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Topic: Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines  (Read 5779 times)

Shell Game

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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines

Dr. Buttplug


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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #1
I was half paying attention to this while working, then all of a sudden it's Dozerfleet pt. 6: Stone Ocean.
Shell Game Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte A Meat xX_sp00ks_Xx Secret Gaygent 69 Dr. Buttplug Sauce adrenochrome dome thelizzerd

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,953
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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #2
I was half paying attention to this while working, then all of a sudden it's Dozerfleet pt. 6: Stone Ocean.
1234GO!, April 28, 2023, 07:36:03 pm
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had that association.
1234GO! A Meat Secret Gaygent 69


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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #3
How, how is, how is someone's self-insert fanfiction a mod for the Sims?

Great Joe

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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #4
How, how is, how is someone's self-insert fanfiction a mod for the Sims?
PaulLovesToLaugh, April 29, 2023, 12:07:59 am
Thing is, I ran into this same question when I tried to find mods for the first Sims game, all the way back in 2003. There was more than one site where you thought you were reading someone's recipe preamble before the mod download link. There would even be screenshots of assets that might have been from one of the expansion packs, might even have been custom, you had no way to know, but there's no download link.
adrenochrome dome

A Meat

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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #5
I still have no idea how semaphore lady is supposed to use her powers of changing her hair color once every few minutes

I've been thinking about it all day
Shell Game Secret Gaygent 69


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  • Make documents, not sense.
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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #6
Doozerfleet's character Emily being from Floyd, Virginia was like damn that's so specific that I decided to check Google maps to make sure there isn't a real "grillathon" restaurant there. There isn't.
Secret Gaygent 69 Dr. Buttplug Shell Game


  • ((( There Are Two KIND of CHEERIOS HOLES CEREAL ; LOTS OF Different TASTE )))
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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #7
I still have no idea how semaphore lady is supposed to use her powers of changing her hair color once every few minutes

I've been thinking about it all day
A Meat, April 29, 2023, 01:30:06 pm

I listened to this one again and there is a part of the second FPlus Dozerfleet episode where it’s mentioned that Lemon Witch is a parody of Scarlet Witch so I think Semaphore might be a parody of Dazzler.

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
  • Paid
  • Captain, what should I do?
  • 4,953
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Episode 172 - Reticulating Whines #8
this only brings about more questions