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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147270 times)


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How is no one talking about the article that came out on Roosh V. actually living in his mother's basement and needing police assistance because his "legalize rape" rallies seemed to have somehow upset some people?


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How is no one talking about the article that came out on Roosh V. actually living in his mother's basement and needing police assistance because his "legalize rape" rallies seemed to have somehow upset some people?
agentmonster cockogue, February 21, 2016, 12:13:26 am

The more I pretend that he doesn't exist, and that one of those rallies wasn't about to take place mere blocks from where I live, the better the odds that he may not actually exist at all.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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How is no one talking about the article that came out on Roosh V. actually living in his mother's basement and needing police assistance because his "legalize rape" rallies seemed to have somehow upset some people?
agentmonster cockogue, February 21, 2016, 12:13:26 am


I know I don't say this often but LOLOLOLOL


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At the door: Daily Mail Online was present as a Montgomery County Police officer arrived at Daryush Valizadeh's mother's home, where the 36-year-old lives in the basement. He had called 911 over threats


One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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At the door: Daily Mail Online was present as a Montgomery County Police officer arrived at Daryush Valizadeh's mother's home, where the 36-year-old lives in the basement. He had called 911 over threats

Ashto, February 21, 2016, 01:22:08 am

positive stress Sherman Tank Nifty Nif Bodark Fanzay Really_Quite_Nice Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

Emperor Jack Chick

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Mango Tango

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I see Fred bottled water at the grocery store. I guess it was always there, but I never noticed it (him?) until after I listened to the bottled water ep.
🍆, January 28, 2014, 08:44:14 pm

I work at a grocery store and i see Fred water every time I go into the back room to restock. 

junior associate faguar

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I was really excited about my most recent therapist, but at my last appointment he started lecturing me about how I'm as bad as Republicans that intentionally misgender Caitlyn Jenner if I don't accept that otherkin are real (not fictives or mediakin, those are totally fake), so I don't think he's actually that good any more.

Sherman Tank

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I was really excited about my most recent therapist, but at my last appointment he started lecturing me about how I'm as bad as Republicans that intentionally misgender Caitlyn Jenner if I don't accept that otherkin are real (not fictives or mediakin, those are totally fake), so I don't think he's actually that good any more.
journeyman faguar, February 24, 2016, 10:36:36 pm


One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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I was really excited about my most recent therapist, but at my last appointment he started lecturing me about how I'm as bad as Republicans that intentionally misgender Caitlyn Jenner if I don't accept that otherkin are real (not fictives or mediakin, those are totally fake), so I don't think he's actually that good any more.
journeyman faguar, February 24, 2016, 10:36:36 pm

"I feel like a wolf with human sapience!"
"... oh and I feel like I should have a unicorn horn too!"
Bodark Sherman Tank chai tea latte junior associate faguar Gyro Maxine Headroom Triggerhappy938


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The furry and the vampire hit it off at work yesterday. I'm happy for them.

I was really excited about my most recent therapist, but at my last appointment he started lecturing me about how I'm as bad as Republicans that intentionally misgender Caitlyn Jenner if I don't accept that otherkin are real (not fictives or mediakin, those are totally fake), so I don't think he's actually that good any more.
journeyman faguar, February 24, 2016, 10:36:36 pm

Oh no.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Knitting Machine

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Here I thought it was bad when my old therapist told me to bootstrap my way out of depression by accepting Jesus.

Emperor Jack Chick

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The furry and the vampire hit it off at work yesterday. I'm happy for them.
LINDA, February 25, 2016, 10:20:54 am

... go on.
Sherman Tank


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The furry and the vampire hit it off at work yesterday. I'm happy for them.
LINDA, February 25, 2016, 10:20:54 am

... go on.
jack chick, February 25, 2016, 02:37:36 pm

What happens when a gay wolf furry who takes social cues from webcomics meets the newbie who wears their Camarilla allegiance on their sleeve--and their neck, in the form of a VtM branded collar?! Find out this fall on ABC!
Nifty Nif Bodark Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop junior associate faguar McMillan and Waifu Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Recently I found out a friend at work is not only a drug dealer but also a believer in the info wars version of 'truth'.