wants to go change society to go out and do it:  get elected.  It takes a lot of time and commitment and drive, and even if I don't agree with a given MP (or your local equivalent) and his/her politics I can respect the effort they went to get elected.

These dudes?  They might be shrill, they're certainly entirely wrong, and I'll wager money they've already come up with elaborate, self-defeating reasons why they could never get elected on a childfree ticket.  If I were a lesser man, I'd go ask them myself, but since I am smug and superior,  I'll just indulge in my own bad habit of sitting back and appreciating a fresh, piping-hot cup of smug superiority.

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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #11
One of my insufferable child-free hardcore type friends ended up having a kid. She is now an insufferable indulgent parent to the kind of child she believed all other children to be. I don't think her son has ever been told "no" before.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #12
So she's moved on from an Episode Forty-Two exhibit to an Episode NINETY-Two exhibit! Splendid.


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #13
Is it unfair to judge someone based on the number of F+ episodes that indirectly refer to them?


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Episode 42: Suffer The Little Children #14
Recently here in Finland there was an incident where someone had secretly cut some trees standing next to a playground in half. This was done in such a way that the trees would eventually fall down where the children played. I can only imagine the person setting up a trap like that is a member of the c-f hardcore community.
montrith, February 06, 2013, 11:47:05 pm

Pentti Linkola strikes again!