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Topic: it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon  (Read 24177 times)

ham burger

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon
but i feel like in my lurking and occasional interjecting i've taken on the role of some guy hiding behind the fridge at a party and occasionally popping out to interject facts about football or whatever into conversations i'm not a part of.

so i just wanted to officially announce that i am in fact here and do not be alarmed. that way i feel like i'm not just hovering on the outside of the conversation but rather just loudly knocked over some fancy piece of furniture in the middle of the party only to have everyone notice i wasn't invited.

you can all get on with your day, now. also, hello.


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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #1


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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #2
We may in fact have to arm wrassle for position as Most Socially Awkward Poster, if you're gonna go and start up the one-down-manship.


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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #3
but i feel like in my lurking and occasional interjecting i've taken on the role of some guy hiding behind the fridge at a party and occasionally popping out to interject facts about football or whatever into conversations i'm not a part of.

so i just wanted to officially announce that i am in fact here and do not be alarmed. that way i feel like i'm not just hovering on the outside of the conversation but rather just loudly knocked over some fancy piece of furniture in the middle of the party only to have everyone notice i wasn't invited.

you can all get on with your day, now. also, hello.
hooves n shit, February 17, 2013, 07:17:27 pm

Seeing as how this was your third post ever, I don't think anyone was wringing their hands over you just yet.

ham burger

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #4
but i feel like in my lurking and occasional interjecting i've taken on the role of some guy hiding behind the fridge at a party and occasionally popping out to interject facts about football or whatever into conversations i'm not a part of.

so i just wanted to officially announce that i am in fact here and do not be alarmed. that way i feel like i'm not just hovering on the outside of the conversation but rather just loudly knocked over some fancy piece of furniture in the middle of the party only to have everyone notice i wasn't invited.

you can all get on with your day, now. also, hello.
hooves n shit, February 17, 2013, 07:17:27 pm

Seeing as how this was your third post ever, I don't think anyone was wringing their hands over you just yet.
Isfahan, February 18, 2013, 09:46:10 pm

honestly, i just needed a way to say 'well, i feel pretty dumb shouting hello at a forum, but i'm going to feel more comfortable if i've made an effort to introduce myself.' i suppose i'm either just not good at subtle sarcasm or am actually infinitely more awkward than I thought I was. either situation is likely.

appreciate the kind words, though.


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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #5
I think you are running high on my list of favourite names of F Plus listeners, definately in my top 5 at least.

ham burger

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #6
i am now nothing but frowny frowns


also i think i like your avatar- ties are classy
objectivelyhorribleperson, February 20, 2013, 02:17:23 am

and i yours, my friend.

ties are just neckbeards for those who can't grow facial hair.

Lady Naga

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #7
That's it buddy you just MADE THE LIST.

ham burger

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #8
That's it buddy you just MADE THE LIST.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 07:43:43 am
what benefits do i receive from being on said list?

Lady Naga

  • I died a little just now, it was wonderful.
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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #9
That's it buddy you just MADE THE LIST.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 07:43:43 am
what benefits do i receive from being on said list?

Murder, mostly. You also get a ten dollar ExxonMobil gift card.
hooves n shit, February 20, 2013, 08:06:20 am

ham burger

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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #10
That's it buddy you just MADE THE LIST.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 07:43:43 am
what benefits do i receive from being on said list?
hooves n shit, February 20, 2013, 08:06:20 am

Murder, mostly. You also get a ten dollar ExxonMobil gift card.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 08:50:51 am

awww yeah guess who's driving places today

Lady Naga

  • I died a little just now, it was wonderful.
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it's unclear to me if this is frowned upon #11
That's it buddy you just MADE THE LIST.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 07:43:43 am
what benefits do i receive from being on said list?
hooves n shit, February 20, 2013, 08:06:20 am

Murder, mostly. You also get a ten dollar ExxonMobil gift card.
Lady Naga, February 20, 2013, 08:50:51 am

awww yeah guess who's driving places today
hooves n shit, February 20, 2013, 09:13:25 am