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Topic: Possible Topic - Need a Partner in Crime  (Read 12342 times)


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Possible Topic - Need a Partner in Crime
I have a topic I would like to prepare a doc for and submit, but I think I might need help. It's a community that I am actually a part of that I think would be suitably weird and laughable to an outsider (male muscle growth--basically the male version of breast inflation). Since I am embedded in it, it is difficult for me to tell just what would make for a good selection other than the obvious extreme examples.

What I am proposing is that if anyone is interested, I could serve as a guide and introduce them to the main points of the topic. In exchange, they would help me figure out what would be best to include in a doc (or if this is something other people would even find interesting). This would be a joint effort, but I am willing to do most of the grunt work (like looking for suitable pieces once we decide which elements are the most entertaining).

So, is anyone curious?

(Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section.)

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Possible Topic - Need a Partner in Crime #1
I have a topic I would like to prepare a doc for and submit, but I think I might need help. It's a community that I am actually a part of that I think would be suitably weird and laughable to an outsider (male muscle growth--basically the male version of breast inflation). Since I am embedded in it, it is difficult for me to tell just what would make for a good selection other than the obvious extreme examples.

What I am proposing is that if anyone is interested, I could serve as a guide and introduce them to the main points of the topic. In exchange, they would help me figure out what would be best to include in a doc (or if this is something other people would even find interesting). This would be a joint effort, but I am willing to do most of the grunt work (like looking for suitable pieces once we decide which elements are the most entertaining).

So, is anyone curious?

(Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section.)
Sly13, December 22, 2013, 01:59:15 am

Sure, message me. It's probably not a good idea to work on a doc solo based on a fetish you have, because you're probably going to be inured to it / try to excuse parts of the community, but maybe there's something there and I can lend a fresh pair of eyes.

(And yeah, you were looking for 'Let's Make That An Episode'.)