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Topic: F Plus Quotes Thread  (Read 603453 times)

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F Plus Quotes Thread #735
Linda was from the "How to wear adult diapers" wikihow, either 177 or 176.
TurkeyVolumeGuessing, June 05, 2017, 08:44:20 pm
I found it by happenstance while re-listening to some episodes at work. It's definitely 177. Thanks everyone!


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F Plus Quotes Thread #736
I vaguely recall that there was an episode where Lemon (I think) started going on about the Marxist symbolism of Mario, and then somebody else came in and interrupted him with the actual episode topic. Was that a real thing, or a fever dream thing?
LancashireMcGee, May 29, 2017, 05:27:04 pm

That rings a bell, so if you hallucinated it, than I did too. After going back through a bunch of old episode intros, I can't seem to pinpoint which episode actually contains it, though.
Neal, June 01, 2017, 02:06:54 pm

You might both be thinking of episode 11: A Feeling of Kinship. John Toast starts with "Video Game as Art: An Exploration of the Super Mario Brothers Franchise", then Lemon pops in with the actual topic.

Sherman Tank

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F Plus Quotes Thread #737
"So we meet again, General Cumtalk..."


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F Plus Quotes Thread #738


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F Plus Quotes Thread #739
Wanna watch a fat super saiyan cum?
A Meat Shigan

Vinny Possum

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F Plus Quotes Thread #740
Not an exact quote, but STOG desperately trying to get into a fuck party no one wanted to be a part of in "I'll Show You the Life of the Mind" was beautiful and perfect.
Corn Syrup Shigan

Sherman Tank

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F Plus Quotes Thread #741
"Oh don't go near vegan, you always run out of cigarettes."
chai tea latte


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F Plus Quotes Thread #742
STOG: Dangerous plants are cool and all, I just planted 1000 venus flytraps in my neighbour's yard
Corn Syrup Yavuz Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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F Plus Quotes Thread #743

I know this was posted like five times in the other thread, but I have no regrets.
Sherman Tank Yavuz Shell Game Cirr Liatai Puppy Time

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F Plus Quotes Thread #744

I know this was posted like five times in the other thread, but I have no regrets.
Caroline, July 30, 2017, 12:36:57 pm

Seeing as you are an F Plus quote, I think you're in the clear.
Cirr Sherman Tank Caroline bubbleuj SHAMBA~1.SBB I Liked That Joke


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F Plus Quotes Thread #745
Stog: Scrampf...... that's the sound a cake makes when you sit on it
Shell Game babudarabu Corn Syrup Eider Duck chai tea latte Hoopy Liatai kalensc bubbleuj Shigan Yavuz


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F Plus Quotes Thread #746
"So Marcus, you're gonna have to turn and cough, no homo."
Adam Bozarth in #085, the delivery is perfect.
Lady Frenzy Liatai

Sherman Tank

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F Plus Quotes Thread #747
I do like risotto—I did like risotto! I did like risotto!


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F Plus Quotes Thread #748
"Aside from that, his former fiancee died of Leukemia some time ago as well. Her name was Cecilia.


Adam's delivery kills me every time
xX_sp00ks_Xx Yavuz Saoirse-Lilith curlicuecal Adam Bozarth Liatai


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F Plus Quotes Thread #749
Stog: I feel like I need the placenta more than the baby does and the baby needs a levelheaded mama more than it needs the placenta!
Lemon: Baby needs a levelheaded mama... who eats... placentas...
Corn Syrup chai tea latte Mix kalensc Yavuz