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June 01, 2024, 11:16:27 pm

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Topic: Hi I'm Sauce I make things from metal (mainly jewellery)  (Read 5607 times)


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So, I finally decided to pony up the £7.82 and join the ball pit. Thought I may as well start by making it all about me.

I'm currently (though not for long) the co-owner of a small metalwork business called the Leaky Crucible (http://leakycrucible.com) where I made and sold jewellery stuff.

I've had a bit of a disagreement with my business partner about various things, so I'm currently in the process of looking for a new workshop (and possibly having to come up with a new brand etc) but in the meantime here's a few things I've made I'm particularly happy with. They're all handmade and I'm pretty proud of my work (although I know I have a lot to learn).

A Manchester Worker Bee - by far my best selling piece, cut from sterling silver

A keyring I made as a gift for JW Friedman of IDEOTVpod fame - layers of copper riveted to a stainless steel core with brass rivets

A Welsh Dragon necklace - hand engraved sterling silver plated with 24 carat gold

An astrology-themed wall clock - made this as a gift for my mum who is (believe it or not) a professional fortune teller

Anyway, would love to get any feedback on what folks think, and if anyone wants something made I'll be happy to offer a ballpit discount once I get my business settled.

Bodark Nikaer Drekin Liatai Emperor Jack Chick . ikaribattousai chai tea latte birdie Salubrious Rex


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  • Screw it, I'll go with they/them
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So I just realised I never got round to formally tooting my own horn about my business relaunch, I finally dissolved the old partnership, moved to Kent, and now I'm up and running at www.dunnjewellery.com

Here's a few things I've made more recently:

If you do decide to purchase any of my wares, or commission me to make something special, you can use the coupon code WHEREHARDONSCOLLIDE for 30% off everything!

beelzeboob Achilles' Heelies NutshellGulag Liatai chai tea latte Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. Ashto toxcity Salubrious Rex