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Topic: How did you find the F+?  (Read 141458 times)


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How did you find the F+? #60
Aw, it's behind a registration wall.


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How did you find the F+? #61
Aw, it's behind a registration wall.
Isfahan, September 14, 2013, 08:54:13 pm

Because I love you people.

CS on F Plus

Postby Blackwolfsong ยป Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:57 pm
If someone else noted this then I apologize, I scanned a few pages and didn't see it.
The F Plus is a podcast that makes fun of people and things that they find disturbing, amusing, or just plain stupid. And apparently they consider CS to be all three.

In this particular episode, they're making fun of CS role-players. Considering that those who roleplay on this forum tend to be very young and not exactly experienced in most ways, I can't really say I agree with publicly making fun of their attempts at creating a story, regardless of my opinion of the end result. But maybe that's just me being too sensitive?

Posted in 18+ and no link provided because Fplus is aimed at adult audiences. A lot of the jokes will go over the heads of younger listeners, and they don't police their language very often. If not familiar with them, don't bother to look them up.

Is anyone else familiar with this podcast or knows about this particular episode? If so, am I perhaps just being too sensitive or is this just the wrong site for them to be poking fun at? (They can't figure out that this is a pet adoptable site apparently)

/laughs in a corner

I mean I am confused why a podcast for an adult audience would target a children's web site with sparkledogs. Especially since CS is one of the smaller ones. I wonder if they also made fun of Aywas, Neopets, Subeta etc. which are way bigger than CS.

I mean they sure would get more laughs out of the club penguin shenanigans I see sometimes, and those are extremely funny.

I was thinking that. CS isn't really intended for adults, (even if there are adults on here!) It'd be better if they made podcasts about content that their audience can relate to. Also it's mean for adults (ie the host of the podcasts) to take the mic out of children.

Listening right now and I think it's pretty funny. I read bad fanfiction as a hobby so really it doesn't seem any different than mocking a bad fanfic.

And I won't lie, I read bad roleplays too. I've read some of my old really bad RPs from Neopets when I was like 11 and they're pretty terribad. I dunno, I guess I find it easy to laugh at myself.

ETA: New Podcast to subscribe to I guess! Finished it and I laughed. A lot.

could you post a link? Or Pm me one if it's inapropriate, I am an adult

As much as I love to read just about anything in print, poorly-written rp, fanfiction or anything else in that realm is my kryptonite. And I admit that I have been the author of some pretty terrible rp and fanfiction. It's practically expected when you're 16 and younger.

So maybe it's just me but I still feel that going to a site aimed for the younger crowd (which pet collecting usually is) and making fun of them is really in bad taste, even for F plus, who usually amuse me greatly, to be honest.

Kind of disappointing really.


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How did you find the F+? #62
So the main argument seems to be "but they're just kids!" yet we read stuff like Sexual Repression Law School which obviously wanted to have adult situations occur even if it had to keep things child-friendly, probably in accordance with site rules or somesuch.


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How did you find the F+? #63
I discovered the F+ because it was mentioned in the general internet mockery thread over on Something Awful.  Said mockery thread was actually from last year, and really, if I didn't have an obsession with finishing the threads over there that I start reading (this one in particular got to 686 pages), I probably never would have known about it.  That would've been sad.

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How did you find the F+? #64
I discovered the F+ because it was mentioned in the general internet mockery thread over on Something Awful.  Said mockery thread was actually from last year, and really, if I didn't have an obsession with finishing the threads over there that I start reading (this one in particular got to 686 pages), I probably never would have known about it.  That would've been sad.
Tetriphile, October 08, 2013, 12:27:44 am
That's only the most recent in a long string of mockthreads. The fyad TCC mockthread is the best though.


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How did you find the F+? #65
That's only the most recent in a long string of mockthreads. The fyad TCC mockthread is the best though.
kal-elk, October 08, 2013, 12:45:12 am

Seriously?  Because telling me that is only going to make me go looking for them, and I could be gone for years.  ...I'll see you in 2026.

chai tea latte

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How did you find the F+? #66
That's only the most recent in a long string of mockthreads. The fyad TCC mockthread is the best though.
kal-elk, October 08, 2013, 12:45:12 am

Seriously?  Because telling me that is only going to make me go looking for them, and I could be gone for years.  ...I'll see you in 2026.
Tetriphile, October 08, 2013, 04:05:10 am
TCC / heroin-goons mockthread


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How did you find the F+? #67
Greetings. Got here through kate-comics tumblr, they referenced the 100th episode for an obvious reason.


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How did you find the F+? #68
SA mockthread.  It's both why I joined SA and why I started listening to The F Plus.

I have distinct memories of flying into the Athens airport and listening to the dragon dildos episode.  Bus trips across the Greek countryside echo of Roy Orbison completely wrapped up in clingfilm.

I played some of the non-dirty ones for my parents when I was with them for Christmas during a long car ride.  The two terrible recipes episodes and the bottled water episode and I think that was all I had with me (that wasn't adult babies)


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How did you find the F+? #69
My friend played the waifu episode last Wednesday on the way to a built to spill concert and the next day we listened to the adult baby episode. I've been bingeing on episodes since. I may have explained forced clown transformations to people at work.


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How did you find the F+? #70
I may have explained forced clown transformations to people at work.
Chaymie, October 29, 2013, 09:36:21 pm

Let us know how the job search goes!
chai tea latte Runic


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How did you find the F+? #71
I'm daring to revive this thread from 2013 because I've been thinking about the topic, wanted to make a post, and there you have it.

My story isn't particularly interesting in terms of stumbling onto an episode from a forum within the bowels of the internet, but someone did tell me about it and soon enough I was eating through about a hundred episodes until I had to wait for new ones just like everyone else. I often peruse the archives while I play TF2, Terraria or just anything that makes me want a little background noise.
It was my sister who dropped a reference, to an episode, in a real face-to-face conversation. That was kind of strange, but once I found the website everything became clear. She is like my Fplus and Encyclopedia Dramatica before I knew what either of those were, educating me on Chris Chan and "feeder" relationships alike. This occasionally backfired because both of my sisters would take advantage of my younger self's naivete and let me learn about shock sites and fetishes the hard way.
These days we talk about Fplus episodes and tell each other about new ones as soon as they come out. It's nice to have someone to bounce my weird observations off of, like how Portaxx is seemingly the most squeamish yet is also the best versed in internet subculture. That's probably weird.

Thanks for the sibling bonding opportunity, everyone.

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How did you find the F+? #72
I got into tumblr around my freshman year of college, and started following someone who fucking loves internet atrocity tourism very early on into that time, and she often reblogs bullshit tumblr stuff for laughs. She linked the multiples episode around the time it came out, and I knew VERY early into listening to it that I already loved the podcast. Having the "A TODDLER AND A FLYING DOG CANNOT DO THE WORK OF AN ADULT HUMAN" post included was what made the episode absolutely perfect for me, because that was a post that had gone around before and I'd laughed at, and hearing it read outloud made it even better.

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How did you find the F+? #73
I'm a Portal of Evil veteran who moved over to Something Awful when it was funny, but grew disenfranchised with SA over the past few years. I found out about Lou Reads the Internet for You over on SA and then found out about the F+ from his podcast. I've listened to the F+ for the past year or two and finally gave in and registered.

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How did you find the F+? #74
I think it was either the first TVTropes thread or the Pokegirls thread on SA that brought me here.