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Topic: Workplace power moves  (Read 32123 times)

Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

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Workplace power moves #30
Fire your boss before your boss fires you.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte Shell Game

chai tea latte

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Workplace power moves #31
Fire your boss before your boss fires you.
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, January 06, 2019, 10:13:51 pm
1v1 the ceo
Shell Game birdie

Dr. Buttplug

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Workplace power moves #32
Fire your boss before your boss fires you.
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, January 06, 2019, 10:13:51 pm
1v1 the ceo
chai tea latte, January 07, 2019, 01:32:37 am
Had to do this once. Had a boss who kept telling me I'd have a set 40 hour schedule and then suddenly I wouldn't have anyone to relieve me at the end of the day and "whoops" I guess I'm working 16 hours three or four days out of the week. His lying got old real fast, but I guess he had pissed off the client long before I got there. So one morning, I was made to come in early and sat at his desk and had to tell him to go to the head office downtown to "talk" with the area manager.

I had found out his ass was grass long before he had any inkling, and he'd done me so dirty I didn't even feel bad.

Then I had to help train his replacement, which was weird. They offered me the spot but I was not going to try and clean up that mess. I just moved on to a different site after a couple weeks.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Workplace power moves #33
Fire your boss before your boss fires you.
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, January 06, 2019, 10:13:51 pm
1v1 the ceo
chai tea latte, January 07, 2019, 01:32:37 am

You'll find that LexiCorp is a PvP  business. The kitchen is the safe area, but once you leave that space your ass is grass. Be careful of Ted from upper management, he likes to spawn camp for newbies right next to the fridge.
Liatai birdie

Victor Laszlo

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Workplace power moves #34
When your client gets mad at your legal advice and calls in another lawyer to overrule you, set up a call with that other lawyer to try to limit the client’s ability to undermine you.

I am absolutely terrified that I will get fired over this one, but the status quo is unacceptable.
Cheapskate, November 19, 2018, 06:49:36 pm

When people don't like his legal advice, my friend the seasoned attorney tells them, "I'm giving you sound advice regarding the law, but you have a business decision to make."


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Workplace power moves #35
give all the loud and generally disruptive children incredibly disgusted looks so they stop. the parents won't tell them to sit down and stop messing with shit around the lobby so i'll do it for them.
only done this twice since it involves luck and good timing(we have to be slow and the child has to look my way first) but it worked both times.

babies and really young kids are exempt from the rule because they don't understand proper behavior. babies and toddlers are gonna cry and that's understandable. but if your 9-year-old is messing with the chairs, running around and disturbing other customers, and you're just ignoring them? i'm going to stare that spoiled little brat down. that kid will have nightmares for weeks. if you're not going to teach your child to not treat public areas like a playground, then i will. eat my shits and turds, neglectful parents.

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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Workplace power moves #36
fire yourself


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Workplace power moves #37
I forgot - looking for and applying to new jobs while at work
Abby Normal, November 08, 2018, 04:52:10 pm
Wearing your new job interview clothes to work beforehand.
Turtle, November 08, 2018, 04:59:14 pm

printing out your resume on the shared printer at your current job for your interview at a different job while wearing your interview clothes

- my coworker

Shell Game

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Workplace power moves #38
I forgot - looking for and applying to new jobs while at work
Abby Normal, November 08, 2018, 04:52:10 pm
Wearing your new job interview clothes to work beforehand.
Turtle, November 08, 2018, 04:59:14 pm

printing out your resume on the shared printer at your current job for your interview at a different job while wearing your interview clothes

- my coworker
LINDA, January 30, 2019, 01:26:10 pm
Insist your new employer hire you, in person, while at your current job.
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug


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Workplace power moves #39
Pack a suitcase and change into your interview clothes mid-shift.

Ragnarok Boobies

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Workplace power moves #40
Start and operate your new job out of your cubicle at your current job and hold training sessions for your employees in the conference room. Reassure new hires that “It’s ok. I already gave them my two weeks notice.”


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Workplace power moves #41
Two weeks notice huh, I'll give you Too Weak Notice, Hrargh! and then you throw a standing desk at them
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Wrought . Spenny Shell Game birdie


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Workplace power moves #42
Actual power move observed in the wild:

When someone says "welcome", you tell them "I am."
chai tea latte RoeCocoa Carbon


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Workplace power moves #43
Done to me today: for every point or suggestion they make, answer "Oh yeah, you weren't in that meeting".

A Meat

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Workplace power moves #44
one day I hope to hear this sentence in the wild:

Can you do this for me? I've got better things to do