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Topic: Atone-Phone  (Read 12528 times)


  • Library handwriting. Indexing. Abstracting. Alphabetizing. Filing.
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With Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) behind us, and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) fast approaching, I want to cordially apologize to anyone I've irritated, upset or otherwise harmed or bothered on this forum. I shall attempt to refrain from doing so in the future.

Y'all have made this year fairly entertaining, so thanks for that.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 05:13:10 pm by sherlockian »


  • You're welcome, genitals of the world.
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Atone-Phone #1
Shalom, baby.  Could I use you as a pronunciation guide when/if I have another hebrew-heavy narration piece?  I'm sure that I butchered the last one. 
Have a good Sukkot if I don't see ya.


  • Library handwriting. Indexing. Abstracting. Alphabetizing. Filing.
  • Paid
  • File under Z695.95 S54
    • 971
    • 103
Atone-Phone #2
Shalom, baby.  Could I use you as a pronunciation guide when/if I have another hebrew-heavy narration piece?  I'm sure that I butchered the last one. 
Have a good Sukkot if I don't see ya.
bunnybread, September 12, 2013, 02:49:36 pm

Sure!  I'd love to help out.  Feel free to PM me any time.

I'll shake my lulav your way, darling.