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Topic: Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope  (Read 28195 times)


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #30
If anyone cares what those actually sound like... WEED!
Cat Planet, January 24, 2015, 03:48:06 pm

I was trying to figure out what this noise reminded me of, and I just remembered that it sounds a lot like the beginning of Metronome Arthritis by the band At The Drive-In.

So basically, this is a lot like Omar Rodriguez-Lopez fucking around with an effect pedal for an hour.
STOG, January 24, 2015, 06:25:19 pm
I look forward to the inevitable split into idoser The Mars Volta and idoser Sparta
AgentCoop, January 25, 2015, 08:13:39 am

came to support the podcast, stayed for the mars volta references


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #31
My favourite part was the guy who said i-doser fucked up his brain so he went to get acupuncture to fix it. The best way to fix a bad placebo is with another placebo!

Also I think the file for Jenkem is just this:


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #32
If anyone cares what those actually sound like... WEED!
Cat Planet, January 24, 2015, 03:48:06 pm

I never realized that a 'dose' was 45 minutes long, holy shit.

I didn't realize it would've been something both literally and figuratively static.

positive stress

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #33
My favourite part was the guy who said i-doser fucked up his brain so he went to get acupuncture to fix it. The best way to fix a bad placebo is with another placebo!
KingKalamari, January 28, 2015, 08:45:24 pm

I hope he got the acupuncture in his brain. Straight to the root of the problem! Fix the brain!

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #34
If anyone cares what those actually sound like... WEED!
Cat Planet, January 24, 2015, 03:48:06 pm

I was trying to figure out what this noise reminded me of, and I just remembered that it sounds a lot like the beginning of Metronome Arthritis by the band At The Drive-In.

So basically, this is a lot like Omar Rodriguez-Lopez fucking around with an effect pedal for an hour.
STOG, January 24, 2015, 06:25:19 pm
I look forward to the inevitable split into idoser The Mars Volta and idoser Sparta
AgentCoop, January 25, 2015, 08:13:39 am

came to support the podcast, stayed for the mars volta references
eudo, January 27, 2015, 09:42:02 pm
if you want mars volta references, then this is the haunt for you.

Knitting Machine

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #35
This episode reminded me of the kids in High School who swore they got high smoking bananas peels once. Or that the candle-shaped mushrooms sold at the New Age store at the mall totally contained real pot! And you could get high from burning them! Pretty much any teenager who were somehow too stupid to figure out how to get high from huffing fumes.

Tiny Prancer

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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #36
fun fact I once talked with a comic artist who has dyslexia and did a comic about her issues with it as a child and the abuse she faced within the special education system, and she said someone at her school who was NOT in the special ed program tried to get high by smoking a hemp bracelet WITH the fimo beads on it, and it still made her furious to this day that that asshole got to be considered more "normal" than her and didn't get be forced into the special ed program where she learned nothing and was taught she was worthless just because she had trouble telling certain letters apart from other ones.
Mister Smalls oscaruglyface


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #37
When I was in Boy Scouts some guys tried to get high by smoking dead grass

They called it yellowgrass and said that it was more potent than the most potent marijuana


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #38
One time I thought that the white fuzzy seeds that hung off the creosote trees were drugs, and that you could grind them up and get hiiiiigh.

Well, you can't. Unless you consider the very refreshing and clean smell of the Southwestern desert after a rainstorm to be a drug.
Ras Shame-ra oscaruglyface RoeCocoa


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #39

Advertisements have been getting very interesting on Elon Musk's Twitter...
xX_sp00ks_Xx Lemon vaMpiresoftWare Nemo2342 Dr. Buttplug John Toast


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Episode 163: This Beat Is Dope #40

Advertisements have been getting very interesting on Elon Musk's Twitter...
Sherlockian, May 04, 2023, 10:55:58 pm

I just relistened to this episode and was wondering that scam was still around, and now I know.