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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018086 times)

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Doc please!! I'd even enjoy an entire doc on "Bitcoin Ruined My Marriage", because although Bitcoin is the lede, there's always some other dumbass thing these idiots are doing to cause divorce that comes out in the post. Like "I spent our child's college savings on Bitcoin. Also my wife tells me not wiping my asshole is gross, but touching the butt is gay!"

A Meat

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Doc please!! I'd even enjoy an entire doc on "Bitcoin Ruined My Marriage", because although Bitcoin is the lede, there's always some other dumbass thing these idiots are doing to cause divorce that comes out in the post. Like "I spent our child's college savings on Bitcoin. Also my wife tells me not wiping my asshole is gross, but touching the butt is gay!"
Sangry Novel, February 28, 2018, 07:41:26 am
With cryptocurrency obsessives you never know what kind of madness you'll find when you dive into their psyche, because it's encrypted, also because there's a whole lot of strange thinking and poor decisions.

now for my thought: is there a cryptocurrency specifically for conspiracy theorists?


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Info coin: there's a war on for your wallet

Also a few people in the comments are suggesting that particular "I spent an irresponsible amount of money on bitcoin and ruined my marriage" could be fake because some of the numbers don't make sense but I've seen at least two other things to the same effect so it hardly matters

Apparently the two things on Reddit most threatened with ruination are marriages and the childhoods of 30 somethings

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Boner drift, otherwise known as the Bonerton Window
Shell Game Frank West Dr. Buttplug bubbleuj


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if you cant handle simpsons characters at their front-facing, you dont deserve them at their profile
Lemon bubbleuj

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Trying to get to sleep, and thought about that time in high school my creative writing/debate teacher gave me the first part of his novel to read. It was some serious proto-MRA trash about a dystopian matriarchal society where all men were second-class citizens and were strictly forbidden from sex. Like for real had a graphic scene with the main character masturbating with a "black box" so the lady police wouldn't know.

I just realized how fucked up that was to give to a high school student. And speaks fucking volumes about what kind of person he was.

Sherman Tank

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I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "poo poo" as excitedly as Portaxx in the Paula Dean recipe episode.


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Trying to get to sleep, and thought about that time in high school my creative writing/debate teacher gave me the first part of his novel to read. It was some serious proto-MRA trash about a dystopian matriarchal society where all men were second-class citizens and were strictly forbidden from sex. Like for real had a graphic scene with the main character masturbating with a "black box" so the lady police wouldn't know.

I just realized how fucked up that was to give to a high school student. And speaks fucking volumes about what kind of person he was.
Sangry Novel, February 28, 2018, 10:57:44 pm

How did your respond to that at the time?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Trying to get to sleep, and thought about that time in high school my creative writing/debate teacher gave me the first part of his novel to read. It was some serious proto-MRA trash about a dystopian matriarchal society where all men were second-class citizens and were strictly forbidden from sex. Like for real had a graphic scene with the main character masturbating with a "black box" so the lady police wouldn't know.

I just realized how fucked up that was to give to a high school student. And speaks fucking volumes about what kind of person he was.
Sangry Novel, February 28, 2018, 10:57:44 pm

How did your respond to that at the time?
Lemon, March 01, 2018, 09:19:22 am

Well Lemon, I was a turbo awkward goober when I was in high school, so I said it was interesting and smiled my way through the conversation. The reading itself was vaguely uncomfortable and bad in a way I couldn't describe at the time, but I thought that was because I was probably wrong and just didn't read enough dystopian fiction to make a comment. I distinctly remember him asking me if I got the metaphor when the main character walking down a narrow, moist red hall to approach the matriarch council. He was one of the nerdy teachers in school, and when you're a teen (and an idiot), that holds a lot of value. He lent me Babylon 5, but he also lent me Y: The Last Man, which should have been a real red flag there. Looking back as an adult, it's kinda a terrifying insight to how teacher-student abuse happens, and how that power and authority makes you a real piece of shit in that situation.

I also wonder if I still have the word file somewhere.


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Like for real had a graphic scene with the main character masturbating with a "black box" so the lady police wouldn't know.
Sangry Novel, February 28, 2018, 10:57:44 pm
"Now, if the black box is so stealthy, why don't they just make my whole dick out of it?"
Macho Masc Sangy Savage chai tea latte Yavuz Lemon Shell Game Corn Syrup bubbleuj

A Meat

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The Invisible Man, only instead of turning to a life of crime, he just mostly sits in his room and weeps
Wrought Dr. Buttplug


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I was at school and I was thinking about what if I wanted to teach in Asia as a career, and somehow that train of thought led me to "I have to look up and see whether there's an /r/gaijin once I get home". At first I was expecting just a bunch of shitposts about how it's not like how my japanese animes said it was, but then I thought about it more and I realized it might be a decent support network for foreigners living in Japan, as, to my understanding, it can be a very difficult and at times unfriendly society to acclimate to.
Unfortunately it is just shitposts including videos of people eating japanese snack food and going "oooh woooow it's not the same as this country i live in several thousand miles away" and another one of someone getting a wild deer drunk.
It looks like /r/japanlife is a better subreddit for what I was hoping for, but even that has a thread asking for good places to listen to "anime music".
I'm scared of traveling and I don't know how well I'd actually do in the country even if I do learn the language or how well I'd do on my own, but I'd like to teach English there. There are other people talking about this goal in the japanlife subreddit, but japan as a society can be very xenophobic from what I've heard and I want to teach students that foreigners aren't people you need to be scared or distrustful of. I don't know. It's 1:30 am and I haven't slept well recently, but this is a life goal that feels good and isn't totally out of my reach.

lazzer grardaion?

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I was at school and I was thinking about what if I wanted to teach in Asia as a career, and somehow that train of thought led me to "I have to look up and see whether there's an /r/gaijin once I get home". At first I was expecting just a bunch of shitposts about how it's not like how my japanese animes said it was, but then I thought about it more and I realized it might be a decent support network for foreigners living in Japan, as, to my understanding, it can be a very difficult and at times unfriendly society to acclimate to.
Unfortunately it is just shitposts including videos of people eating japanese snack food and going "oooh woooow it's not the same as this country i live in several thousand miles away" and another one of someone getting a wild deer drunk.
It looks like /r/japanlife is a better subreddit for what I was hoping for, but even that has a thread asking for good places to listen to "anime music".
I'm scared of traveling and I don't know how well I'd actually do in the country even if I do learn the language or how well I'd do on my own, but I'd like to teach English there. There are other people talking about this goal in the japanlife subreddit, but japan as a society can be very xenophobic from what I've heard and I want to teach students that foreigners aren't people you need to be scared or distrustful of. I don't know. It's 1:30 am and I haven't slept well recently, but this is a life goal that feels good and isn't totally out of my reach.
Wrought, March 01, 2018, 11:33:33 pm

I have a friend who is currently living the dream teaching English in Japan, and recently she got to be on national television! The way she described it was that white people are kind of viewed as toys in Japan, and "Japanese TV is pretty bad about twisting or falsifying the contents of interviews with foreigners. ". But hey, if you've got a moderately thick skin and don't take things too personally, it can be fun. She's having fun, you can have fun, fucking go for it!

My pointless thought of the day was that every tiny point of light in the sky is a fusion reaction of unimaginable magnitude beamed across distances of unimaginable magnitude and I almost fell off my bike.

chai tea latte

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I was at school and I was thinking about what if I wanted to teach in Asia as a career, and somehow that train of thought led me to "I have to look up and see whether there's an /r/gaijin once I get home". At first I was expecting just a bunch of shitposts about how it's not like how my japanese animes said it was, but then I thought about it more and I realized it might be a decent support network for foreigners living in Japan, as, to my understanding, it can be a very difficult and at times unfriendly society to acclimate to.
Unfortunately it is just shitposts including videos of people eating japanese snack food and going "oooh woooow it's not the same as this country i live in several thousand miles away" and another one of someone getting a wild deer drunk.
It looks like /r/japanlife is a better subreddit for what I was hoping for, but even that has a thread asking for good places to listen to "anime music".
I'm scared of traveling and I don't know how well I'd actually do in the country even if I do learn the language or how well I'd do on my own, but I'd like to teach English there. There are other people talking about this goal in the japanlife subreddit, but japan as a society can be very xenophobic from what I've heard and I want to teach students that foreigners aren't people you need to be scared or distrustful of. I don't know. It's 1:30 am and I haven't slept well recently, but this is a life goal that feels good and isn't totally out of my reach.
Wrought, March 01, 2018, 11:33:33 pm
I would reccomend teaching in South Korea instead of Japan if you're open to it. Feel free to pm me about TESL work.