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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215229 times)

lazzer grardaion?

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Movies We've Seen Recently #420
Recently, a 1933 RKO Radio Pictures production, Deluge, was recovered after decades of being thought lost, and since I'm a big fan of the other big movie RKO put out in 1933, I was excited about seeing it. It's a disaster movie in which earthquakes and tidal waves inexplicably fuck up the whole world simultaneously for no real reason (there's actually a disclaimer at the beginning saying that this is purely a work of imagination because obviously God said in Genesis 9:11 that he would never send another flood to wipe out the world).

Anyways, there's a real cool sequence of New York City being destroyed, and then it descends into the worst parts of every postapocalytic movie ever. Did you know there are no laws after the apocalypse? And that unscrupulous individuals will treat women as a commodity? Also, did you know that the '30s had opinions on race and gender? Because fuck me goddamn the '30s have opinions on race and gender. I hope you like 'black man is lazy, shiftless, and ignorant' comic relief segments!

Watch the first 10 minutes where New York explodes. Don't watch the rest.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #421
Watch the first 10 minutes where New York explodes. Don't watch the rest.
LancashireMcGee, March 17, 2017, 11:38:56 pm
Thankyou for your review of Every Disaster Movie Ever.

Frank West

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Movies We've Seen Recently #422
Get Out is really, really, really good. Go watch it, even if you don't like horror films. It is meticulously crafted to perfection, and it's also the best depiction of racism you'll see anywhere near the top of the box office this year.
Achilles' Heelies Patterns chai tea latte
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 09:10:47 pm by Frank West »

lazzer grardaion?

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Movies We've Seen Recently #423
I was really looking forwards to '80s horror throwback The Void. All of the press, marketing, and viewer response about the film suggested that it was a good spiritual successor to The Thing, which remains one of my favorite movies.

The premise is that a police officer encounters a young blood-soaked man crawling out of the woods, and takes him to the local hospital, which is suddenly surrounded by strange hooded figures, and all communication with the outside world is cut off. Gross and Thing-y shenanigans ensue. Except it's not nearly as good as The Thing.

  • One of the things I love most about The Thing is that it's incredibly efficient in building its characters. You've got eleven characters, most of whom don't get that much screen time, but all of whom have distinct and unique personalities that play off each other in interesting ways. I really like the "describe a character without referring to their profession or appearance" test for movies, and almost everybody in The Void fails it.
  • The Void's editing is just fucking abysmal. There are a ton of really awkward cuts, many of which violate the 180 degree rule, seemingly with no other purpose than making sure the audience doesn't see the monsters, even if the monsters are standing there in a well-lit hallway, and the characters can see them just fine. Like, I get that only showing a bit of the monster at once can make it scarier, but this is fucking ridiculous
  • Along those same lines, even when they're "showing" the monsters, they add in a ton of shaky cam and flickering lights. I still have no clue what most of the creatures in the movie looked like.

So, yeah. There are some things I did like about the movie, the use of color was excellent, and the use of light and dark when the camera wasn't shaking around was really effective.

It has some really gorgeous and effective shots

but when so much of the movie looks like this:

it's hard to recommend.

So, verdict: Better than Harbinger Down, but not by much.
Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Achilles' Heelies Peartee

Captain Nobeard

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Movies We've Seen Recently #424
Just watched Predator 2  for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. Bringing the Predator to an urban environment was a cool idea, and I felt like the movie did a good job of exploring that concept with some cool action scenes. The human characters aren't really all that developed or interesting though, and it rushed into having the Predator instead of a steady increase in tension like the original.

It's definitely not as good as the first, but it's a fun watch.

I always thought it had been very poorly received and shunned by fans of the original,  then I realized that I had it mixed up with Highlander 2...
Eider Duck

Eider Duck

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Movies We've Seen Recently #425
I had never seen Johnny Mnemonic until last night. And you know what? I had fun watching it. There's cyperpunk nonsense! Hacking dolphins! The obligitary terrible CGI that occurs when you go on the internet! Keanu Reeves holds it together, though the rest of the cast are fun as well. I wish there was more Dolph Lungren though, and the female lead didn't get much of a chance to show how badass she was. It's made me want to read the original story


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Movies We've Seen Recently #426
Just watched Predator 2  for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. Bringing the Predator to an urban environment was a cool idea, and I felt like the movie did a good job of exploring that concept with some cool action scenes. The human characters aren't really all that developed or interesting though, and it rushed into having the Predator instead of a steady increase in tension like the original.

It's definitely not as good as the first, but it's a fun watch.

I always thought it had been very poorly received and shunned by fans of the original,  then I realized that I had it mixed up with Highlander 2...
Captain Nobeard, April 16, 2017, 04:27:49 am

Well, there's some people who hate it for a very different reason.  That small cameo at the end, the xenomorph skull in the trophy room.  Predator 2 gets a lot of blame for the whole Alien vs Predator idea.

I like it though, it's a good way to make a sequel without just copying the first one exactly.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #427
The Boss Baby? More like The Toss (the) Baby (out with the bathwater)

Captain Nobeard

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Movies We've Seen Recently #428
Just saw Jim Jarmush's Stranger Than Paradise. A friend suggested it, just because it had good reviews.

I'm not too familiar with his work and it didn't seem like the kind of movie that I would normally watch; so I didn't want to watch it.

I was expecting an incomprehensible arty movie, but it was compelling and entertaining. I might look into his other movies as a result.

It's a strangely satisfying feeling when something you don't want to watch turns out to be something you like. I'm glad it's still possible even when streaming services try to make you watch films closer to your preferences.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Movies We've Seen Recently #429
Just saw Jim Jarmush's Stranger Than Paradise. A friend suggested it, just because it had good reviews.

I'm not too familiar with his work and it didn't seem like the kind of movie that I would normally watch; so I didn't want to watch it.

I was expecting an incomprehensible arty movie, but it was compelling and entertaining. I might look into his other movies as a result.

It's a strangely satisfying feeling when something you don't want to watch turns out to be something you like. I'm glad it's still possible even when streaming services try to make you watch films closer to your preferences.
Captain Nobeard, April 22, 2017, 09:29:32 am
If you decide to look at some other Jarmusch movies definitely check out Down By Law

Vinny Possum

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Movies We've Seen Recently #430
It was like a month ago when I saw it, but Power Rangers was basically exactly what I wanted it to be. Could have done with some more practical effects and less 2010's monster design, but otherwise perfect (for what it was).


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Movies We've Seen Recently #431
guardians of the galaxy 2 needs to learn that you don't always need a moment of levity, just let something have emotional weight. Like a lot of the marvel movies it's really committed to undoing any tension that may pop up, which worked with Iron Man because it had a completely different approach to it, instead of whackiness and characters talking about sex openly. It takes a lot to make me dislike a movie with Kurt Russel in it but they did.

also for a movie stuck in insane franchise hell about evil God Dad it makes almost no mention of thanos, which really feels like a missed opportunity
« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 05:48:56 pm by GirlKisser420 »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #432
Mindhorn was fine.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #433
I was watching the sequel to the sequel of xXx, where Vin Diesel reprises his role as Vin Diesel without goggles.

Even Vin Diesel is waiting for his career to end.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 01:59:42 am by Healslime »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #434
I stayed up late last night to finish Star Trek Beyond, and I quite enjoyed it. Admittedly, I have very little experience with Star Trek, with my first real experience of it being JJ Trek Mark I. Since then, I've watched a few episodes here and there, along with Wrath of Khan and First Contact. JJ Trek Mark II wasn't terribly impressive to me. It was one of those experiences where I kind of enjoyed the action in the theater, but once I left, I realized that it wasn't really that good.

Anyway, that's a long-winded windup to me saying that I thought Star Trek Beyond was fun, and I particularly enjoyed the scene with the motorcycles.