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September 20, 2024, 07:53:14 pm

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Topic: Brag about your pets  (Read 162198 times)


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Brag about your pets #135
I demand more NiftyNif ferrets. We'll riot in the streets if we don't get any more ferret pictures!
Nifty Nif Chupasaurus-Rex

Nifty Nif

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Brag about your pets #136
Oh boy!  Here's some more pictures of my beautiful babies:

Big Rig being nosy

Jesse caught in the middle of grooming and pretending to be embarrassed

The two being peas in a pod, sleeping in their hammock normally, just like anyone should sleep.
They usually rotate around and through their hammock, kicking each other out of it, and adjusting several times throughout the night.  Usually one of them is hanging out of it.  They have other places to sleep in case they don't want to cuddle, but this seems to be their preferred arrangement.

They look ruffly in these pictures because they're working on shedding their winter coat.  Today, they look less ruffly and slimmer.  Overall, they seem pretty happy!
Liatai Bodark Amelia Blank Gyro Chupasaurus-Rex NutshellGulag montrith Eider Duck Digital Walnut znarf


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Brag about your pets #137
Everyone's pets are so fluffy, oh my gosh
Amelia Blank


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Brag about your pets #138
Liatai Nifty Nif Positronic NutshellGulag montrith Gyro

lazzer grardaion?

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Brag about your pets #139

My pet is a colony of about ten billion yeast cells, living in a mixture of flour and water. I can make bread, pizza dough, and pancakes with my pet.
Liatai Nifty Nif Dawnswalker Positronic Vorko Shigan Gyro NutshellGulag chai tea latte Quark-Antiquark Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Ashto adrenochrome dome


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Brag about your pets #140
Yay for sourdough starter! XP

I think this is my favorite picture of Tony and Lieutenant to date.
Nifty Nif Vorko Gyro NutshellGulag montrith


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Brag about your pets #141
Here is a fluffy bunny in a bed
Gyro NutshellGulag montrith Nifty Nif Bodark Liatai Eider Duck

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Brag about your pets #142
Magnolia is a pretty good name for a fluffy white bun :3


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Brag about your pets #143
She eats regular bunny things, but I'm convinced she actually draws sustenance from petting, snuggles, and general hedonism.

Eider Duck

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Brag about your pets #144
From left to right, their names are Yuri, Niko and Olga

Yuri is a live wire, Niko loves to come onto your head and nibble your hair and glasses, and Olga is a more elderly, lazy budgie. They're soft!
Liatai Bodark chai tea latte Argyle Funk Gyro znarf NutshellGulag montrith


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Brag about your pets #145

Buddy is a good dish washer
Bodark Eider Duck Liatai Gyro NutshellGulag montrith


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Brag about your pets #146
I've been living a pet-free existence for a while but I'm about to rent a room from a guy who owns a friendly old dog, and who might let me get something like a bunny. [yay] \o/ [yay]

Is bunny ownership generally a good time? Are they affectionate or playful animals?
Eider Duck chai tea latte Macho Masc Sangy Savage

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Brag about your pets #147
I've been living a pet-free existence for a while but I'm about to rent a room from a guy who owns a friendly old dog, and who might let me get something like a bunny. [yay] \o/ [yay]

Is bunny ownership generally a good time? Are they affectionate or playful animals?
Gyro, September 14, 2016, 10:53:53 am

My friend has a bunny, and he's a bit of a grump and is skittish, but like all animals the amount they like snuggling varies from bunny to bunny. Do be prepared to lose headphones, small cables, books, and papers, because damn they chew on everything. Her Leo got my purse strap once. They are cute as hell though


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Brag about your pets #148
My friend has a bunny, and he's a bit of a grump and is skittish, but like all animals the amount they like snuggling varies from bunny to bunny. Do be prepared to lose headphones, small cables, books, and papers, because damn they chew on everything. Her Leo got my purse strap once. They are cute as hell though
Sanguinary Novel, September 14, 2016, 02:53:54 pm

I've lost a shirt to a rabbit because it chewed a tiny hole through it. While I was wearing it.

It was very cuddly and affectionate, though, so I think it was a good trade.


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Brag about your pets #149
I've been living a pet-free existence for a while but I'm about to rent a room from a guy who owns a friendly old dog, and who might let me get something like a bunny. [yay] \o/ [yay]

Is bunny ownership generally a good time? Are they affectionate or playful animals?
Gyro, September 14, 2016, 10:53:53 am

They can be.  I've had 3 in my adult life all with varying personalities.  I think they are a great pet because they are easy to litter-box train (they naturally like to go in corners, add a box, presto), they can be really playful and fun, and they force you to visit the produce aisle more than you normally would.  One of ours lived nearly 9 years (adopted from approx. 1 year old with her sister).

My current rabbit acts more like a middle aged golden retriever  for example.  She just wants to lay in a bed and get pet, brushed, and played with.  She likes to explore the guest bedroom, bathroom, etc.  Doesn't really nip or eat cords, clothes, other non bunny things.

Matilda, one of two sisters we had previous, was a former rock guitarist reincarnated as a rabbit.  She would let herself out, eat cords, harrass her sister, jump up on the chairs, couches, beds and eat them, jump in the hay box, so on and so forth.  She was always trying to turn the apartment into a hotel room on tour.  She had her sweet moments too, but was otherwise a terror.  Charming about it though. 

That is the contrast you could find yourself with.  If it is something your serious about, I'd recommend looking into a local "house rabbit society" in your area.  They are essentially a volunteer organization like the Humane Society, that specializes in giraf...rabbits.

I can answer more in depth questions if you'd like.
Liatai Bodark