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Topic: This Thread is Sketchy as Fuck - Post Your Sketches  (Read 93555 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Not a ton of sketches tonight, as part of the time was spent drafting out an accordion book. I spent the latter half of the evening drawing animals from the strange animal twitter feed when...

Fucking dik-diks happened again.

The fun fact paired with the dik-dik (if you can't read brush scratches) is they leak fluid from their eyes to mark their territory. What the fuck. And since it aligned so well with the 24 hour live release, I drew anti-fa dik-dik again. This time they look a lot less like Punished Snake.
Liatai Gyro I Liked That Joke Really_Quite_Nice Baldr

Amelia Blank

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I drew Baby Doll from Batman:The Animated Series. I adore her. <3
Liatai Really_Quite_Nice


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I know the perspective on the fingers is way off, but hey, I'm glad I got it done at least.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage I Liked That Joke krytton


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Runic A Meat beelzeboob Liatai I Liked That Joke Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro Nikaer Drekin


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The Adventure Zone's Taako as Ghost Adventure's Zak Bagans. I'm sick and  I've been binge watching bad television.


Macho Masc Sangy Savage xX_sp00ks_Xx Liatai Malten I Liked That Joke Ragnarok Boobies
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 09:56:59 am by beelzeboob »


  • Hot Squirt
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Hope you like trash.
xX_sp00ks_Xx Ragnarok Boobies Lemon


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Thinking about that place I construct when I'm half asleep to calm down and find my zen in the midst of self loathing and anxiety.
Ragnarok Boobies Lemon Corn Syrup Liatai Peartee

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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In an effort to practice drawing weird things, I'm trying to draw a different spirit or ghost every day. It started sincere:

And just immediately turned into "what are the most bmonster cock spirits I could possibly make?"

Started playing Magikarp Jump and wondered what happened to your Magikarp when they 'retired'

I think we all know.
Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop beelzeboob xX_sp00ks_Xx Corn Syrup Gyro Liatai Nikaer Drekin


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
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Hey, I recently got Flipnote Studio 3D on the 3DS (I know, I'm only 6 years late on the whole fad) and I've been having fun with it. Here's some flipnotes I've done while bored at work during the past week:

Stabby man.

Leaking Blobule.

Panting Hard After Exercise (No Homo)

Robot With Laser Eyes


Robot Cousin Turnaround

Vase Turnaround


Dumb Squash and Stretch Thing

To cap it off I also found out about Colors 3D over the weekend and bought it because it was criminally cheap. I painted a Koffing from memory to test it out. His skull and bones are below his dumb mouth, aren't they?

I think the export works fine, though it definitely looks better on a lower res screen.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage Malten Frank West A Meat Liatai

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Hey, I recently got Flipnote Studio 3D on the 3DS (I know, I'm only 6 years late on the whole fad) and I've been having fun with it.
Spooks, July 02, 2017, 09:29:51 am

Keke is a French animator that does amazing gifs using only Flipnote, and is still using it


Frank West

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To cap it off I also found out about Colors 3D over the weekend and bought it because it was criminally cheap. I painted a Koffing from memory to test it out. His skull and bones are below his dumb mouth, aren't they?
Spooks, July 02, 2017, 09:29:51 am

Don't worry, the spriters on the first pokemon game made the same mistake.

beelzeboob Runic STOG Malten Shell Game A Meat

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Drawings from last night:

The hot bean water comment was from someone in this forum (maybe even this thread?). I thought about it again last night and had a good laugh.

The Sexy Sweater Gang was after an image of these dudes in knitted sweaters  for an ad. I'm sure you've seen it before.
Lemon Gyro Liatai

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Hello, I'm back to clog up this thread with more dumb journal sketches.

Can you tell I was listening to the Findumb episode? It was supposed to say "That's One Keen Ween", but the bell end on the last N makes it look like "That's One Keen Weed".

Was on a good roll with faces until the last one, where the expression was a little too... yaoi? That one face specifically. If you want to practice faces, Line of Action has an okay faces and expressions collection. It's not as good as their figures one, but there's a decent range of races mixed in there.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to separate this from the doodles.

What would be a good way to encourage people to post more? This thread is to get us all practicing and have fun, at least that was the intention. Would something like monthly/weekly drawing prompts (like the SA doodles thread)help? Bribes? Challenges? Maybe pick a specific medium for everyone to try for a month? Pick an image or clip to use as inspiration?

Please doodle thread regulars, you're my only hope.


  • Risen from the tits of hell.
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What would be a good way to encourage people to post more?
Sanguinary Novel, July 12, 2017, 08:19:58 pm

Shoot, didn't mean to bulb that.

The biggest problem I personally encounter when posting in here is that I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be posting sketches specifically, or unfinished artwork. I rarely have either of those things lying around, and if I do it's for something really, really lame. I guess making clearer guidelines would have me in here more frequently, because I'd know exactly what was expected of me and I wouldn't start stressing about whose expectations I wasn't meeting.

That said, a regular drawing prompt would probably also be a great idea! Interactive threads are always more fun than just posting and running.