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Topic: star wars thread  (Read 56121 times)

Nikaer Drekin

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star wars thread #60
Have you ever seen Ewoks: The Battle for Endor? It's a live-action TV movie that's supposed to take place before Return of the Jedi. Apparently, it's hilariously terrible, even if you know nothing about the backstory.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, January 24, 2016, 12:31:47 pm

Have not seen the live-action Ewoks movies either! (I think there's two?) All I know is that one of them has Wilford Brimley, and so I might have to watch it one of these days.

At least Rifftrax did the version with the commercials, which are far and away the best things about the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Harken back to a time when unions were an institution that proudly and openly existed in America, an institution that brought ad space on television during prime-time and had their own choirs and theme songs. It makes you feel just like an archaelogist!
Dawnswalker, January 24, 2016, 01:18:22 pm

"TOBOR is ROBOT spelled backwards!!"


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star wars thread #61
Have you ever seen Ewoks: The Battle for Endor? It's a live-action TV movie that's supposed to take place before Return of the Jedi. Apparently, it's hilariously terrible, even if you know nothing about the backstory.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, January 24, 2016, 12:31:47 pm

Have not seen the live-action Ewoks movies either! (I think there's two?) All I know is that one of them has Wilford Brimley, and so I might have to watch it one of these days.
Nikaer Drekin, January 24, 2016, 04:28:19 pm

Battle for Endor is the one with Brimley in it. Apparently it's much better than the first one, mainly because the first one doesn't have Wilford Brimley as a surly old man (IN SPACE). If you want to be convinced (and listen to some ridiculous Brimley impersonations), the podcast We Hate Movies did an episode about it.


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star wars thread #62
I have to admit, I find it amazing that the Star Wars Holiday special is the one thing Lucas actively hates and agrees that it was a mistake. It's literally that bad that the creator doesn't want anything to do with it but he also doesn't want to take it out of canon because that will make him have to focus on it.


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star wars thread #64

Murphy, February 04, 2016, 04:20:33 pm

Just let the jizz wash over you. (Full disclosure, I got this from Read It and Weep, a podcast about bad books, movies, and TV shows.)

Victor Laszlo

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star wars thread #65
I showed my 5 year old The Force Awakens today because soccer practice got rained out.  I was struck by how the first half or so was almost a shot-by-shot remake of the first one, except with more pithy dialogue and "I'm gettin' too old for this shit" jokes, and a girl in the lead role.

I still don't understand the ridiculous affection people have for these movies.  It was very, very decent.  Just like the original.  My 5 year old was very concerned that some of those people were way too old to be using light sabers and guns, they were going to hurt themselves.  My four year old says Chewbacca talks funny.

Rey was even more of a Force savant than Luke, Anakin or Obi-wan, though, so I think in the end everything's gonna be okay.
Nifty Nif Baldr Maxine Headroom Mu.


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star wars thread #66

Nikaer Drekin

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star wars thread #67
I still don't understand the ridiculous affection people have for these movies.  It was very, very decent.  Just like the original.
Victor Laszlo, April 06, 2016, 07:27:26 pm

Victor, just because YOU were in Casablanca doesn't mean everything has to live up to that standard.

Rey was even more of a Force savant than Luke, Anakin or Obi-wan, though, so I think in the end everything's gonna be okay.
Victor Laszlo, April 06, 2016, 07:27:26 pm

Keep in mind that Anakin won a podrace going hundreds of miles an hour and single-handedly blew up a space station... at age 10. And was the product of a virgin birth.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 08:20:55 pm by Nikaer Drekin »


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star wars thread #68
I showed my 5 year old The Force Awakens today because soccer practice got rained out.  I was struck by how the first half or so was almost a shot-by-shot remake of the first one, except with more pithy dialogue and "I'm gettin' too old for this shit" jokes, and a girl in the lead role...
Victor Laszlo, April 06, 2016, 07:27:26 pm

That's what 15 years of "the prequels suck, they need to make them more like the originals" will do to a board of people sitting on a 2 billion dollar or something investment and are concerned with making as few irrational fanboys angry as theoretically possible.


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star wars thread #70
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Yavuz chai tea latte RoeCocoa

Victor Laszlo

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star wars thread #71
Watching 'Return of the Jedi' with my kids. When a couple of 5 year olds who enjoyed the emoji movie are calling out problems your movie might be problematic.

Their mother took them to the emoji movie, not me. I made it my business to have other plans.

Nikaer Drekin

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star wars thread #72
Watching 'Return of the Jedi' with my kids. When a couple of 5 year olds who enjoyed the emoji movie are calling out problems your movie might be problematic.
Victor Laszlo, January 12, 2017, 04:26:31 pm

I'm frankly less interested in Return of the Jedi's plot holes than in your time machine, Victor!

Victor Laszlo

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star wars thread #73
Ha!  I had to ask my wife, I guess they went to see 'Trolls' and I thought it was the emoji movie because they came home talking about that trailer instead of the movie they saw.

If my kids took my time machine to see the emoji movie they would be out of the will and I think they know it.  I'll remind them in the morning just in case.
Nikaer Drekin

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star wars thread #74
I told the F Minus Discord this, but that moment in Force Awakens when Rey's fighting Kylo Ren and she calls the lightsaber to her hand is really meaningful to me. Because she's got the sword that's belonged to the heroes of the saga up to now, and the Twin Suns theme starts playing--the theme that accompanied the hero of the original trilogy--and even though she looks scared and unready we understand, very clearly, that this is our warrior hero who's going to be instrumental in swaying the universe away from evil.

And that's incredible to someone who grew up hearing "girls can't be Jedi" and having mostly male characters as the heroes of the actiony sci-fi and fantasy stories I loved best. Sometimes when I'm feeling down I just put that scene on and watch it.

You guys, I love Star Wars. I know it's not Objectively Good but I love it. It's like if a sci-fi franchise was my grandma's house: it might smell funny and there might be some stuff in the basement you're grossed out by, but it feels so damn cozy and the french bread pizzas are so good I want to stay the whole weekend every time I go back to it.
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