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Topic: 351: Hail Britannica  (Read 6286 times)


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351: Hail Britannica
Vinny Possum thelizzerd Immoral Filth duz GirlKisser420 Captain Fargle moooo566 (taylor's version) Penultimatum adrenochrome dome


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351: Hail Britannica #1
Is this all one person, or has an entire group decided to attach themselves to Brittanica/Nirvana?


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351: Hail Britannica #2
Is this all one person, or has an entire group decided to attach themselves to Brittanica/Nirvana?
Zemyla, March 27, 2021, 02:22:05 pm

When I was working on the doc, it seemed like most of the Brittanica/Nirvana stuff was one person. But it being part of multiple fake realities was because it was included in other people's fake countries. Lots of the other fake countries not mentioned in the episode were "allies" with Brittanica/Nirvana. But the fake countries wikia as a whole is definitely multiple people.


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351: Hail Britannica #3
I goddamn love this ridiculous fake country obviously made by a teenager! A few additional details I've figured out about Brittanica that I don't think the creator thought of...

78.6% of the population lives in one of the 10 largest cities.

It has the 8th highest population density in the world at 723 people per km2.

It's physically about the size of Cambodia.

It is the 10th most populated nation in the world, between Russia and Mexico.

There are somehow more people living in the city of Klahoma (25 million) than in the state of Klahoma (15.2 million).

There are more cities with a population over 10 million in Brittanica (5) than in Brazil (2), Japan (2) or the USA (2). The only countries with a comparable number of cities of this size are India (5) and China (6), both of which have populations of over 1.3 BILLION people.

What I'm saying is this country is apparently composed of ten or twelve cities that are absolutely jam-packed with people and then vast tracts of uninhabited wasteland...
chai tea latte ikaribattousai One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Immoral Filth thelizzerd Salubrious Rex


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351: Hail Britannica #4
What I'm saying is this country is apparently composed of ten or twelve cities that are absolutely jam-packed with people and then vast tracts of uninhabited wasteland...
KingKalamari, March 27, 2021, 07:30:13 pm
I mean, that seems pretty true to life to me, as a dweller in the uninhabited wasteland part of the US
Immoral Filth Great Joe ikaribattousai Salubrious Rex


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351: Hail Britannica #5
What I'm saying is this country is apparently composed of ten or twelve cities that are absolutely jam-packed with people and then vast tracts of uninhabited wasteland...
KingKalamari, March 27, 2021, 07:30:13 pm
environmentally friendly at least
thelizzerd Great Joe

adrenochrome dome

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351: Hail Britannica #6
This fake country also happens to live within the Golden Compass universe.
Boots Raingear
Did he mean BrittĂ gazze or Nirvalbard?
EYE OF ZA Immoral Filth