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Topic: 331: Everything But The Sex Stories  (Read 12594 times)


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories
Great Joe Seth "Slimy" Rollins Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Puppy Time surrey Ambious

Puppy Time

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #1
Just a bit in but wanted to comment

1) Super appreciate the opening song choice. A++

2) I was excited for a dumb self-indulgent crossover between Soul Eater and the Monster High cartoon and now I'm really let down that it's not about Death the Kid but Black and his exciting adventures getting with all the girls from a doll cartoon.

3) Psychology guy isn't wrong about the basics of psychology (perceptual distortions, the way some women feel insecure about porn, porn addiction stuff generally being snake oil), he just takes them to the most asinine conclusions. I feel really sorry for anyone who's seeing that dude for therapy.
surrey Deep 13
« Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 11:31:45 am by Puppy Time »

Secret Gaygent 69

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #2
I think the condom review guy did the dick in the box trick for the hellraiser 2 date. Except he put his dick in a puzzle box. Then when she solved it he said, "The box. You opened it. I came."
Puppy Time surrey Great Joe Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex

Captain Fargle

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #3
Sorry to be a bother but I can't find the download link on the episode page anymore. I always download the episodes to my phone for offline listening later but with the latest change to the embedded player the option seems to have disappeared completely. Can you please help?


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #4
Sorry to be a bother but I can't find the download link on the episode page anymore. I always download the episodes to my phone for offline listening later but with the latest change to the embedded player the option seems to have disappeared completely. Can you please help?
Captain Fargle, August 17, 2020, 02:51:31 pm

Oh hi! Glad you said something.

So as it happens, I was screwing with the MP3 player during this episode to see if I could get it to use a json on the transcription I generated (short answer: yes, but the transcription was too crappy to bother).

Anyway, while I was in there playing with the settings, I was looking at the "Files" tab, and I thought "This is probably a useless piece of UI. With all the ways available to listen to this episode, surely nobody is going through the pages and downloading the mp3s directly from the page."

So what I'm saying here is: Thank you for providing usability testing! I didn't know yours was a use case, and I've just added the "Files" tab back in.

Puppy Time

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #5
Oh, good!  I like to download the eps so I'm not constantly using site bandwidth* whenever I feel like re-listening to them, and it's a lot nicer having a dedicated link instead of mucking about with Chrome's Inspect function.

*I grew up during dialup it's all I know OK

Deep 13

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #6
Oh hi! Glad you said something.

So as it happens, I was screwing with the MP3 player during this episode to see if I could get it to use a json on the transcription I generated (short answer: yes, but the transcription was too crappy to bother).

Anyway, while I was in there playing with the settings, I was looking at the "Files" tab, and I thought "This is probably a useless piece of UI. With all the ways available to listen to this episode, surely nobody is going through the pages and downloading the mp3s directly from the page."

So what I'm saying here is: Thank you for providing usability testing! I didn't know yours was a use case, and I've just added the "Files" tab back in.
Lemon, August 17, 2020, 04:23:26 pm

Just wanted to chime in and say that I always download them too, so I'm glad you added that back in! When my internet gets spotty, it gets annoying to have the file stop playing multiple times, so I like just downloading it when I can and playing them without having to worry about it.

Thanks for putting that back in :D


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #7
Sorry to be a bother but I can't find the download link on the episode page anymore. I always download the episodes to my phone for offline listening later but with the latest change to the embedded player the option seems to have disappeared completely. Can you please help?
Captain Fargle, August 17, 2020, 02:51:31 pm

Oh hi! Glad you said something.

So as it happens, I was screwing with the MP3 player during this episode to see if I could get it to use a json on the transcription I generated (short answer: yes, but the transcription was too crappy to bother).

Anyway, while I was in there playing with the settings, I was looking at the "Files" tab, and I thought "This is probably a useless piece of UI. With all the ways available to listen to this episode, surely nobody is going through the pages and downloading the mp3s directly from the page."

So what I'm saying here is: Thank you for providing usability testing! I didn't know yours was a use case, and I've just added the "Files" tab back in.
Lemon, August 17, 2020, 04:23:26 pm

My previous boss had a mantra: "The way to tell if something is important to users is to delete it and wait to see if someone complains".
Lemon Puppy Time


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #8
Again, happy it got brought up. I always have to guess how other people listen to the show, since all our data is really widely spread out over a lot of systems.

ANYWAY, enough of that boring crap. Let's go back to talking about the episode! 

I liked this one a lot. Boots did crazy shit to your boobs.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Ambious Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #9
I liked this one a lot. Boots did crazy shit to your boobs.
Lemon, August 17, 2020, 05:11:09 pm
Look he just changed the stats a little bit, he didn't do anything to any boobs. Besides the only woman in the party is a lizard person who does not have boobs. This is a joke for only Boots. He has encouraged me to share jokes no matter how few people they are for.
Puppy Time Dr. Buttplug

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #10
I also download episodes whenever they come out to have something to put on shuffle whenever I do long chores so thank you for adding that back in

btw before anyone thinks about doing a The Sex Stories from Sex Stories.com episode bear in mind that the majority of posts on the site are long, boring, british, and/or gross (as in actually not-fun-to-read-about kinks). there absolutely is more than a few episodes of content there but you need to sift through at least a couple hundred posts and most of them involve momfucking in some way
Puppy Time


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #11
I just want to know how sexstories.com managed to program their user registration software to only accept people with traumatic brain injuries.

Puppy Time

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #12
I just want to know how sexstories.com managed to program their user registration software to only accept people with traumatic brain injuries.
izzy, August 17, 2020, 08:13:58 pm

I think that's more a function of the audience demographic in the first place.  How many people normally think, "Hmm, I want to read the sexual stories of people I have never met! I wonder if there is a website?"
Seth "Slimy" Rollins


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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #13
I think the condom review guy did the dick in the box trick for the hellraiser 2 date. Except he put his dick in a puzzle box. Then when she solved it he said, "The box. You opened it. I came."
Secret Gaygent 69, August 17, 2020, 01:20:23 pm

And like all of his other sexual encounters, that one ended with someone saying "Jesus wept."
Secret Gaygent 69 Seth "Slimy" Rollins Dr. Buttplug

Vinny Possum

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331: Everything But The Sex Stories #14
Ed Longshanks made me so fucking mad on so many levels. I want to strangle this man.

Good job, this is the content I live for. (Unironically)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2020, 03:02:28 am by Vinny Possum »