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Topic: 345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy  (Read 36859 times)


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy
Frank West Diploskull Semantic Weeb positive stress Achilles' Heelies Seth "Slimy" Rollins Immoral Filth A Meat Shell Game chai tea latte kthorjensen Mix Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB junior associate faguar


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #1
I’m 28 minutes in and I’ve just paid for a Ballpit account because this episode has made me laugh so much.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins Adam Bozarth Achilles' Heelies Immoral Filth Lemon GirlKisser420 Captain Fargle Penultimatum cube abuser chai tea latte Sauce Mix Phantom Creep adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB junior associate faguar


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #2
With all this talk of punishment I'm very surprised that looking up Danganronpa stuff on the wiki brings up nothing. Zero results for either Monokuma or Junko Enoshima.
Tipsy Almond


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #3
Whoever manifested this wiki on the lathe of heaven needs to be stopped
Penultimatum SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 02:23:02 am by Spacebat »


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #4
Looking at the front page of the wiki is what I must imagine people mean when they use the adjective "eldritch". It defies description, it's insane in a fractal way. No matter how deep you dive, there's just... more Supernanny Fanon.
Immoral Filth


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #5
i can't believe you found an entire community of Dozerfleet Founders
dractivisionary Cat Walking On Keyboard Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #6
This is an anxiety dream in episode form: nothing makes sense, but everything is terribly, terribly distressing. I have too many thoughts, so here is a goddamn list:

1. Are there really multiple people involved with this fucking thing? How? This all reads like the rantings of one hideous mind, like Henry Darger watched a lot of reality TV and got a Wikia account.

2. God fucking bless the fact that, even when the fanon wiki is for goddamn Supernanny, every fanon wiki still has to have at least one super-powerful supernatural OC with a listing of their complex magical combat powers, at least some of which are stolen from Pokemon.

3. I feel like every animal in the Creepy Zoo is someone's Sonic OC.

4. I appreciate that there's a lot of Yo Mama content even though the writer in question basically plays the Dozens like Philippe:

Seriously, what is this fucking episode? How is this real??
Seth "Slimy" Rollins chai tea latte KingKalamari Mz Saturn Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 04:16:40 am by Antivehicular »


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #7
Okay I made a Dozerfleet joke but the thing this really reminds me of is Saganfan1983 because of the weird morality/punishment complex that gets sublimated into the context of Sando Aqua Monsters and/or Supernannies. So much of this was seventh graders discovering that you can just type curse words on the internet and then they're on the internet the curse words that you typed oh my god!!!
Mz Saturn SHAMBA~1.SBB

Captain Fargle

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #8
When I saw the episode topic I got this incredible thrill of anticipation because HOO BOY. You don't make a fanon wiki for fucking Supernanny without being severely broken.

For reference: Jo Frost was the star of the actual original show and probably the only real person mentioned in this episode.

Captain Fargle

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #9
Also, I REALLY need to emphasize this, Supernanny was extremely mundane TV. About as simple and straightforward as it's possible to get.

I remember watching a bit of it, since it was airing back when I was still watching broadcast television, and it's literally just having a camera rolling while parents who weren't particularly well equipped to handle having small children around all the time were taught by a childcare professional to actually enforce rules and not be huge doormats.

It would have been just as appropriate to call the show "Parenting 101" and THIS is what they made of it.

Jesus christ.

Spacebat Immoral Filth Mz Saturn


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #10
Also, I REALLY need to emphasize this, Supernanny was extremely mundane TV. About as simple and straightforward as it's possible to get.

I remember watching a bit of it, since it was airing back when I was still watching broadcast television, and it's literally just having a camera rolling while parents who weren't particularly well equipped to handle having small children around all the time were taught by a childcare professional to actually enforce rules and not be huge doormats.

It would have been just as appropriate to call the show "Parenting 101" and THIS is what they made of it.

Jesus christ.
Captain Fargle, February 07, 2021, 05:20:01 am

I think that's what's fucking me up most about this. Aside from the super rare shock episode I think 99% of actual Supernanny was just 'your kids clearly have no sense of boundaries, it sucks to tell your child 'no' and be firm but you're their parent not their friend, do it for their own good if nothing else' stuff. Like, it's genuinely disturbing to imagine the mind that takes the most generic parenting 101 show and takes it to all this stuff.

Truly, this is why the F Plus exists, to find genuinely insane stuff like this and go 'wow check this out'. You can't cure the brain virus it causes when you first find a site like this exists, but we can spread it.


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #11
Also, I REALLY need to emphasize this, Supernanny was extremely mundane TV. About as simple and straightforward as it's possible to get.

I remember watching a bit of it, since it was airing back when I was still watching broadcast television, and it's literally just having a camera rolling while parents who weren't particularly well equipped to handle having small children around all the time were taught by a childcare professional to actually enforce rules and not be huge doormats.

It would have been just as appropriate to call the show "Parenting 101" and THIS is what they made of it.

Jesus christ.
Captain Fargle, February 07, 2021, 05:20:01 am
Was thinking about it last night and I have a feeling this wiki is kinda am extension of kids writing super edgy versions of children's shows. Children's shows are very tame, which for some people makes it super fun to corrupt them or attempt to make them seem bad by portraying them in a certain way, and that's the same but instead with supernanny.

positive stress

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #12
Was thinking about it last night and I have a feeling this wiki is kinda am extension of kids writing super edgy versions of children's shows. Children's shows are very tame, which for some people makes it super fun to corrupt them or attempt to make them seem bad by portraying them in a certain way, and that's the same but instead with supernanny.
dractivisionary, February 07, 2021, 09:58:12 am
Absolutely. From what I saw of the wiki I'm almost 100% certain that these are a bunch of kids, probably like 11 or 12 or so, just practicing a prolonged game of internet oneupsmanship. You thought YOUR fanon episode was crazy?! Well here's MINE! Your teenager has been kicked out of school? Well mine has been kicked out of a HUNDRED schools!!!

For this reason I disagree with calling them "severely broken" and instead posit that they are "very funny"
Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Cat Walking On Keyboard Great Joe Antivehicular Seth "Slimy" Rollins Positronic Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB

Achilles' Heelies

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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #13
Was thinking about it last night and I have a feeling this wiki is kinda am extension of kids writing super edgy versions of children's shows. Children's shows are very tame, which for some people makes it super fun to corrupt them or attempt to make them seem bad by portraying them in a certain way, and that's the same but instead with supernanny.
dractivisionary, February 07, 2021, 09:58:12 am
Absolutely. From what I saw of the wiki I'm almost 100% certain that these are a bunch of kids, probably like 11 or 12 or so, just practicing a prolonged game of internet oneupsmanship. You thought YOUR fanon episode was crazy?! Well here's MINE! Your teenager has been kicked out of school? Well mine has been kicked out of a HUNDRED schools!!!

For this reason I disagree with calling them "severely broken" and instead posit that they are "very funny"
positive stress, February 07, 2021, 10:39:23 am
I agree they were kids when they started, but they have been writing on the wiki for about a decade, so they aren't kids anymore...
Shell Game SHAMBA~1.SBB


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345: Thisepisodeis Verycrazy #14
they have been writing on the wiki for about a decade, so they aren't kids anymore...
Achilles' Heelies, February 07, 2021, 10:51:28 am

the hero's journey
chai tea latte Great Joe Sauce Achilles' Heelies A Meat Immoral Filth Seth "Slimy" Rollins Dr. Buttplug SHAMBA~1.SBB