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July 27, 2024, 02:24:08 am

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Topic: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2024!  (Read 2669 times)


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Today I hosted a book club as the first activity the lgbt employee resource group gets to put on. We read a third of Gender Euphoria, a collection of essays about the trans experience, and it was really cool to have a conversation Gender StuffTM with a bunch of folks with really different experiences.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Salubrious Rex John Toast


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TBH, I haven't done anything for pride this year. I keep missing events because I'm too busy. And I also feel more disappointed in myself than proud this year.

Recon Rabbit

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TBH, I haven't done anything for pride this year. I keep missing events because I'm too busy. And I also feel more disappointed in myself than proud this year.
thelizzerd, June 20, 2024, 06:15:08 pm
Me neither. Why conform to the specified time period when we're allowed to be prideful? It's not like women stop having history whenever it's not March.

John Toast

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TBH, I haven't done anything for pride this year. I keep missing events because I'm too busy. And I also feel more disappointed in myself than proud this year.
thelizzerd, June 20, 2024, 06:15:08 pm
Me neither. Why conform to the specified time period when we're allowed to be prideful? It's not like women stop having history whenever it's not March.
Recon Rabbit, June 25, 2024, 12:14:03 pm

Definitely get that! Last year I missed all the pride events after coming out though, so I wanted to do something here this year, at least. Funnily enough, I am planning on going to some pride events but they're in July and August. So maybe I'll just post about them then, if I can go, because why not!
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Salubrious Rex

John Toast

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So I was able to go to the Minneapolis pride fest! I'll post some images when I get home, but it was really fun and nice to go to a pride thing before the month was up.

Salubrious Rex

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Goodbye pride month I didn't do anything specifically for you or get to go to any events  but I did have a lot of really great and affirming experiences throughout the month and get told by my doctor next time I see him I can get a progesterone prescription so for next pride month I might have fat tits and really that's what it's all about
John Toast thelizzerd vaMpiresoftWare One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Sauce